RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
An 8-ugh read. #coloradoriver #cawater @lukas @bradudall @GreatLakesPeck
To what extent do electricity models assume hydro in the West and Southwest mid-century is more variable, and less, particularly in the summer?
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @bradudall: Thanks, @Weather_West. Coming from you this is high praise, indeed. @GreatLakesPeck
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
Thanks, @Weather_West. Coming from you this is high praise, indeed. @GreatLakesPeck
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @bradudall, is worth reading even if you're not a scientist but are interested in broader water issues or the ongoing Southwest megadrou
RT @GreatLakesPeck: The drying/warming of the SW will get worse and worse until climate change is stopped. Until the burning of coal, oil a…
Climate forcing lags emissions. If we stop burning fossil carbon today we could still have centuries of CO2 induced change ahead.
RT @GreatLakesPeck: The drying/warming of the SW will get worse and worse until climate change is stopped. Until the burning of coal, oil a…
this is an important fact that clark county needs to accept - we cannot count on the 300,000 acre feet we are entitled to under the colorado river compact
RT @GreatLakesPeck: The drying/warming of the SW will get worse and worse until climate change is stopped. Until the burning of coal, oil a…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: The drying/warming of the SW will get worse and worse until climate change is stopped. Until the burning of coal, oil a…
The drying/warming of the SW will get worse and worse until climate change is stopped. Until the burning of coal, oil and gas is eliminated. Moreover, the aridification of North America is spreading north, east and south. https://t.co/qNw4kz98PL
Greenhouse gases make heat waves like 1930s far more likely; west USA is on the brink of a megadrought that could outrank anything in over 1000 years https://t.co/xyqorLUrqj https://t.co/FKGUgqHHVe https://t.co/MEUeKK9XaE @AOC please back GreenNewDeal:
Commentary: Climate change and the aridification of North America. - This is part of why I imagine crop shortfalls will lead to mass starvation and runaway global brightening. [From PNAS] #ClimateEmergency https://t.co/JjqN1zisq7
@ByIanJames @sejorg @ClimateCentral @CRWUA_water @ColoradoWater @azwater @azcentral Thanks, glad to see it gaining traction in scientific communities. Want to hear more of it in communication to the public and planning/design profession. @bradudall has bee
RT @buffsblg: @laurenboebert There is lots of research on this. Find someone to reduce it to small words for you. https://t.co/Zp5WDwoNzp
RT @GreatLakesPeck: “Across North America, greater aridity is being offset with increased groundwater use, but this strategy has limits in…
“Across North America, greater aridity is being offset with increased groundwater use, but this strategy has limits in the many places, such as the Southwest and the High Plains, where groundwater use exceeds recharge and is thus unsustainable” https://t.c
@ChrisMartzWX @mssaravanessa Once again you demonstrate your oversimplified views on climate change. https://t.co/eLTKfWBC4u.
“Within climate science, however, focus has begun to include the growing role warming temperatures are playing as a potent driver of greater aridity: hotter climate extremes; drier soil conditions; more severe drought; and the impacts...” https://t.co/qNw4
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Wildfire are also ahead for the Midwest as climate change brings increased odds of more frequent, more persistent and m…
Wildfire are also ahead for the Midwest as climate change brings increased odds of more frequent, more persistent and more severe dry spells & drought. https://t.co/qNw4kz98PL
This article by @bradudall and @GreatLakesPeck explains what is going on in the Southwest - not exactly drought as we normally conceive of it, but rather "a clear longer-term trend toward greater aridification, a trend that only climate action can stop."
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Go to @bradudall and take the time to check out this thread. Climate change is leading to the aridification of the SW,…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Go to @bradudall and take the time to check out this thread. Climate change is leading to the aridification of the SW,…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Go to @bradudall and take the time to check out this thread. Climate change is leading to the aridification of the SW,…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Go to @bradudall and take the time to check out this thread. Climate change is leading to the aridification of the SW,…
Go to @bradudall and take the time to check out this thread. Climate change is leading to the aridification of the SW, Rio Grande & Colorado River. And much more: https://t.co/1NDqIH3viD
RT @ByIanJames: “The sooner emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are eliminated, the sooner the aridification of North America w…
RT @ByIanJames: “The sooner emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are eliminated, the sooner the aridification of North America w…
RT @ByIanJames: “The sooner emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are eliminated, the sooner the aridification of North America w…
RT @ByIanJames: “The sooner emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are eliminated, the sooner the aridification of North America w…
RT @ByIanJames: “The sooner emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are eliminated, the sooner the aridification of North America w…
“The sooner emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere are eliminated, the sooner the aridification of North America will stop getting worse.” (https://t.co/VtdTCbktSt) https://t.co/E8M7SqO6WG @GreatLakesPeck @bradudall
Aridity means many things to many people, but at its core it means extreme dryness of the kind that can have serious impacts on humans and the natural systems upon which they depend #ClimateCrisis #environment https://t.co/SGulZs7PRN
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Like it or not, the cities of the West will have to learn to live with decreasing water supplies as the region continue…
Like it or not, the cities of the West will have to learn to live with decreasing water supplies as the region continues to aridify. It's already underway and is due to climate change. https://t.co/xXUlsOSCxa
RT @southwest_casc: Check out this recent Commentary in PNAS on the role of warming temperatures in the aridification of North America, by…
RT @southwest_casc: Check out this recent Commentary in PNAS on the role of warming temperatures in the aridification of North America, by…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
Check out this recent Commentary in PNAS on the role of warming temperatures in the aridification of North America, by SWCASC PI @bradudall and former SWCASC University Director @GreatLakesPeck. https://t.co/fCpnTNBZVh
New in PNAS: "Increasing aridity is already a clear trend in the West", and absent climate change action, is likely to expand "all of the way to the East Coast of N. America, north deep into Canada, & south into Mexico" from @GreatLakesPeck & @bra
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Here’s a new paper written with @bradudall. We make the case that climate change, on top of everything else, is aridify…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @SaveTheColorado: "This shift in the hydrologic paradigm is most clear in the American Southwest, where declining flows in the region’s…
RT @SaveTheColorado: "This shift in the hydrologic paradigm is most clear in the American Southwest, where declining flows in the region’s…
RT @SaveTheColorado: "This shift in the hydrologic paradigm is most clear in the American Southwest, where declining flows in the region’s…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Here’s a new paper written with @bradudall. We make the case that climate change, on top of everything else, is aridify…
RT @SOGES_CSU: Interesting read: "Discussions of droughts and their impacts often center on the lack of precipitation...Within climate scie…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreadi…
Interesting read: "Discussions of droughts and their impacts often center on the lack of precipitation...Within climate science, however, focus has begun to include the growing role warming temperatures are playing as a potent driver of greater aridity." h
It wasn’t so long ago that one particular (& prominent) scientist dismissed concern & attribution research into drought driven by warming temps by saying “farmers don’t pray for cooler temperatures” Thankfully that view has not prevailed. & we
New paper w/ @bradudall highlights the adidification of the US West due to global warming. This same problem is spreading E, S & N, including in summer to MI. Its already serious in the SW, but we can stop it before it gets bad in MI. Open FREE access
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Here’s a new paper written with @bradudall. We make the case that climate change, on top of everything else, is aridify…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Here’s a new paper written with @bradudall. We make the case that climate change, on top of everything else, is aridify…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Here’s a new paper written with @bradudall. We make the case that climate change, on top of everything else, is aridify…