@KulikovUNIATF @ParentsvsVape @SDG2030 @TobaccoFreeKids @TC_BMJ @YouthHealthCom1 @YouthHealthFest @Our_KidsHealth @KidsHealthAllnc @Lui_kidshealth @CDC_DASH The "gateway" seems to function in the opposite direction than what you're claiming. https://t.co/
@WHO The sky is blue. Vaping is not a gateway. Disinformation on a massive scale is murder.
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
@Bludn_Gore @SandroDemaio @Mark_Butler_MP @DrBFreeman @amapresident There are quite a few... https://t.co/QL1Ur1Hnu9
@vincristine @NZMorningReport Claims that vaping has been the single most successful strategy reducing smoking are true, so therefore you are wrong. Loads of studies show this. https://t.co/S71a6Dt7Te
@Lilablau23 @docsteinmetz @RenateKuenast The "gateway" theory is false. https://t.co/0A3Z87Y74i
@phil_w888 @HsehealthW The "gateway" theory is bunk. https://t.co/HJgQCApazv
@CoDoc442 "More likely" <> causation. "... trying [e-cigs] may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at the population level appears to be negligible given the reduction in smoking initiation during the period of vaping’s
@sabrown134 @DHSCgovuk Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https:
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @Kurt_Yeo: 👇👇👇👇 More evidence the @ParliamentofRSA Portfolio Committee of Health needs to consider, and @MRCza @CANSA @SAQuitline should…
👇👇👇👇 More evidence the @ParliamentofRSA Portfolio Committee of Health needs to consider, and @MRCza @CANSA @SAQuitline should be sharing.
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
@NCETAFlinders “According to the state government” 🤣 According to the actual research:
@Stumppifi Tupakoinnin lisääntyminen Australialaisilla nuorilla perustuu vähintäänkin kysenalaiseen kyselyyn: https://t.co/wZLPXhZOGt Mutta jos se osoittautuu oikeaksi, on syytä olla seuraamatta Australian linjaa: https://t.co/6XdoC0i5cW "Porttiteorias
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: @toryboypierce Not a gateway... https://t.co/HJgQCApazv
RT @jkelovuori: @toryboypierce Not a gateway... https://t.co/HJgQCApazv
@toryboypierce Not a gateway... https://t.co/HJgQCApazv
@PervyPimp @Algore09algor @thatreviewplace And youth who smoke are more likely to take up vaping. Kids who do risky stuff do other risky stuff. It's called "common liability". But convince kids they might as well smoke and they may do just that. How not
@PACTPak "Young individuals who start with e-cigarettes ***might*** transition to more harmful tobacco products" They might sprout wings and start flying too. https://t.co/L59rdp9EuU
RT @GoBeepUK: @anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t http…
RT @GoBeepUK: @anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t http…
RT @GoBeepUK: @anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t http…
RT @GoBeepUK: @anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t http…
RT @GoBeepUK: @anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t http…
RT @GoBeepUK: @anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t http…
@anzjph @quitvic @CancerVic @Deakin @terryslevin @_PHAA_ @Psychunimelb @UniMelb Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7
@Dentistry Finally, some more studies here: https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
@lcephillips @TomOsborneMHA - policies intended to reduce vaping may have increased cigarettes smoking: https://t.co/saQUgs6hj4 - vaping reduces the likelihood of becoming a daily smoker: https://t.co/lyeLsiB02P - vaping is associated with accelerated decl
RT @GoBeepUK: @exposetobacco Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gatew…
RT @GoBeepUK: @exposetobacco Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gatew…
@exposetobacco Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/
RT @GoBeepUK: @Sandpapersouls @Melaniekat01 @kasal_finley FDA's tobacco arm "struggled to function as a regulator" https://t.co/1FoTXRr517…
@terryslevin Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2oQ
@Sandpapersouls @Melaniekat01 @kasal_finley FDA's tobacco arm "struggled to function as a regulator" https://t.co/1FoTXRr517 No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2
@DrScottHadland Increases in youth vaping has coincided with less/accelerated declines in youth smoking: https://t.co/iYNthZ7x9G https://t.co/zOOzWSVbP0 https://t.co/lyeLsiB02P https://t.co/oCeXC3FZcx
RT @GoBeepUK: @LamsaLebanon "Research has yet to isolate nicotine use in the adolescent years"- 15 presidents of the SRNT https://t.co/lwsB…
@LamsaLebanon "Research has yet to isolate nicotine use in the adolescent years"- 15 presidents of the SRNT https://t.co/lwsBE8JHPa Rests primarily on rodent studies Show us the brain-damaged teenage smokers https://t.co/dmQF14C9Rf No Gateway https://t.co
@Emilie_Dye Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2oQ
RT @jkelovuori: @LNKhealth @truthinitiative I'd say young people with a propensity for risk-taking are less likely to take up regular smoki…
RT @jkelovuori: @LNKhealth @truthinitiative I'd say young people with a propensity for risk-taking are less likely to take up regular smoki…
RT @jkelovuori: @LNKhealth @truthinitiative I'd say young people with a propensity for risk-taking are less likely to take up regular smoki…
@LNKhealth @truthinitiative I'd say young people with a propensity for risk-taking are less likely to take up regular smoking if they have used e-cigarettes first. That would at least tally with reality ie. youth smoking continuously dropping and nearing
RT @i_like_vaping: @SEMG_ES @ContraCancerEs @CNPT_E @AZamoranoCNPT @joancmarch A ver si no estáis exagerando un poquico!!!! https://t.co/l…
RT @i_like_vaping: Los hay que han perdido el norte absolutamente: 1. Prohibir la alternativa segura mientras el tabaco es de libre acceso.…
@SEMG_ES @ContraCancerEs @CNPT_E @AZamoranoCNPT @joancmarch A ver si no estáis exagerando un poquico!!!! https://t.co/lHh58aUzaY https://t.co/IUJLuGeNZC
RT @i_like_vaping: Los hay que han perdido el norte absolutamente: 1. Prohibir la alternativa segura mientras el tabaco es de libre acceso.…
Los hay que han perdido el norte absolutamente: 1. Prohibir la alternativa segura mientras el tabaco es de libre acceso. 2. Proliferación del mercado negro. 3. Alarmismo sobre un hecho inexistente, vapeo es puerta de salida al tabaquismo: https://t.co/lHh5
@nofumadores @PSOE @ppopular @sumar @vox_es “Se empieza por porros y se acaba en la heroína” ¿te sonará, no? Pero VAPEAR no es puerta de entrada al tabaquismo y está demostrado científica y empíricamente: https://t.co/NgYZkSgxqI
@galarmariela1 Pues unas pocas! A ver cuantos conflictos de interés encuentras en esta colección!
RT @GoBeepUK: @WHOWPRO Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @GoBeepUK: @vsimoes90 @tableau @tableaupublic Reprehensible firehose of falsehoods and disinformation. Most e-cigarettes have far less…
RT @GoBeepUK: @vsimoes90 @tableau @tableaupublic Reprehensible firehose of falsehoods and disinformation. Most e-cigarettes have far less…
@vsimoes90 @tableau @tableaupublic Reprehensible firehose of falsehoods and disinformation. Most e-cigarettes have far less than 60mg per ml Young *adults* are vaping (low-risk) instead of smoking (harmful) "Dependency is lower"- OHID https://t.co/TKVTz
RT @GoBeepUK: @WHOWPRO Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @WHOWPRO Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @WHOWPRO Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
@WHOWPRO Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2oQTCp
@ganye91 @ObsNewReview Scientists are also concerned that young vapers may then transition to cigarette smoking. Numerous studies such as this one have found a link between adolescents starting on vapes and then transitioning to cigarettes https://t.co/
RT @acvoda: Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret…
RT @acvoda: Een draadje met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten (wordt geüpdate zodra er nieuwe worden gepubliceerd) #esigaret…
@KelliDrenner @VaporUprisingCO @anzalulu__ Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.
@SoloWeeklyMedia Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co
RT @GoBeepUK: @LeniasHwenda Did you know: "gateway" is lies & debunked? Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @InstituteHPE Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway…
@InstituteHPE Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2o
RT @jkelovuori: @mairi_stark @scotpedsociety @RCPCHScotland @RCPCHtweets Gateway to smoking? Nope. https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
@mairi_stark @scotpedsociety @RCPCHScotland @RCPCHtweets Gateway to smoking? Nope. https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @GoBeepUK: @LeniasHwenda Did you know: "gateway" is lies & debunked? Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @LeniasHwenda Did you know: "gateway" is lies & debunked? Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva htt…
@LeniasHwenda Did you know: "gateway" is lies & debunked? Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased 🚬 https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https:
@ruamused @SandroDemaio @Mark_Butler_MP Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8
RT @GoBeepUK: @VicGovDH Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @VicGovDH Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @VicGovDH Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
RT @GoBeepUK: @VicGovDH Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway htt…
@VicGovDH Common liabilty https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2oQTCp