RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
Every growing peer-reviewed evidence that #vaping is NOT the gateway to smoking🚬, 24+ articles. Every time #NGOs use this claim, rebuttal it with this collection. @DocsVsTobacco @cancersociety @AmericanCancer @HeartandStroke @American_Stroke @CMA_Docs http
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: @publichealthni Are you going to hide peer-reviewed scientific articles, too? https://t.co/vj42RwUaXo
RT @jkelovuori: @publichealthni Are you going to hide peer-reviewed scientific articles, too? https://t.co/vj42RwUaXo
RT @jkelovuori: @publichealthni Are you going to hide peer-reviewed scientific articles, too? https://t.co/vj42RwUaXo
RT @TheCIVICSc: Here are 24, of 1000s of reasons, why public health has become a danger to our health. Corporate science is killing milli…
Here are 24, of 1000s of reasons, why public health has become a danger to our health. Corporate science is killing millions.
@publichealthni Are you going to hide peer-reviewed scientific articles, too? https://t.co/vj42RwUaXo
@TahirTturk @ConversationEDU Turkey here are just a few studies debunking your crap!! Maybe you will actually learn something!
@GarciaBaudritJ @ChaunceyGardner @SecBecerra @POTUS @WhiteHouse @DrCaliff_FDA @FDATobacco @Surgeon_General Here are what are currently 24 peer reviewed studies refuting this type of silly postulation in the face of overwhelmingly positive public health eff
@SoniaAdesara Zero HUMAN evidence of "affect brain development". https://t.co/dmQF14C9Rf https://t.co/lwsBE8JHPa https://t.co/Cx8Avlynnc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV https://t.co/8uxzUKFf04 https://t.co/2oQTCpR7
RT @jkelovuori: @GDalander @ChaunceyGardner @LanceChurchill Ah, the good ol' "gateway" theory. Not really seeing it on the graph above. Mor…
RT @jkelovuori: @GDalander @ChaunceyGardner @LanceChurchill Ah, the good ol' "gateway" theory. Not really seeing it on the graph above. Mor…
@GDalander @ChaunceyGardner @LanceChurchill Ah, the good ol' "gateway" theory. Not really seeing it on the graph above. More like the opposite. How not to be duped by "gateway" claims: https://t.co/oxHh7LppRw Research: https://t.co/vj42RwUaXo
Interesting thread….
@RickWatt9 @StanMcChapman @PaulMathieson15 Common liability https://t.co/1PGfhVBu2t https://t.co/P2skqKiQva https://t.co/LzAzaXKPIc No evidence of..gateway https://t.co/JYMDwbq00g Trends argue against https://t.co/D1YD7i4STV No increased smoking https://t.
@aur_rousseau Gateway to smoking? Nope. https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
@jortved @imaracingmom @lmstroud89 @HannahYasharoff @ImogenWK @magdajtaylor Yup. I've been keeping track on studies that refute the "gateway" -theory. Probably not an exhaustive list, though. https://t.co/HJgQCAoCJX
RT @jkelovuori: @anzjph @DrBFreeman @tanbuc @adessaix Gateway? No. https://t.co/xifY0uExkp
RT @jkelovuori: @anzjph @DrBFreeman @tanbuc @adessaix Gateway? No. https://t.co/xifY0uExkp
RT @jkelovuori: @anzjph @DrBFreeman @tanbuc @adessaix Gateway? No. https://t.co/xifY0uExkp
@anzjph @DrBFreeman @tanbuc @adessaix Gateway? No. https://t.co/xifY0uExkp
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
@quest4science @wwwTabakNee @Wdekanter @wef Een overzicht met alle studies die de gateway theorie ontkrachten. Als je de beperkingen van alle studies bekijkt die claimen een gateway te hebben gevonden vind je dat ze allemaal toegeven dat de studie geen cau
@quest4science @Trimbos Is Esther bekend met hun eigen data? Het percentage jongeren wat alleen sigaretten rookt is 10,5%, dat tegenover de 10,3% voor e-sigaret en dual gebruik samen met andere producten. En hier is een overzicht van alle studies die de ga
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
@CognitiveVerb @LivePippas @fdsfifi @KiranSidhu41 There are a number of peer reviewed articles that debunk the gateway theory. Have a read to get a better understanding. Happy to provide more info if needed.
@MauriceGSwanson There is no gateway Maurice!! Please take the time to read these peer reviewed articles.
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
RT @jkelovuori: @MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn…
@MDAndersonNews "EVALI" had nothing to do with nicotine vaping: https://t.co/7hXOiYAQOU https://t.co/Ta0ipw0hhW Popcorn lung from vaping is a myth: https://t.co/j8XrvYIInO The "gateway" -theory doesn't hold up: https://t.co/UN95fv4ieU https://t.co/2Z
RT @jkelovuori: A living thread with peer-reviewed articles challenging the "vaping is a gateway to smoking" -theory. 🧵 1/x 1) https://t.…
@Mariah74416035 @Momootjem2 Alles onder het mom om de jongeren te beschermen, terwijl ze weten dat hun ze verkrijgen via de illegale markt. En dan verwachten ze dat als ze de legale markt aanpakken dit effect zal hebben op de illegale markt? En de opstap n
RT @Bludn_Gore: @SophieScamps Seriously why can’t you understand that there is no gateway to smoking. Sophie please take the time to read…
RT @Bludn_Gore: @SophieScamps Seriously why can’t you understand that there is no gateway to smoking. Sophie please take the time to read…
RT @Bludn_Gore: @SophieScamps Seriously why can’t you understand that there is no gateway to smoking. Sophie please take the time to read…
RT @Bludn_Gore: @SophieScamps Seriously why can’t you understand that there is no gateway to smoking. Sophie please take the time to read…
RT @Bludn_Gore: @SophieScamps Seriously why can’t you understand that there is no gateway to smoking. Sophie please take the time to read…
@SophieScamps Seriously why can’t you understand that there is no gateway to smoking. Sophie please take the time to read these studies and you will see it doesn’t exist! Have a look at NZ!! https://t.co/pqQOANKKXt
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
RT @zvi_herzig: @ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdD…
@drafiqawe @PahangBAR @DrDzul @AzalinaOthmanS @hannahyeoh @NancyShukri @FadhlinaSiddiq @fahmi_fadzil @PetraJayaMP Seeing that you are so keen on reading studies, here are few more for you. There is no gateway to smoking!
@ProfGlantz Three formal studies finding the opposite: https://t.co/OcXon9NcFx https://t.co/YiW8wqKB11 https://t.co/a3xzTdDBm8 Including a response to Glantz: https://t.co/WR2EJhuVUo
@drafiqawe @PahangBAR @DrDzul @AzalinaOthmanS @hannahyeoh @NancyShukri @FadhlinaSiddiq @fahmi_fadzil @PetraJayaMP There are numerous studies debunking the "gateway to smoking" -theory. https://t.co/HJgQCApazv
@alasdairalas @cjsnowdon This assumption was already evaluated. Bottom line: 'The Real Cost' cannot be responsible for the huge declines in US teen smoking post-2014. https://t.co/a3xzTdDBm8 https://t.co/iyL74sZARK