RT @ChaunceyGardner: @WHO I am reporting you to Twitter for spreading health misinformation that directly contradicts the unanimous opinion…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @WHO I am reporting you to Twitter for spreading health misinformation that directly contradicts the unanimous opinion…
@SDEBC The @WHO is vehemently opposed to nicotine #HarmReduction. 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control agree on the exact opposite opinion. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM Real lives are at stake. And one of
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
@clairezagorski As you well know, typically our guts decide and our brains rationalize. Two papers to consider sharing if your relationship with the person is up for it: https://t.co/D3iYxuTnQR https://t.co/IZ4D3oY4nh https://t.co/g1M1NQcST6
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the…
@ParkviewHealth So... Your "expert" is saying Dr. Brian King, Director of @FDATobacco, and 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), are all lying? https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM Also lying (apparently): UK Royal College of
@DunyaNews Yes. The @WHO claims nicotine vapes could be as harmful as regular tobacco. And 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control say the exact opposite. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM One of them is right.
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply d…
@DrTedros @WHO rejects #Harmreduction, promotes prohibition, and refuses to admit that tobacco control is now deeply divided. 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) embrace harm reduction and admit there is a debate.
@DrWasimJKMSA What if (just hypothetically) the @WHO is wrong on this? If they're wrong, the outcome is literally mass-murder of smokers. 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control hold the exact opposite p
@PVAenglish Tobacco control is deeply divided. @WHO holds a prohibitionist position, and refuses even to admit there is a debate. 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in tobacco control hold the opposite position, and achnowledge th
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
@nakednews The @WHO strongly opposes tobacco #HarmReduction, and pretends that the field of tobacco control is not now deeply divided. 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in that field acknowledge the debate... and support harm redu
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @BMTwitty I think future health historians will not treat the @WHO's current tobacco control recommendations kindly.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
@billykenber Every aspect of your reporting is sharply disputed by leading, independent scientists & researchers -- yet you sought input from none. Why is that? Here's 15 past presidents of @srntorg for instance who have spoken contrary to all the noti
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in to…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: There is now a huge debate in the field of tobacco control. @WHO pretends no such debate exists. I demand @DrTedros…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @BhinguJnr (3/3) But I truly appreciate that you have an open mind. The @WHO is saying one thing. https://t.co/uweIwI…
Who to believe? @WHO says one thing https://t.co/a0dJbXcWkF 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in tobacco control say the opposite https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM I believe the side that acknowledges there actually IS a debate. Not the one that
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @BMTwitty I think future health historians will not treat the @WHO's current tobacco control recommendations kindly.…
@BhinguJnr (3/3) But I truly appreciate that you have an open mind. The @WHO is saying one thing. https://t.co/uweIwI1fNx 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control are saying the exact opposite. https://t.
@ravimehro @WHO @ChipFoundation Why do you think @WHO is pretending there is not a legitimate debate in the field of tobacco control? To do this, they must cherry pick experts, and then justify that by assuming everyone who supports #HarmReduction has a C
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @BMTwitty I think future health historians will not treat the @WHO's current tobacco control recommendations kindly.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
@BMTwitty I think future health historians will not treat the @WHO's current tobacco control recommendations kindly. The preventable deaths they now cause will be quantifiable. And it is not a small number. https://t.co/kxrzh7pGm3
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…
RT @AlexWodak: Brilliant short balanced video on vaping vs smoking from a real expert. Highly recommended
RT @ChaunceyGardner: 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control unanimously agree on this.…