RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @mihotep: New study: #vaping accelerated declines in youth #smoking rates by 2-4 times. #CelebrateTheVape #AbolishFDA https://t.co/C0Pi…
RT @mihotep: New study: #vaping accelerated declines in youth #smoking rates by 2-4 times. #CelebrateTheVape #AbolishFDA https://t.co/C0Pi…
RT @LegionVaping: “While trying electronic cigarettes may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at the populatio…
RT @LegaliseVaping: Breaking news. Australian researcher Ron Borland is the co-author of a study that demonstrated that the smoking rate in…
RT @Vapingit: I remember "where data and science takes us" or some claim like that.... https://t.co/eyGRcJVnJn was a Zeller/@SGottliebFDA…
RT @Vapingit: Friends of yours, @SGottliebFDA? "Indicators of more established smoking rates, including the proportion of daily smokers am…
RT @cjsnowdon: Decline in US youth smoking accelerated by 2-4 times after vaping became popular. https://t.co/GbfNsQerjU
RT @carlvphillips: They added some (uninformative, arbitrary, meaningless) calculations to the simple million-times-repeated observation "s…
RT @LegionVaping: “While trying electronic cigarettes may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at the populatio…
Examining the relationship of #vaping to smoking initiation among US youth & young adults: a reality check [open access] https://t.co/M0TQNfHPBs vy @LombardiCancer @umichsph @MUSCatalystNews @UWSPHHS @OICR_news @USCArnoldSchool @RoswellPark @CancerVic
RT @dannygiovenco: Evidence of a causal relationship does not always = #publichealth crisis. Population data a good reality check. “While t…
“While trying electronic cigarettes may causally increase smoking among some youth, the aggregate effect at the population level appears to be negligible given the reduction in smoking initiation during the period of vaping’s ascendance.” https://t.co/caUT
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @AlexWodak: This very important new study adds additional support to tobacco harm reduction, especially #vaping. If vaping provides a ‘G…
RT @AlexWodak: This very important new study adds additional support to tobacco harm reduction, especially #vaping. If vaping provides a ‘G…
RT @K_d_a7: @cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer Doug, the gig is up. The orchestrated panic is over. https://t.co/R6I04Kb4XM
RT @AlexWodak: This very important new study adds additional support to tobacco harm reduction, especially #vaping. If vaping provides a ‘G…
This very important new study adds additional support to tobacco harm reduction, especially #vaping. If vaping provides a ‘Gateway’ it’s as a highway out of smoking!
Increasing trends of vaping coincided with reduced smoking initiation among US youth and young adults via @TC_BMJ https://t.co/LjHCTiGunA
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @cjsnowdon: Decline in US youth smoking accelerated by 2-4 times after vaping became popular. https://t.co/GbfNsQerjU
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @K_d_a7: @cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer Doug, the gig is up. The orchestrated panic is over. https://t.co/R6I04Kb4XM
#TobaccoControl Examining the relationship of vaping to smoking initiation among US youth and young adults: a reality check https://t.co/679ARS1d0W
RT @K_d_a7: @cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer Doug, the gig is up. The orchestrated panic is over. https://t.co/R6I04Kb4XM
RT @mihotep: New study: #vaping accelerated declines in youth #smoking rates by 2-4 times. #CelebrateTheVape #AbolishFDA https://t.co/C0Pi…
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @K_d_a7: @cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer Doug, the gig is up. The orchestrated panic is over. https://t.co/R6I04Kb4XM
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
@cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer Doug, the gig is up. The orchestrated panic is over. https://t.co/R6I04Kb4XM
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @rphallisey845: @cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer How is the youth smoking rate doing? Also, they are not becoming smokers, so this is…
RT @Vapingit: I remember "where data and science takes us" or some claim like that.... https://t.co/eyGRcJVnJn was a Zeller/@SGottliebFDA…
RT @mihotep: New study: #vaping accelerated declines in youth #smoking rates by 2-4 times. #CelebrateTheVape #AbolishFDA https://t.co/C0Pi…
RT @rphallisey845: @cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer How is the youth smoking rate doing? Also, they are not becoming smokers, so this is…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
@cdoug @FDATobacco @AmericanCancer How is the youth smoking rate doing? Also, they are not becoming smokers, so this is a win. https://t.co/WYxIyFbhSq
RT @dannygiovenco: Evidence of a causal relationship does not always = #publichealth crisis. Population data a good reality check. “While t…
I remember "where data and science takes us" or some claim like that.... https://t.co/eyGRcJVnJn was a Zeller/@SGottliebFDA goal. Less smoking is not smoking among teens.👇 https://t.co/lv2JKg5wjq
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
CC: @angelicalavito
RT @carlvphillips: They added some (uninformative, arbitrary, meaningless) calculations to the simple million-times-repeated observation "s…
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
New study: #vaping accelerated declines in youth #smoking rates by 2-4 times. #CelebrateTheVape #AbolishFDA https://t.co/C0PizWvRDT https://t.co/i8QNHRvegb
RT @cjsnowdon: Decline in US youth smoking accelerated by 2-4 times after vaping became popular. https://t.co/GbfNsQerjU
Friends of yours, @SGottliebFDA? "Indicators of more established smoking rates, including the proportion of daily smokers among past 30-day smokers, also decreased more rapidly as vaping became more prevalent." https://t.co/8Qc2qFQt8k
@CPetitclerc @LP_LaPresse What’s the alarm? They have been sounding it since #vaping started and unlike their predictions, smoking rates continue to drop https://t.co/R6I04Kb4XM
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @Kamsid66: An important paper in the debate on '...#vaping to #smoking initiation...' in youth and young adults @TC_BMJ https://t.co/Yt6…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
@Andy_SL_Tan @ariadneDMD
RT @cjsnowdon: Decline in US youth smoking accelerated by 2-4 times after vaping became popular. https://t.co/GbfNsQerjU
RT @rphallisey845: @LindaBRosenthal @BrianLehrer Vaping is decreasing smoking. "The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was rob…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
@LindaBRosenthal @BrianLehrer Vaping is decreasing smoking. "The inverse relationship between vaping and smoking was robust across different data sets for both youth and young adults and for current and more established smoking. " https://t.co/WYxIyFbhSq
Decline in US youth smoking accelerated by 2-4 times after vaping became popular. https://t.co/GbfNsQerjU
RT @carlvphillips: They added some (uninformative, arbitrary, meaningless) calculations to the simple million-times-repeated observation "s…
RT @Kamsid66: An important paper in the debate on '...#vaping to #smoking initiation...' in youth and young adults @TC_BMJ https://t.co/Yt6…
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @carlvphillips: They added some (uninformative, arbitrary, meaningless) calculations to the simple million-times-repeated observation "s…
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
They added some (uninformative, arbitrary, meaningless) calculations to the simple million-times-repeated observation "smoking is down over the period that vaping is up". If that is what ends up getting traction, my opinion of public health will drop still
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @Kamsid66: An important paper in the debate on '...#vaping to #smoking initiation...' in youth and young adults @TC_BMJ https://t.co/Yt6…
RT @DaviMaree: Hi @m_hef your thoughts on this research paper published in your journal by the most eminent professionals working in tobac…
RT @Kamsid66: An important paper in the debate on '...#vaping to #smoking initiation...' in youth and young adults @TC_BMJ https://t.co/Yt6…
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @SimonChapman6: Oz vaping advocates gleeful about this study just out showing faster declines in youth smoking since 2014 in US. All dow…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @SimonChapman6: Oz vaping advocates gleeful about this study just out showing faster declines in youth smoking since 2014 in US. All dow…
Hi @m_hef your thoughts on this research paper published in your journal by the most eminent professionals working in tobacco control regarding #ecigs #vaping & youth use for Australia? https://t.co/GOwXRvAhSc
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @phil_w888: Levy: “We found a strong and consistent inverse relationship between vaping and smoking across the different datasets for bo…
RT @AlexWodak: Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/…
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
RT @GregTHR: Press release -- https://t.co/i0MN2Ne6X7 https://t.co/CXW99QGJeN
Dear @BarehamDave Wonder if you have read this paper? https://t.co/R4EwlPZibN May not have read this comment: https://t.co/YLDEPySBtJ Your response? Surely you must be able to throw some mud at one of the authors at least? @ATHRA_AU @drjoesDIYhealth @Leg
RT @CrisDelnevo: An excellent open access paper that should be on every tobacco control professionals’ reading list this year https://t.co/…