RT @5_utr: On pattern of breast cancer recurrences: After 5 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy, breast-cancer recurrences continued to o…
RT @5_utr: On pattern of breast cancer recurrences: After 5 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy, breast-cancer recurrences continued to o…
On pattern of breast cancer recurrences: After 5 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy, breast-cancer recurrences continued to occur steadily throughout the study period from 5 to 20 years. https://t.co/NgNj8hCEDU
🔬La incertidumbre es un riesgo constante en la lucha contra el #cáncerdemama. Un estudio reciente revela la importancia de continuar con la terapia endocrina durante más de 5 años, disminuyendo el riesgo de recurrencia 🤖Tuit creado con #tweetgpt https://
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
RT @DrSGraff: These graphs illustrating 20-year risk of recurrence continue to illustrate why MonarchE matters: There is a real, persistent…
Ref here: https://t.co/LvLkV2js4i
@DocOnco Hier die 20 Jahre Betrachtung mit Eendokrinen Therapie, also bei hormonpositiven Rezeptoren (bei denen sieht die Prognose ja am besten aus) 15% derer haben Rückfall. Gibt es eigentlich auch eine Gesamtbetrachtung aller Fälle Brustkrebslle über 20
20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years https://t.co/X4d6gqI4R1
RT @hoperugo: This is really important and agree.
RT @hoperugo: This is really important and agree.
RT @hoperugo: This is really important and agree.
RT @tmprowell: #ASCO21. Important caveat: before omitting endocrine tx in #bcsm based on #MINDACT oral, remember 2017 Pan et al meta-analys…
RT @tmprowell: #ASCO21. Important caveat: before omitting endocrine tx in #bcsm based on #MINDACT oral, remember 2017 Pan et al meta-analys…
🚧 long follow up is needed before “de-escalating” endocrine therapy #ASCO21
Thanks @tmprowell for bringing up information we should not forget
RT @tmprowell: #ASCO21. Important caveat: before omitting endocrine tx in #bcsm based on #MINDACT oral, remember 2017 Pan et al meta-analys…
RT @hoperugo: This is really important and agree.
RT @tmprowell: #ASCO21. Important caveat: before omitting endocrine tx in #bcsm based on #MINDACT oral, remember 2017 Pan et al meta-analys…
This is really important and agree.
RT @tmprowell: #ASCO21. Important caveat: before omitting endocrine tx in #bcsm based on #MINDACT oral, remember 2017 Pan et al meta-analys…
RT @tmprowell: #ASCO21. Important caveat: before omitting endocrine tx in #bcsm based on #MINDACT oral, remember 2017 Pan et al meta-analys…
Nunca podemos olvidar estas graficas y discutirlas con las pacientes con #cancerdemama #RH+ debe ser rutinario favorece su adherencia al tratamiento y posiblemente estilos de vida saludable es la base. Para discutir HOrmonoterapia extendida #bcsm #breast
@DiseasePrimers How can this state "early breast cancer...is curable" when the risk of recurrance can be ~30% and where median survival in the resulting metastatic disease is just 3 years? #bcww #bcsm https://t.co/vxnqxwpQXG
RT @LibbyMbc: Related to my previous video - as I know it's highly debated. Does early detection cure breast cancer? NO Do people with s…
RT @LibbyMbc: Related to my previous video - as I know it's highly debated. Does early detection cure breast cancer? NO Do people with s…
Related to my previous video - as I know it's highly debated. Does early detection cure breast cancer? NO Do people with stage 1 breast cancer get stage 4: YES Early detection reduces the risk of recurrence. There are many people who recurr despite
@Indefatigabl_ https://t.co/CLsFms6XiR This paper demonstrates that it is risk reduction of death when found early. My mother's cancer was found at stage 1 and she has lived 17 years now. Mine stage 3 and i'm gonna die soon.
@LibbyMbc This paper? https://t.co/5g3bXp3o7z
RT @DrSGraff: And this recurrence/coming back can happen a long time after the magical 5 year mark that people hear about, talk about, cele…
RT @DrSGraff: And this recurrence/coming back can happen a long time after the magical 5 year mark that people hear about, talk about, cele…
RT @DrSGraff: And this recurrence/coming back can happen a long time after the magical 5 year mark that people hear about, talk about, cele…
This. This is what keeps me up at night.
RT @DrSGraff: And this recurrence/coming back can happen a long time after the magical 5 year mark that people hear about, talk about, cele…
And this recurrence/coming back can happen a long time after the magical 5 year mark that people hear about, talk about, celebrate: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/5o0MySi97U #bcsm
Stratification of risk of recurrence in #breast #cancer with Mammoprint is also a key factor in the ESMO data. Most women in US have not had Mammoprint done. NEJM data showing risk by grade (your graphs) in early #breastcancer over 10-20 years is much more
RT @tmprowell: Advise caution here. Very small numbers, esp after 10y. Remember this meta-analysis of 63K pts w/ ER+ early #breastcancer wh…
RT @tmprowell: Advise caution here. Very small numbers, esp after 10y. Remember this meta-analysis of 63K pts w/ ER+ early #breastcancer wh…
RT @tmprowell: Advise caution here. Very small numbers, esp after 10y. Remember this meta-analysis of 63K pts w/ ER+ early #breastcancer wh…
Advise caution here. Very small numbers, esp after 10y. Remember this meta-analysis of 63K pts w/ ER+ early #breastcancer who got 5y of adjuvant endocrine therapy showing that even in node-neg, 1/2 of recurrences & deaths occur after yr 10. #ESMO20 #bc
20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/GKyN51X57Z
And of course, meta-analysis of RCTs including fibrinolytics (“time=myocardium”) https://t.co/oFjGFgzCCm statins (Lower cholesterol is better) https://t.co/rsKWfpF5rE and breast cancer https://t.co/G7InPVa3Zt
@ESchattner I’ve been looking for the sources 🤓(agreed hate false) Stat ranges 10-40% as per Meta-analysis of 88 trials in 2017 5-20 yrs post Er drug: T1NO risk distant recurrence 13% (accum risk) T1N1-3 20%; T1N4-9 34%; T2N0 19%; T2N1-3 26%; T2N4-9 41% h
Study Results: 20-Year Risks of #BreastCancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years https://t.co/AeNvreU39p
@double_whammied This recent study in a top journal highlights this: https://t.co/cCartWENxd Conclusions: "After 5 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy, breast-cancer recurrences continued to occur steadily throughout the study period from 5 to 20 years. "
And older paper but so relevant for #hdcgrc.
RT @Sjaakjacob1234: Genezen verklaren van borstkanker is een heikele zaak - 15 jaar na stoppen na 5 jaar hormoontherapie recidiefrisico 10…
Genezen verklaren van borstkanker is een heikele zaak - 15 jaar na stoppen na 5 jaar hormoontherapie recidiefrisico 10 tot 41% naar gelang gegevens 1ste diagnose/ 20-Year Risks of BreastCancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years - | NEJM
RT @NickiDurlester: 20-Year Risks of #BreastCancer Recurrence after Stopping #EndocrineTherapy at 5 Years @NEJM #bcsm https://t.co/7ahrqLyc…
Correct link: https://t.co/wCGpSv2UVW
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @RobEMilligan: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/acO9GYP2u8
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
RT @DrSGraff: Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn…
Important. Patients need to hear and understand these numbers. Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer recurrence risk doesn’t magically disappear at 5 years. #bcsm https://t.co/Fl3Yo3iySa
RT @RobEMilligan: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/acO9GYP2u8
20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/HhmvlkwqiI
RT @drzoewinters: Importance of extended adjuvant endocrine treatments #breastcancer #breastcancerresearch #endocrinetherapy https://t.co/z…
RT @drzoewinters: Importance of extended adjuvant endocrine treatments #breastcancer #breastcancerresearch #endocrinetherapy https://t.co/z…
Importance of extended adjuvant endocrine treatments #breastcancer #breastcancerresearch #endocrinetherapy https://t.co/zPqmnjZSop
RT @clinicallibrar1: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years — NEJM https://t.co/ZodRtboCRq
RT @RobEMilligan: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/acO9GYP2u8
Darüber wird kaum gesprochen. Frauen mit hormonabhängigem #Brustkrebs haben ein sehr langes Rückfallrisiko! Das findet in der Versorgung noch immer keine Berücksichtigung. https://t.co/LPU3lockyB
RT @RobEMilligan: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/acO9GYP2u8
RT @RobEMilligan: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/acO9GYP2u8
RT @RobEMilligan: 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years | NEJM https://t.co/acO9GYP2u8