Premier Diagnostic Center,
With cancer, you MUST advocate for yourself. Here's an example why... Recently, a woman with ER positive breast cancer called…
With cancer, you MUST advocate for yourself. Here's an example why... Recently, a woman with ER positive breast cancer called…
With cancer, you MUST advocate for yourself. Here's an example why... Recently, a woman with ER positive breast cancer called…
Recurrence Risk Lasts Decades After Breast Cancer Treatment: Rises with tumor traits over 20 years
Recently, a woman with ER positive breast cancer called us for advice. She had recently been diagnosed with T1 stage cancer and…
Recently, a woman with ER positive breast cancer called us for advice. She had recently been diagnosed with T1 stage cancer and…
After 5 yrs of endocrine therapy in women with ER+, early-stage #breastcancer, recurrences continue to occur steadily for up to…
After 5 yrs of endocrine therapy in women with ER+, early-stage #breastcancer, recurrences continue to occur steadily for up to…
The most recent The New England Journal of Medicine study reports #breast_cancer recurrence risk lingers years after treatment…
After 5 yrs of endocrine therapy in women with ER+, early-stage #breastcancer, recurrences continue to occur steadily for up to…
After 5 yrs of endocrine therapy in women with ER+, early-stage #breastcancer, recurrences continue to occur steadily for up to…
Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine…
Original Article from The New England Journal of Medicine — 20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine…
Wichtige Veröffentlichung zu zwei Fragen: Hormontherapie und Langzeitüberleben - leider nur eine Kurzfassung online frei zugängli…
20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5…
Are you a breast cancer survivor? Maybe it's time to talk with your oncologist about this new information about the recurrence…
20-Year Risks of #BreastCancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years NEJM
The risk for recurrence remains. We've known this to be true for a while, but this study adds additional proof that ER+ breast…
20-Year Risks of Breast-Cancer Recurrence after Stopping Endocrine Therapy at 5 Years. N Engl J Med. 2017 Nov 09;377(19):1836-1…
乳がん術後に5年間のホルモン療法を受けた症例の再発は診断から20年まで確実に持続。再発リスクは原発がんのT因子・N因子・グレードと相関しており、20年累積遠隔再発率はT1N0で15%、T2N2で41%、T1N0 / Low grade で10%、T1N0 …