RT @GoBeepUK: @WalleyRay @roinnslainte @merrionstreet Knowing anti-vapers are pathologically deceitful; focus should be on ending their car…
RT @jkelovuori: @WalleyRay @roinnslainte @merrionstreet Gateway? Nope. https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @GoBeepUK: @WalleyRay @roinnslainte @merrionstreet Knowing anti-vapers are pathologically deceitful; focus should be on ending their car…
@WalleyRay @roinnslainte @merrionstreet Knowing anti-vapers are pathologically deceitful; focus should be on ending their careers. No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.
@TermyLC @JodieMatar @SandroDemaio If vaping is a gateway to smoking why is smoking falling like a stone? Why are cessation rates accelerating? https://t.co/iYNthZ7x9G https://t.co/bsfzk7CfAl
@WalleyRay @roinnslainte @merrionstreet Gateway? Nope. https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
@DrJimmy_TeenDoc No, they don't. The gateway is away or diversion from smoking. Common liability explains associations. Not a causal pathway. https://t.co/Njtc1xvj5x
@Wdekanter @SimonChapman6 @AshOrg @BathTR @TahirTturk @MinVWS @wwwTabakNee Maybe in a reality where this phenomenon occurred, but not ours. https://t.co/ywsPwlCfPj
RT @FBaeyens: @FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both…
RT @jkelovuori: @PrueGildea @ZachEvans79 @quitvic @Clive_Bates No gateway: 1) https://t.co/VLmXCD3jXN 2) https://t.co/RzjIlHMyiT 3) http…
@Mariana_CMPinho @rbapneumosono Pero, como hemos encontrado, no es lo que pasa! https://t.co/xMw3oxj6pk
RT @grove_mitchell: @antoni_baena @JonathanFoulds @TC_BMJ @yaelbarzeev Pero, como hemos encontrado, no es lo que pasa!
RT @FBaeyens: @FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both…
@grove_mitchell @antoni_baena @JonathanFoulds @TC_BMJ @yaelbarzeev Living thread here with more studies: https://t.co/vFuEGYUgKL
@antoni_baena @JonathanFoulds @TC_BMJ @yaelbarzeev Pero, como hemos encontrado, no es lo que pasa!
@TC_BMJ No, I don’t think so..
RT @FBaeyens: @FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both…
RT @FBaeyens: @FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both…
RT @FBaeyens: @FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both…
RT @FBaeyens: @FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both…
@FilipLardon @destandaard “The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both youth and young adults and for current and more established smoking.” https://t.co/uuj6qaHeVK
@Kapur_AK @No1spec09418373 @DonDavies Consider reading the evidence instead of making it up: -https://t.co/ws7cvqpN6z -https://t.co/jRGftTucOA -https://t.co/uwOEqFry1G -https://t.co/afHeBkVdNI -https://t.co/iYNthZ7x9G Also, dependence is not the same as a
RT @GoBeepUK: @TC_BMJ Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https…
RT @GoBeepUK: @TC_BMJ Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https…
@TC_BMJ Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2oQTCpR7
@irishpharmacist Trotting out all the usual flawed talking points like "gateway" and "doesn't help with quitting smoking". First, the "gateway" -theory is wrong. https://t.co/QDQLsGLlzc
@AdolescentSRNT Common liabilty / Risk-taking phenotype https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 No evidence of / Trends argue against gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV https://t
@HWierola @Laakarilehti Nikotiinipitoisten sähkösavukkeiden ja nesteiden myynti ei ole koskaan ollut sallittua Australiassa. Vuoden 2021 "reseptipakko" räjäytti pimeät markkinat kasvuun ja nuorten käytön sen myötä. Sitäkö haluat Suomeenkin? Mitä tulee "po
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @jkelovuori: @grove_mitchell @Mark_Butler_MP An updated and living thread here: https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: @grove_mitchell @Mark_Butler_MP An updated and living thread here: https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @EdwardHubert4: @havyatt @JohnRuddick2 @LibDemNSW The gateway theory disproven numerous times. https://t.co/fP2XTo7aAu
RT @jkelovuori: @grove_mitchell @Mark_Butler_MP An updated and living thread here: https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: @grove_mitchell @Mark_Butler_MP An updated and living thread here: https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
@grove_mitchell @Mark_Butler_MP An updated and living thread here: https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
@fergus244 @Mark_Butler_MP Here’s some!😃👍🏼 (actually, it’s 15 studies to the contrary, but there are none that actually SUPPORT his case, because he’s very wrong)
@paulwiggins @stewartj777 @Mark_Butler_MP He has absolutely no case, let alone “compelling”
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @GoBeepUK: @TahirTturk @Mark_Butler_MP https://t.co/S3276V9RWi The links of prohibitionist approach to vaping leading to smoking are th…
RT @acvoda: Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret…
RT @acvoda: Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret…
RT @acvoda: Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret…
RT @acvoda: Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret #Smaaknoodzaak #dampen @MinVWS @MaartenOoijen @EsigbondNL
RT @GoBeepUK: @TahirTturk @Mark_Butler_MP https://t.co/S3276V9RWi The links of prohibitionist approach to vaping leading to smoking are th…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
Haa haa, my smoking led to my vaping!!! Der!!
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
RT @julianbuchanan: This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spen…
This has been a classic strategy of prohibition for 50yrs. Make stuff up and reformers embark on endless research spending all their effort refuting propaganda. Knowing prohibitionists won't let evidence get in the way of their beliefs
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @GoBeepUK: @TahirTturk @Mark_Butler_MP https://t.co/S3276V9RWi The links of prohibitionist approach to vaping leading to smoking are th…
@havyatt @JohnRuddick2 @LibDemNSW The gateway theory disproven numerous times. https://t.co/fP2XTo7aAu
@TahirTturk @Mark_Butler_MP https://t.co/S3276V9RWi The links of prohibitionist approach to vaping leading to smoking are there: https://t.co/05QfaqodID Lots of misleading evidence/interpretations, unestablished links & "likelihoods" guiding policy i
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @phil_w888: Threadmeister approved 👇
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…