@Andrew___Baker @jadler1969 @SGottliebFDA Fair question indeed, and important to keep watching. And still not dispositive on your point, a bit more directly germane: https://t.co/Ol0JvBDKEo
RT @jgitchell: @Vapingit @JeromeAdamsMD @rphallisey845 @LegionVaping @srntorg @akleykamp Not quite sure where that counterfactual comes fro…
RT @jkelovuori: @GSaintHelen @Sairahss But the net effect has been...? https://t.co/AEEtZhzec9
RT @jgitchell: @Vapingit @JeromeAdamsMD @rphallisey845 @LegionVaping @srntorg @akleykamp Not quite sure where that counterfactual comes fro…
@Vapingit @JeromeAdamsMD @rphallisey845 @LegionVaping @srntorg @akleykamp Not quite sure where that counterfactual comes from, K, but I'm not sure I'm buying it. Regardless, the paper below is germane and suggests your estimate may have a kernel underneat
RT @jkelovuori: @GSaintHelen @Sairahss But the net effect has been...? https://t.co/AEEtZhzec9
@GSaintHelen @Sairahss But the net effect has been...? https://t.co/AEEtZhzec9
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @jkelovuori: Stan tried, Stan failed. https://t.co/QSoz98R694
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
Stan tried, Stan failed.
RT @SetNicFree: Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
Levy et al respond to Glantz https://t.co/PB0ZLoz4ks
@potpier1 @mihotep @drvovru1987 @BRAVEmediaMO @ChaunceyGardner @AGOWA @RiccardoPolosa There's also the fact that youth and youth adult smoking rates have decreased 3x faster since vaping became popular. https://t.co/6EBI0g2GGp And then there's this study
RT @GregTHR: Teen smoking decreases stalled from 2005 to 2009. Small dip in '10 can be attributed to ACA cig tax hike. Then we saw smoking…
RT @GregTHR: Teen smoking decreases stalled from 2005 to 2009. Small dip in '10 can be attributed to ACA cig tax hike. Then we saw smoking…
RT @GregTHR: Teen smoking decreases stalled from 2005 to 2009. Small dip in '10 can be attributed to ACA cig tax hike. Then we saw smoking…
RT @jgitchell: Greg is pointing to a really important paper. https://t.co/z3dKkzL4TM
RT @jgitchell: Greg is pointing to a really important paper. https://t.co/z3dKkzL4TM
RT @GregTHR: Teen smoking decreases stalled from 2005 to 2009. Small dip in '10 can be attributed to ACA cig tax hike. Then we saw smoking…
Greg is pointing to a really important paper.
Teen smoking decreases stalled from 2005 to 2009. Small dip in '10 can be attributed to ACA cig tax hike. Then we saw smoking fall at the fastest rates ever as vaping experimentation grew (at same time that states passed very, very few large tax hikes) h
@NWIMinorityTPC 2) Even if some are lead to try cigarettes through vaping, that number is dwarfed by the number that are diverted from becoming smokers because of vaping (hence youth and young adult smoking rates have dropped 3x faster since vaping became
@chloereichel would add to article "Teen vaping: Is it really a gateway to cigarette smoking?" https://t.co/fSeVL3wfFn 1. https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL 2. https://t.co/YqGz4qqtns 3. https://t.co/nCeriG0Z0U 4. https://t.co/m46PM5qVW3 5. https://t.co/pT43zx1gra 6.
@SGottliebFDA Why is clean nicotine a "concern" more than caffeine? Which deadly disease does it cause? #Ecigs dramatically reduce ultra-lethal combustibles in youth, the things that kill half a million Americans annually! https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
RT @mbsiegel: Strong evidence that vaping is not a pathway to smoking. It appears to be quite the opposite. https://t.co/j4U2av6w9L #ecigs…
RT @VapinGreek: 10 Years of vaping not once did I look at a pack of cigarettes thinking..."burning leaf and paper is a natural path after v…
@sivanjun @RonnyLinder אני לא שמח מאחוזי השימוש בניקוטין בקרב צעירים בארה"ב, אבל לא הניקוטין הורג חצי מיליון אמריקאים כל שנה, אלא אלפי הכימיקלים בעשן. חרף תאוריית ה-gateway (שלא מקובל ע"י משרד הבריאות האנגלי), כבר הוכח כי האידוי מוריד את העישון בצעירים htt
RT @VapinGreek: 10 Years of vaping not once did I look at a pack of cigarettes thinking..."burning leaf and paper is a natural path after v…
RT @Barry_Strak: @SecAzar @HHSGov E-cigs are an off-ramp for youth as well https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
@MAhealthforkids @altfdatobacco @Surgeon_General @JeromeAdamsMD If that gateway theory would be true, wouldn't we have seen an increase in smoking when you consider that 16% of high school kids were "current e-cig users" in 2015? Record declines in "ever"
@shadowmaster132 @philswenson How about this graph? And this study? https://t.co/jwgKlPRmee https://t.co/VYley5wjJV
@grnfluoresceblg @RonnyLinder אז כנראה שאתה מאמין בתיאוריה השגויה כי סיגריות אלקטרוניות הן "שער כניסה" לעישון טבק. https://t.co/EBIp0ZeuIC מדובר בתיאוריה מופרכת https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
RT @skrymir42: @JeromeAdamsMD @jluther52 Youth and young adult smoking rates declined 3-4x faster since vaping became popular. Not only doe…
@JeromeAdamsMD @jluther52 Youth and young adult smoking rates declined 3-4x faster since vaping became popular. Not only does this imply that the gateway hypothesis is wrong, but also that vaping has been steering youth that would've smoked away from ever
@SGottliebFDA Does the FDA disagree with the research that vaping reduces youth smoking? https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
@Atavax311 @JohnArnoldFndtn It absolutely is. The rate of decline in the youth and young adult smoking rate is 3-4x faster since vaping became popular. https://t.co/6EBI0g2GGp
@RonnyLinder @jossefman הפוך, האידוי מוריד את שיעורי העישון בבני נוער https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
RT @JaninePaynter: Reassuring evidence that vaping is not a gateway to smoking https://t.co/SbhgYRRhXw https://t.co/CBBKtoNC9a
@cbettigole Your gateway theory doesn't pass the reality check... https://t.co/jwgKlPRmee
Reassuring evidence that vaping is not a gateway to smoking https://t.co/SbhgYRRhXw https://t.co/CBBKtoNC9a
@grnfluoresceblg @nayulagmailcom1 הניקוטין לא ממומלץ ללא מעשנים, אבל גם לא מסוכן במיוחד https://t.co/pkh669nH3J סיגריות אלקטרוניות בעיקר מקטינות את עישון הטבק בבני נוער, כפי שהייתי מצפה https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
@SecAzar @HHSGov E-cigs are an off-ramp for youth as well https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
@MarkkuPeltonen Alaikäisten tupakoinnin väheneminen on nopeutunut huomattavasti sähkötupakoinnin suosion kasvaessa. Esim. USA https://t.co/8rrdz4IoLI https://t.co/DVMz49dyLm
@JeromeAdamsMD @Tigershark94 @BRAVEmediaMO I guess many don't see "used at least once in the past 30 days" as a very good indicator of what's really going on as it includes a lot of experimentation. Nicotine dependence is complex. Nicotine not very harmful
@BJamesSidis @News12LI The reduction in youth and young adult smoking rates accelerated as vaping became popular. 3-4x faster in fact. https://t.co/6EBI0g2GGp The only people in any demographic that use e-cigs habitually are current & former smokers.
@GregTHR @JeromeAdamsMD For teenagers too: https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL https://t.co/0GPXnpngDh https://t.co/Wr1yPQUHDX
RT @DampfFreiheit: Die #Ezigarette ist kein #Gateway zum #Rauchen sondern ein #Gateway vom #Tabakkonsum weg! https://t.co/8pWnKYYqWq
@craig_hersh @COPDdoc @atscommunity You just showed effectiveness in the Lancet piece, as well as no adverse events. Real world studies are showing (at least hinting) much more: https://t.co/JvgmjJtRhl
האם סיגריות אלקטרוניות מעודדות עישון? מחקר חדש שהתפרסם ב-Tobacco Control מראה קורלציה הפוכה: האחוז הגובר של משתמשים צעירים במוצרי אידוי הולך בד בבד עם הפחתת העישון. https://t.co/7dgs5YPT5v לא אמור להפתיע אף אחד. כך קרה גם בסקנדינביה עם הסנוס (סוג של טבק ל
@craig_hersh @ChaunceyGardner @COPDdoc @atscommunity Except the youth smoking rate has declined more than 3 times faster since vaping has become popular. https://t.co/6EBI0gkhxX Couple that with the fact that never-smoking teens aren't picking up a new ha
RT @EUFASaddictions: In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying ele…
@JeromeAdamsMD They shouldn't be marketing to kids, but harm reduction in kids is not a bad thing. https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL
RT @EUFASaddictions: In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying ele…
RT @benjrolland69: Dans @TC_BMJ vient de paraitre une importante étude US qui retrouve une relation inverse entre vape et usage de tabac. S…
@JeromeAdamsMD @fatcatvapor @SGottliebFDA I take off my hat for your engagement, unlike previous SGs! Note that #vaping is causing rapid decline in US youth smoking, as per https://t.co/yStFKY8jUL And this is entirely plausible considering #snus did the
RT @AlexWodak: Here's a paper that @jclarkmiller may find interesting. Levy et al found vaping & smoking inversely related. Doesn't really…
RT @benjrolland69: Dans @TC_BMJ vient de paraitre une importante étude US qui retrouve une relation inverse entre vape et usage de tabac. S…
RT @EUFASaddictions: In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying ele…
RT @benjrolland69: Dans @TC_BMJ vient de paraitre une importante étude US qui retrouve une relation inverse entre vape et usage de tabac. S…
RT @EUFASaddictions: In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying ele…
RT @benjrolland69: Dans @TC_BMJ vient de paraitre une importante étude US qui retrouve une relation inverse entre vape et usage de tabac. S…
RT @EUFASaddictions: In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying ele…
RT @EUFASaddictions: In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying ele…
Dans @TC_BMJ vient de paraitre une importante étude US qui retrouve une relation inverse entre vape et usage de tabac. Si l'usage de la vape peut parfois entrainer un usage de tabac, l'impact de santé publique serait marginal par rapport à la réduction glo
In @TC_BMJ The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking is robust across different data sets. While trying electronic cigarettes may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at the population level appears to be negligible.
RT @AlexWodak: Here's a paper that @jclarkmiller may find interesting. Levy et al found vaping & smoking inversely related. Doesn't really…
Here's a paper that @jclarkmiller may find interesting. Levy et al found vaping & smoking inversely related. Doesn't really fit with gateway hypothesis? https://t.co/HdrMbM29nN Explanation?
RT @mbsiegel: Strong evidence that vaping is not a pathway to smoking. It appears to be quite the opposite. https://t.co/j4U2av6w9L #ecigs…
RT @PeelHealthLib: Examining the relationship of vaping to smoking initiation among US youth and young adults: a reality check https://t.co…
Examining the relationship of vaping to smoking initiation among US youth and young adults: a reality check https://t.co/a3I4DAEals
@bishoplatimer @SpectatorHealth @afneil The the youth smoking has has declined 3-4x faster since vaping became popular. https://t.co/6EBI0g2GGp
@GeraldRGraf @Thribbulous @Simon_Breheny Doesn't seem to be happening. https://t.co/jwgKlPRmee
With some discussion of #Nicotine and #vaping. #CommonLiability @amandamull may find this paper from last week of interest: https://t.co/Ol0JvBDKEo
RT @mbsiegel: Strong evidence that vaping is not a pathway to smoking. It appears to be quite the opposite. https://t.co/j4U2av6w9L #ecigs…
RT @mbsiegel: Strong evidence that vaping is not a pathway to smoking. It appears to be quite the opposite. https://t.co/j4U2av6w9L #ecigs…
RT @DampfFreiheit: Die #Ezigarette ist kein #Gateway zum #Rauchen sondern ein #Gateway vom #Tabakkonsum weg! https://t.co/8pWnKYYqWq
RT @DampfFreiheit: Die #Ezigarette ist kein #Gateway zum #Rauchen sondern ein #Gateway vom #Tabakkonsum weg! https://t.co/8pWnKYYqWq
RT @vapeindia: This new research finds: While trying e-cigarettes may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at t…
Die #Ezigarette ist kein #Gateway zum #Rauchen sondern ein #Gateway vom #Tabakkonsum weg!
RT @mbsiegel: Strong evidence that vaping is not a pathway to smoking. It appears to be quite the opposite. https://t.co/j4U2av6w9L #ecigs…
RT @vapeindia: This new research finds: While trying e-cigarettes may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at t…
RT @VapinGreek: 10 Years of vaping not once did I look at a pack of cigarettes thinking..."burning leaf and paper is a natural path after v…