@BurtMarion87368 @CDCTobaccoFree "Validity of extrapolation to humans is speculative" - 15 past presidents of SRNT https://t.co/lwsBE8JHPa "only happens in laboratory torture of mice" https://t.co/Cx8Avlynnc "Rests primarily on rodent studies" "Show us the
@DanckersMD @HCAhealthcare @Medtwitteer Teens who vape are obviously NOT more likely to subsequently smoke cigarettes, according to 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT). They point out: If that was true we would s
@House__M_D @spokespersonof1 @flat_vie My 10 minute read of this consensus statement from 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) shows that your claims are dubious... according to some of the world's top tobacco contr
@HakaLasse Heh heh, niinpä niin. @MTVUutiset Sini Törrönen vs viisitoista Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco:n ex-puheenjohtajaa arvostetussa tieteellisessä julkaisussa (American Journal of Public Health). https://t.co/eoVL2YWIO1 https://t.co/tgz
@queensride24 @HunkyVape @DonaldJTrumpJr @RobertKennedyJr @Surgeon_General @US_FDA @CDCgov Educating yourself is always good. However, deliberately cherry picking to find harms is not. These 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @nachtnoir @BradRodu @Clive_Bates @mbsiegel @NIH @CDCgov @FDATobacco (12/12) Finally: You believe that nicotine harms…
@nachtnoir @BradRodu @Clive_Bates @mbsiegel @NIH @CDCgov @FDATobacco (12/12) Finally: You believe that nicotine harms developing brains. 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) call that claim "speculative." Why? N
@sethmnookin @maiasz @MyHarmReduction @clairezagorski @d_a_dingman @dianemgoldstein @alexhkral @jeremyfaust @DearPandemic @saragorm 2/2 I like to pair that one with this one, encouraging people to find balance in that debate. (September is the 3-year anniv
@SoniaAdesara There are carcinogens. What matters is 95% fewer carcinogens at concentrations 95% lower than cigarette smoke. 15 past-Presidents of @srntorg call brain harms "speculative" because there is no human evidence. So we do NOT "know" brain harm
@WFPHA_FMASP Please explain why you disagree with the US @Surgeon_General, the Director of @US_FDA's Center for Tobacco Products, and 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM https://t.co/YufAqpPZmi
RT @SeismicPirate: And here are three impeachable sources providing just that https://t.co/BiHh27rKAT https://t.co/tXBPlTMNEx https://t.…
And here are three impeachable sources providing just that https://t.co/6MOPc12BLt https://t.co/nJ39jMXZF8 https://t.co/FJo7cRr4bl What they conclude is that nicotine vaping is at least a 95% lower risk than smoking and now the most effective and popul
RT @imaracingmom: Good morning! How many times do you think mention has been made of the paper by the #SRNT15? I'm tallying up the number…
Good morning! How many times do you think mention has been made of the paper by the #SRNT15? I'm tallying up the numbers! I will let you know my results soon! Have a great day. Please #BeKind #TheSRNTfifteen #SRNTfifteen https://t.co/UQMdtN3iR0
This guy doesn’t remember the decades of tobacco promotion. Then whoops! OxyContin.. the safe pain killer … whoops Child sterilization and sexual butchery … whoops I could go on … but it seems rather obvious. Like opioid Dems reduce opioid addiction, cri
@IBAConservative I read 100s of vapor toxicology, human biomarker and clinical trial studies, talk with 100s of informed ex-smokers who quit by vaping, and agree with 15 past-Presidents of @srntorg. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM What you THINK is happening is n
@DakhelAlmubarak @Surgeon_General Again, respect. But there are 2 schools of thought on this, e.g.,: @WHO advises countries like yours with very high smoking rates to prohibit nicotine vapes. 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine &a
@AbhishekKatakwa The Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT) is the world's top professional society in tobacco control. Here is the unanimous expert opinion of 15 past-Presidents of SRNT. https://t.co/XCJ54YjIxk So, obviously, there are tw
RT @imaracingmom: 2/2 To learn more about the need for balance, I find this paper by 15 past presidents of @srntorg helpful and informative…
RT @imaracingmom: 2/2 To learn more about the need for balance, I find this paper by 15 past presidents of @srntorg helpful and informative…
2/2 To learn more about the need for balance, I find this paper by 15 past presidents of @srntorg helpful and informative. https://t.co/XY31HFQ7cB #SRNTfifteen #SRNT15 #TheSRNTfifteen
@WoodCPCoalition @phil_w888 Sorry to intrude, but 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) call that "brain harm" claim "speculative" ...because there is no human evidence. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM I'm troubled by peopl
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @CNPT_E Con todo respeto, sois unos idiotas desinformados. ¿Cree seriamente que conoce a más de 15 ex-presidentes de…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @CNPT_E Con todo respeto, sois unos idiotas desinformados. ¿Cree seriamente que conoce a más de 15 ex-presidentes de…
@CNPT_E Con todo respeto, sois unos idiotas desinformados. ¿Cree seriamente que conoce a más de 15 ex-presidentes de @srntorg? Or are you just lying, like most #HarmReduction deniers do? (Pidiendo por un amigo.) https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM
@PottCoPHD The @CDCgov claims that nicotine harms developing brains as if that's a known fact. But 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco call that brain harm claim "speculative." Why? Because there is no human evidence.
The USA has an election coming up. I hope the winner will listen to the expert opinions of 15 past-Presidents of the @srntorg, and finally reject billionaire @MikeBloomberg's #HarmReduction-denialism. https://t.co/XCJ54YjIxk 28 million adult smokers' liv
The USA has an election coming up. I hope the winner will listen to the expert opinions of 15 past-Presidents of the @srntorg, and finallyl reject billionaire @MikeBloomberg's #HarmReduction-denialism. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM 28 million adult smokers' li
$$$ or sheer stupidity n ignorance 🙄 or all three!! https://t.co/ZNcEu7g0h9
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
@VaporAmerican @KoushaNavidar @KoushaNavidar should be informed that what Dr. Halpern-Felsher said was objectively untrue according to 15 past-Presidents of the top professional society in tobacco control (@srntorg). https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM She is a zealo
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @HHSMontcoPA @LungAssociation 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the world's top…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @HHSMontcoPA @LungAssociation 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the world's top…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @HHSMontcoPA @LungAssociation 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the world's top…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @HHSMontcoPA @LungAssociation 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the world's top…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: (2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world'…
(2/2) I would like to ask Dr. Halpern-Felsher, respectfully, why she is contradicting 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control. https://t.co/pmNka8vnnv https://t.co/XCJ54YjIxk
@HHSMontcoPA @LungAssociation 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control, disagree with you. So? https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM
@reciclamovil Stop spreading lies and misinformation!! Asthma is reduced when switching to vaping! https://t.co/2rNBOswHBB https://t.co/PLX0EYhAFg https://t.co/tKs9mfCsio https://t.co/XlogIxivwP https://t.co/pUOJOLxRtb
@minsaude Are they safer? That depends on who you ask. @WHO claims no. In contrast, 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco say "yes." https://t.co/XCJ54YjIxk The US @Surgeon_General and Director of @FDATobacco also say "
@tempyy @naveenthacker @HRCAdvocates @sfataorg @WHO says one thing. 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control say the opposite. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM Strange to listen to "experts" from only one side of
@brokencoconuts @zephyrsky I understand. "Precautionary principle." But well-meaning people differ on how appropriate it is to apply that principle in the face of the enormous death toll caused by mass-produced combustible cigarettes. Like these 15 past
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @GaDPH I suggest you read this peer-reviewed publication expressing the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of @sr…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @GaDPH I suggest you read this peer-reviewed publication expressing the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of @sr…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @GaDPH I suggest you read this peer-reviewed publication expressing the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of @sr…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @GaDPH I suggest you read this peer-reviewed publication expressing the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of @sr…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @GaDPH I suggest you read this peer-reviewed publication expressing the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of @sr…
I suggest you read this peer-reviewed publication expressing the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of @srntorg. https://t.co/brM2shBdrM Some of those same top tobacco control experts also wrote this in Nature Medicine. An easy read. https://t.co/O2
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @audreypants24 I trust 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control (@sr…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @audreypants24 I trust 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control (@sr…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @audreypants24 I trust 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control (@sr…
@AchievablePrep Thank you. Can you explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco? https://t.co/XCJ54YjIxk And with @FDA? And with the US Surgeon General? And with objective reality measured by @CDC
@h_macy2155 @JordanWeckler @CDCgov @CommunityNotes I don't think agreeing with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, and the US Surgeon General, makes you an "idiot." https://t.co/XCJ54YjIxk I think disagreeing with them
@audreypants24 I trust 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control (@srntorg), all veterans of the war against big tobacco. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM
@edutopia 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco call this very recently concocted "brain harm" claim "speculative" because there is no human evidence for it. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM The CDC is literally lying. There is no
@skyllhaynes3 @ChaunceyGardner @StopSmokingLDN Chauncey's position is consistent with the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control (@srntorg). https://t.co/jyO8xPOdYu You can disagree
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @harriet75 @RedfearnMike @nypost @LungAssociation @AAAAI_org @AAFANational You have a right to believe whatever you wa…
@harriet75 @RedfearnMike @nypost @LungAssociation @AAAAI_org @AAFANational You have a right to believe whatever you want to believe. But I'm more inclined to believe the unanimous opinion of 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and T
RT @EsigbondNL: The authors agree with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop “[A]s we take every action to save our children from the rava…
RT @EsigbondNL: The authors agree with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop “[A]s we take every action to save our children from the rava…
RT @EsigbondNL: The authors agree with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop “[A]s we take every action to save our children from the rava…
The authors agree with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop “[A]s we take every action to save our children from the ravages of tobacco, we should demonstrate our commitment to those who are already addicted will never expire.” The latter is at risk now!
@MarvinLimforGA Great! Obviously, teens should not vape. Out of curiosity, have you read this peer-reviewed paper by 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco? There ARE a lot of misperceptions in this field. These are THE
@EddieDiazAngst @gawincast My logic follows that of 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and tobacco (SRNT), the world's top professional society in tobacco control (all veterans of the war against Big Tobacco). https://t.co/XCJ54YjaH
@SandroDemaio Is more smoking good or bad for public health Sandro? You tell us. https://t.co/EHwI8RBhM1 https://t.co/saQUgs6hj4 https://t.co/esIRz4Ton7
@AKinVail @BowTiedBroke What's "MMJ"? Teens should not vape nicotine, obviously, but nicotine does not "harm the developing brain." That's an invented harm. Don't take my word for it. Read 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and
@TheCitizen_News 🫁 No lung damage. Long-term study. https://t.co/UAb3YiNxOE 🦷Smokers can expect to see substantial improvements in their oral health if they fully switch https://t.co/dKVm9sMcaJ 🧠Show us the brain-damaged teenage smokers https://t.co/dmQF14
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @RD_WPRO Please explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco. ht…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @RD_WPRO Please explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco. ht…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @RD_WPRO Please explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco. ht…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @RD_WPRO Please explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco. ht…
@TheCitizen_News As for the other claims in this article, please consider the scientific essay by 15 past presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), arguably the world experts in the field. https://t.co/m2zNPshEDl
@RD_WPRO Please explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM And Cochrane's systematic evidence review of 88 studies. And @US_FDA. And the UK Royal College of Physicians,
@MOPHQatar What if you're wrong, and these 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) are right? If you're wrong, then your advice is reducing smoking cessation. FYI: Cigarettes KILL people. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM htt
@9NewsAUS @ccroucher9 Are nicotine vapes far safer than cigarettes? 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco agree "yes." https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM So, obviously, making #SaferNicotine alternatives more difficult for adults to
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @amapresident Can you explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tob…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @amapresident Can you explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tob…
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @amapresident Can you explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tob…
@amapresident Can you explain why you disagree with 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco? https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM @US_FDA recently launched a public education campaign to correct the sort of health misperceptions that you
@EricSFong @ChaunceyGardner @MackinacCenter 1M relapsing to smoking is a FAR WORSE outcome because smoking often leads to severe disability and premature death. Meanwhile, there is little evidence to support your hypothetical https://t.co/saQUgs6hj4 https
@FenitN IF nicotine vapes are safer and help people quit smoking, why the witch hunt? I believe they are safer. So do 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT). This is not a controversial opinion. #HarmReduction http
@55leeanne @jkelovuori @SwitchFinder @FDATobacco 15 past-Presidents of Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), world's top professional society in that field, all veterans of the war against big tobacco, agree: SAFER. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaH
@leoncrawl Like... these 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control, all veterans of the decades-long war against Big Tobaco, who wrote THIS peer-reviewed paper that was utterly ignored by US media? https://t
@ckhopkar @MadisonKittay So... These 15 past Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, top professional society in that field, all veterans of the decades-long war against Big Tobacco... Do THEY work for the vape industry? https://t.
RT @jkelovuori: @RedfearnMike @pinkheretic Fifteen past presidents of SRNT (the leading association on research in this area) call the clai…
RT @jkelovuori: @RedfearnMike @pinkheretic Fifteen past presidents of SRNT (the leading association on research in this area) call the clai…
@RedfearnMike @pinkheretic Fifteen past presidents of SRNT (the leading association on research in this area) call the claim "speculative". https://t.co/qV5eSy3c48.
@mumtolily @benryanwriter 15 past-Presidents of the world's top professional society in the field of tobacco control disagree with you on the relative risks. https://t.co/XCJ54YjaHM So does @US_FDA. And teen nicotine use, and the number who may be 'hooke
RT @ChaunceyGardner: @WHO 15 past-Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, the world's top professional society in t…