RT @davidludwigmd: DASH is generally rated best for high blood pressure In this 4-month trial a Very-Low-Carb (ketogenic) diet was superio…
고혈압, 전당뇨 또는 2형 당뇨병, 과체중 또는 비만이 있는 성인의 경우, VLC 식단은 4개월 동안 DASH 식단과 비교하여 수축기 혈압, 혈당 조절 및 체중에서 더 큰 개선을 가져왔습니다 https://t.co/2iclkTvdgM
@Vegansup @StormcloudOkie @cassietaylor221 @SBakerMD Ah look at this. Another study that shows the opposite effect. https://t.co/MtFeT9kMZV
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
@NutritionMadeS3 Short term RCTs: carb restriction lowers systolic bp by 4.81 mmHg & diastolic bp by 3.10 mmHg. https://t.co/zwv4VireUg High insulin -> high sodium retention, regardless of sodium intake. https://t.co/fiU6p0DERK Keto reduced systo
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
RT @thelowcarb_rd: "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulte…
"For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the Very Low Carb diet resulted in greater improvements in systolic blood pressure, glycemic control, and weight over a 4-month period compared with the DASH diet" h
DASH diæten er vand ved siden af keto livsstil - som ventet :) https://t.co/Sh9Vn7YPU0
@terrysimpson Just an RCT in humans: https://t.co/dAKzfgCgZX
@triagemethod Keto is the new DASH https://t.co/H0q0qvLK0f https://t.co/Xvv9NsgsdE
📅 Journée mondiale contre l'hypertension 🩺 Comparaison des régimes très pauvres en glucides et DASH (approches diététiques pour arrêter l'hypertension) pour les adultes en surpoids/obèses souffrant d'#hypertension et de pré-diabète ou de diabète type 2 htt
RT @DoctorTro: ✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for…
@trollietrolly The low fat low salt movement is partly what has brought on the obesity epidemic. Hence I did not add your "D." See the recent work by Laura Saslow demonstrating that low-carb/ketogenic diet beat out the DASH diet. https://t.co/Oa3wETeHOK
RT @helenpgowers: High insulin causes salt & water retention, increasing blood pressure. Reducing carbs improves insulin resistance and the…
RT @helenpgowers: High insulin causes salt & water retention, increasing blood pressure. Reducing carbs improves insulin resistance and the…
RT @DoctorTro: Imagine making a career pushing DASH diet nonsense and biasing against low carb diets … Only To Find Out That low ca…
RT @helenpgowers: High insulin causes salt & water retention, increasing blood pressure. Reducing carbs improves insulin resistance and the…
RT @helenpgowers: High insulin causes salt & water retention, increasing blood pressure. Reducing carbs improves insulin resistance and the…
RT @helenpgowers: High insulin causes salt & water retention, increasing blood pressure. Reducing carbs improves insulin resistance and the…
High insulin causes salt & water retention, increasing blood pressure. Reducing carbs improves insulin resistance and the ability to regulate salt and therefore water. An excellent paper showing carbohydrate restriction normalises BP! https://t.co/4J
Comparing Very Low-Carbohydrate vs DASH Diets for Overweight or Obese Adults With Hypertension and Prediabetes ... https://t.co/Bb21XPfyja
Imagine making a career pushing DASH diet nonsense and biasing against low carb diets … Only To Find Out That low carb is superior https://t.co/Ilqdegc91C https://t.co/dcqbByOWy6
@Tellit007 @ggkuhnle @Mills_CE @lowcarbGP Most studies involve weight loss, which is a confounder https://t.co/Se33cZ37AY found greater BP reduction in carb restriction arm than DASH diet but they also lost more weight.
Comparing Very Low-Carbohydrate vs DASH Diets for Overweight or Obese Adults With Hypertension and Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Trial: https://t.co/115NOXfFJm
RT @DoctorTro: Diabetes reversal - https://t.co/fjszlFOfbY MetS reversal - https://t.co/FMsIzrsReA HTN reversal vs DASH - https://t.co/Il…
RT @DoctorTro: Diabetes reversal - https://t.co/fjszlFOfbY MetS reversal - https://t.co/FMsIzrsReA HTN reversal vs DASH - https://t.co/Il…
RT @DoctorTro: Diabetes reversal - https://t.co/fjszlFOfbY MetS reversal - https://t.co/FMsIzrsReA HTN reversal vs DASH - https://t.co/Il…
RT @DoctorTro: Diabetes reversal - https://t.co/fjszlFOfbY MetS reversal - https://t.co/FMsIzrsReA HTN reversal vs DASH - https://t.co/Il…
RT @DoctorTro: Diabetes reversal - https://t.co/fjszlFOfbY MetS reversal - https://t.co/FMsIzrsReA HTN reversal vs DASH - https://t.co/Il…
Diabetes reversal - https://t.co/fjszlFOfbY MetS reversal - https://t.co/FMsIzrsReA HTN reversal vs DASH - https://t.co/Ilqdegc91C
Keto, DASH’i tokatlıyor. https://t.co/eIjoqdUxD8 Bir kere evrimi anlayıp vücudumuz nasıl bir düzene göre evrimleşti ve neleri doğamıza uygun anlamalıyız. Bu araştırma da Keto diyeti yapanların 2 kat kilo verdiği ve her alanda daha iyi sonuç verdiğini gös
RT @DoctorTro: When I’m upset I go for the jugular, it’s both a flaw and a superpower
When I’m upset I go for the jugular, it’s both a flaw and a superpower
@chewthefacts Also did you know that the books you wrote are likely inferior advice? Head to head DASH is an inferior diet compared to low carb Imagine learning your work is harming people in real time https://t.co/Ilqdegc91C
@VeganBaecon @KenDBerryMD Here's a study: https://t.co/UcxSsznf0m But in general I'd say low fat diets drive you crazy and they are harder to follow than high fat diets.
It speaks volumes when a physician transforms himself into a lean, fit exemplar of health. “…the VLC diet resulted in greater improvements in systolic blood pressure, glycemic control, and weight over a 4-month period compared with the DASH diet.” https:
RT @DoctorTro: ✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for…
RT @DoctorTro: ✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for…
RT @DoctorTro: ✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for…
RT @DoctorTro: ✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for…
Low-carb diets are better at lowering high blood pressure than the DASH diet.
RT @DoctorTro: ✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for…
✅Hypertension: Low carb diets have been tested head to head against DASH for hypertension and were shown to be superior for blood pressure reduction https://t.co/Ilqdegc91C
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
Las dietas BAJAS EN SAL recomendadas por cardiólogos son inferiores a dietas BAJAS EN HIDRATOS para el tratamiento hipertensión OBVIO, porque la SAL NO CAUSA HIPERTENSIÓN https://t.co/KMA4dCheBd
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
Salt restriction can provide symptomatic relief, but hypertension is caused by insulin resistance. #health #diet #lowcarb #hypertension
LC superior to DASH https://t.co/otdz12VxkE
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
RT @DoctorTro: The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, dem…
The DASH diet recommendations from cardiologists are literally an INFERIOR one. This study comparing low carb to DASH, demonstrates that low carb was superior at blood pressure management https://t.co/Ilqdegc91C Will you be suing your doctor for their
RT @bigfatsurprise: ***Keto outperforms DASH on all measures.*** Even on blood pressure, which is primary aim of DASH New clinical trial o…
@RogerSeheult Every diet is better than SAD. Mediteranean isn't even defined. It's basically the DASH diet, and very Low carb (keto) is proven to beat DASH/Med. Meat, sat fat, and cholesterol do NOT cause harm. https://t.co/cNtB3EzCUG
@Miyagii2574471 Η δίαιτα DASH είναι πλούσια σε φρούτα, λαχανικά δημητριακά ολικής αλέσεως και γαλακτοκομικά με χαμηλά λιπαρά. ▶️Η Κετογονική Μεταβολική Θεραπεία (VLCD) κατέρριψε τη δίαιτα DASH στην αντιμετώπιση της αρτηριακής πίεσης, την HbA1c και τη μεί
@Manderville_RD Fun fact: a very low carb (high sodium) diet was better than the DASH diet at reducing systolic blood pressure, glycated hemoglobin, and weight in this RCT https://t.co/HPqAqJAtwt
RT @davidludwigmd: DASH is generally rated best for high blood pressure In this 4-month trial a Very-Low-Carb (ketogenic) diet was superio…
RT @josephanyaa: the low carb diet resulted in almost 2X greater reduction in both blood pressure and weight loss vs. the DASH diet (a diet…
the low carb diet resulted in almost 2X greater reduction in both blood pressure and weight loss vs. the DASH diet (a diet low in salt) that’s because low carb addresses the underlying issue - insulin resistance https://t.co/hxYpxPDJG7
Nouveau short sur Blooness 👉 Le #keto a entraîné sur 4 mois une plus grande baisse de pression artérielle, glycémie et poids (-8,6 kg vs -4,6 kg) que le régime #DASH https://t.co/a0mcqz1XbG https://t.co/TvXq2so3Zz https://t.co/peAVDavIR2
Le #keto a entraîné sur 4 mois une plus grande baisse de pression artérielle, glycémie et poids (-8,6 kg vs -4,6 kg) que le régime #DASH https://t.co/JWKf9L6hMP https://t.co/c5jHJTROL5
@BradStanfieldMD https://t.co/tNs0WA2PyY "Mean LDL cholesterol decreased by 0.5 mmol/L" https://t.co/akrMiMZVtq Is it strange to assume that a diet with such great short term results is dangerous long term (given that it's a nutritionally complete diet)
RT @MarcoGomezMD: En adultos con triple morbilidad (hipertensión, diabetes y sobrepeso/obesidad) parece que la dieta "keto" controla mejor…
RT @MarcoGomezMD: En adultos con triple morbilidad (hipertensión, diabetes y sobrepeso/obesidad) parece que la dieta "keto" controla mejor…
RT @MarcoGomezMD: En adultos con triple morbilidad (hipertensión, diabetes y sobrepeso/obesidad) parece que la dieta "keto" controla mejor…
En adultos con triple morbilidad (hipertensión, diabetes y sobrepeso/obesidad) parece que la dieta "keto" controla mejor la tensión arterial, la hemoglobina glucosilada y el peso corporal, comparada con la dieta "DASH". #TuitMédico #Nutrición https://t.
RT @davidludwigmd: DASH is generally rated best for high blood pressure In this 4-month trial a Very-Low-Carb (ketogenic) diet was superio…
RT @Hiroto73981960: 超糖質制限(炭水化物20-35g/日)はDASH食と比べて4か月介入で血圧、血糖コントロール、体重の改善を示した。研究参加者は高血圧と糖尿病予備軍or2型糖尿病を有する過体重者(約100kg、BMI約35) 過体重者が低炭水化物を治療とし…
RT @CaloriesProper: See BW results in the LC vs DASH study. BP follows BW https://t.co/2cP46EaTql
@TomaszLaszcz @Regatta1909 @Marcin383069650 @MOstrega DASH polecasz a uważasz, że Keto złe. Najnowsze badania mówią o czym winnym, ale lekarze jeszcze długo będą pukali się w głowę jak ktoś będzie mówił o Keto. https://t.co/RM6yYISlGV
@zbitter 1) DASH is inferior to VLC for adults with 'triple multimorbidity' (i.e. the average person nowadays) https://t.co/YCbu3NRCyq 2) facultative carnivores https://t.co/mMj1aD0zfc or hypercarnivores (i.e. >70% kcals) https://t.co/VQMYneivKC eat an
RT @bigfatsurprise: ***Keto outperforms DASH on all measures.*** Even on blood pressure, which is primary aim of DASH New clinical trial o…
RT @AnnFamMed: Research from @LMjonesPhD_RN @juliawolfson @diabetesdiezy @CRichardsonmd suggests that a very low-carb diet may have greater…
@JohnnyScott234 @anti_wokeist @CaloriesProper "For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the VLC diet resulted in greater improvements in systolic blood pressure, glycemic control, and weight over a 4-month pe
@DrEenfeldt There is evidence that keto is the best diet at lowering blood pressure in metabolically unhealthy people (at least better than a diet specifically designed to lower blood pressure) https://t.co/9PHjVZ5wq6
@CaloriesProper @KevinH_PhD @Drlipid @tednaiman @MohammedAlo @DrEenfeldt @realDaveFeldman @NutritionMadeS3 Straw Man. “For adults with hypertension, prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, and overweight or obesity, the VLC diet resulted in greater improvements i