@MyrtlesGirdles @Elex_Michaelson @GavinNewsom This article should give you a better understanding of the very real problem we are facing: Climate change and the aridification of North America https://t.co/gTNQYuSQz4
@Elex_Michaelson @GavinNewsom YES he is right about this being a serious problem: https://t.co/gTNQYuSQz4
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
Plant more trees dude, dah.
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
What has caused the increase in wildfires. Not 3 extra molecules of CO2 per million in the atmosphere, nor in increase in temperature of 0.8C? Surely?
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal for…
Climate scientists predicted Canada would burn big & release lots of stored CO2: “It is no surprise that the boreal forest of Canada is starting to show a substantial increase in wildfire and a related net increase in carbon emissions to the atmosphere
RT @GreatLakesPeck: We warned that climate change was leading to depletion of groundwater increasingly across North America - its a growing…
We warned that climate change was leading to depletion of groundwater increasingly across North America - its a growing global issue too. The climate crisis is turning into a global water & food crisis as we act too slowly to halt climate change. https
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
RT @GreatLakesPeck: A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning f…
A short paper written for a public audience. Read what’s at stake - already worsening fast - if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels. “It is no surprise that the boreal forest of Canada is starting to show a substantial increase in wildfire” #aridification h
This should go without saying, but climate change in unequivocally impacting the Basin, which is generally aridifying + experiencing greater variability. We need to permanently reduce water use in the Lower Basin to close the structural deficit. https://t
RT @Whyrl: Droughts in the American Southwest are here to stay. https://t.co/2ycHsjW44E
Droughts in the American Southwest are here to stay. https://t.co/2ycHsjW44E
@ChrisMartzWX You are oversimplifying aridity. There is a lot more things worth discussing that you're leaving out. https://t.co/8d2xXhjadV
A new strategy for Western States to adapt to long-term drought: Customized water pricing @ConversationEDU https://t.co/kRs4b86lYA https://t.co/rhwuyKEnd0
Aridification U.S. Observe the mass exodus in the next decade. West comes East, South comes North. https://t.co/cNTPVF81lU
RT @GreatLakesPeck: The warming climate is aridifying far more than just the western half of the US. As the planet warms more, the aridific…
The warming climate is aridifying far more than just the western half of the US. As the planet warms more, the aridification will spread. https://t.co/qLhhc4zYzA https://t.co/TqmIOJc6fQ
RT @IBergwiesel: @Keeper_86 @Gazelight @Scherben81 @mara_bakery @HalleVerkehrt @mln_09 Wahnsinn, dass auch direkt der neuste Unfug mit den…
@Keeper_86 @Gazelight @Scherben81 @mara_bakery @HalleVerkehrt @mln_09 Wahnsinn, dass auch direkt der neuste Unfug mit den Flusspegeln in der KM-Bubble verfängt. Man hat es wirklich mit einem sektenartigen Grüppchen zu tun. https://t.co/DMS5SbUgYA
@PatMaus1984 @Emptyfly2 @Kachelmann @KSchwanke @TerliWetter @KSTA Ach, hat das Kachelmännchen etwa ein neues Thema gefunden, bei dem er naturwissenschaftliche Fakten leugnen kann? https://t.co/j9ElfeYZTX https://t.co/DE6j6vdUkZ
Grim #drought outlook for western US offers warnings for the future @ConversationEDU https://t.co/kRs4b86lYA https://t.co/lNBvoKtxn7
RT @sharonrstewart: @MLiebreich @GreenpeaceUK @RichardHCNourse @GaryLineker Well, let me blow your mind a little bit. With the aridificatio…
@MLiebreich @GreenpeaceUK @RichardHCNourse @GaryLineker Well, let me blow your mind a little bit. With the aridification of N America, America’s breadbasket becomes a semi-desert & the country with the world’s most massive army will be facing food &
@daveregrets aridification ... ? https://t.co/5JdtP2OS0a
RT @GreatLakesPeck: In a recent sci paper, we highlighted on-going aridification. As the planet warms, the atmo demands more moisture, & ov…
In a recent sci paper, we highlighted on-going aridification. As the planet warms, the atmo demands more moisture, & over land that means drier conditions unless it snows/rains more. Megadrought and wildfire surge out west are symtoms of aridification.
If the climate is getting more arid, are desert plants and animals better suited for this change? Will desert organisms thrive and flourish in an arid America?
"Climate change and the aridification of North America" https://t.co/HO9HKm7UAH
America first? 40 million Americans depend on the Colorado River. https://t.co/kWPhf1eTot
@nickchep @KevinKileyCA "Anthropogenic climate warming is progressively increasing the risk of hot drought and more arid conditions across an expanding swath of the United States." If only Qevin didn't cherry-pick the science. https://t.co/kwUxr2okZO
Fascinating article in aridification in the #west. Climate change and the aridification of North America | PNAS https://t.co/45Kq6n8DKx
Climate change and the aridification of North America https://t.co/eAAdjpjazg
Climate change and the aridification of North America - mechanisms behind temperature-driven river flow declines and how anthropogenic climate warming is increasing the risk of hot drought and more arid conditions across an expanding swath of the USA. htt
@UrsulaV I don't think there is an actual mathematical point. Rather, at a certain point, we no longer call it a drought because it has gone on too long. https://t.co/MsfTvTQ5cP
I light of the recent lack of precipitation in much of North America and the warnings of wild fires, water shortages etc. This question is posed, “How can Urban Planning , design, eng. architecture etc make places more resilient?” https://t.co/VNxUdfKwVE
@npjbrooks @SamLMontano @JimWhittington Looks like researchers like @GreatLakesPeck are still referring to drought as well as aridification. https://t.co/fURc8MELlk Also seeing a lot of ‘megadrought’. https://t.co/RSjkAb9jkX
a two-decade drought is aridification. "drought" implies the water is coming back https://t.co/SUM5ekb4iZ
RT @ofbeesandmen: “Aridity” means many things to many #people 🔥, but at its core it means extreme #dryness of the kind that can have seriou…
“Aridity” means many things to many #people 🔥, but at its core it means extreme #dryness of the kind that can have serious #impacts on humans and the natural systems upon which they depend ‼️ @PNAS June 2, 2020 👇 https://t.co/AiDGNpnvwe https://t.co/W7iI
RT @_EGuevara: «Llamar a la situación actual una "sequía" o incluso, "megasequía", perpetúa la creencia de que la situación es temporal. Si…
RT @_EGuevara: «Llamar a la situación actual una "sequía" o incluso, "megasequía", perpetúa la creencia de que la situación es temporal. Si…
«Llamar a la situación actual una "sequía" o incluso, "megasequía", perpetúa la creencia de que la situación es temporal. Sin embargo, posiblemente no se trate de una sequía, sino de una nueva normalidad». https://t.co/10XPR2dpMy https://t.co/th9Q45hJ8V
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
Martin study on temp-driven flow reductions in Upper Missouri River...Economies of large region likely suffer if aridification continues. @DakotaGopher [burn #fossilfuels means a permanent] ...more arid river basin agricultural water deliveries river mgm
#climatechange & aridification of North America @PNASNews report Burning #fossilfuels dries up Colorado & Rio Grande Rivers @LSPnow warming temps are potent driver of greater aridity: hotter climate extremes drier soil cond. more severe drought
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @bradudall: Thanks, @Weather_West. Coming from you this is high praise, indeed. @GreatLakesPeck
RT @bradudall: Thanks, @Weather_West. Coming from you this is high praise, indeed. @GreatLakesPeck https://t.co/C3t0d1EbRM
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @ColoFarmFood: If you care about Colo agriculture then join us to demand #ClimateActionNow from elected, biz and other leaders. #COleg…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @ColoFarmFood: If you care about Colo agriculture then join us to demand #ClimateActionNow from elected, biz and other leaders. #COleg…
If you care about Colo agriculture then join us to demand #ClimateActionNow from elected, biz and other leaders. #COleg "In the West, declining river flows and soil moisture, as well as more severe wildfires and drought, are now a matter of record." ht
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…
RT @Weather_West: This succinct @PNASNews commentary on "#ClimateChange & the aridification of North America," by @GreatLakesPeck and @brad…