心拍が回復しても、 入院患者40%に 軽度記憶喪失、植物状態 脳損傷が発生 院内心停止後の生存率 https://t.co/gSU8iOEWu6 退院迄の生存率 2000年13.7% →2009年22.3% ⬆️ 重大な神経障害️ 2000年32.9% →2009年28.1%⬇ 重度の神経障害の割合は時間の経過とともに大きく変化せず https://t.co/Zml5sPYUpQ
1/ nearly 80% of pts do not survive to discharge after a Code Blue - you are not alone if your patient passes. https://t.co/RPr56Sjs2q
6/ Pioneers in cardiovascular medicine, resuscitation, and research have made strides in empowering physicians and tertiary care hospitals with the technology to sustain and support life throughout what used to be an almost definite fatal prognosis. https:
@KevinGibbsMD I’ve not seen NNT reported. Lots of descriptions of epidemiology and survival, like this one: https://t.co/6VR01NsAE3. NNT would be tough as untreated and treated groups would be pretty different, I suspect.
@MedChiefs Curious to know what study this is from. Linked study has 54% ROSC and 22% survival to discharge. https://t.co/w6U3wipCEV https://t.co/CMQA13YrYr
Trends in #Survival after In-Hospital #CardiacArrest: https://t.co/TIAkLs9CuY #GwtG
Thanks - and not great improvement over time... https://t.co/Ytoz8jqMkL (14% in 2000 to 22% in 2009, US data) https://t.co/s18yagv3nO
Neurologic outcomes following cardiac arrest: http://t.co/SomVt4FK
Tendencias en la supervivencia tras paraca cardiaca hospitalaria http://t.co/5fdDC6b6 N Engl J Med
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/FeP2J1jc
American study finds improvement in cardiac arrest survival rates in hospitals #medicine http://t.co/eXHD8w2n
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/By3dhIy7
@p53juanfco NEJM http://t.co/VUgzlUtY (https://t.co/ZjlGxt0L) Tal vez nos sirve para alguna lecturona
NEJM http://t.co/VUgzlUtY
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/KxTrDRsQ via @sharethis
以前よりも院内心停止の社会復帰率が改善しているようです.RRS/RST/METとの関わりは不明ですが...いずれにせよ良い方向ではありますね.頑張ります. http://t.co/Ja6qvl6d
http://t.co/kFvb3CzG Better survival from arrest in hosp 2000-09. But only 1 in 5 survives to discharge and 30% of those -sig neuro deficit
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/kFvb3CzG
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/mYgRrljX
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/JXDcMfW3
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. http://t.co/h2v8NIyu
RT @NEJM: Survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest improved in last 10 yrs at hospitals in nat’l quality improvement registry. http://t.co/7uiTqvsh
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. http://t.co/xEOzM0bF
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/fB7rIO16
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/gLClGTxe
Important @NEJM article via @ashishkjha - it will change the way I counsel inpatients about CPR and DNR. http://t.co/ezo6CU5O #meded
Modest but real improvements in saving people who have cardiac arrest in the hospital. Miracles of modern medicine. http://t.co/zKJuKA2U
#arretcardiaque Meilleure survie et moins d'invalidité en sortie hopital /implementation recos aux USA. NEJM http://t.co/jxx2N4N4
We've been making progress with in-hospital CPR: http://t.co/9rf73V55
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Do these results actually change anything for #hpm "goals of care"? http://t.co/14BxNz7G
Migliorano sopravvivenza ed esiti neurologici dopo arresto cardiaco negli ultimi 10 anni in #USA. http://t.co/OHfGQQBS
Posted NEJM update Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: …-hospital cardiac arrests. Because impr... http://t.co/4LM0Axjg
#arretcardiaque Meilleure survie et moins d'invalidité en sortie hopital /implementation recos aux USA. NEJM http://t.co/jxx2N4N4
Survival and neurological outcomes after cardiac arrest in-hospital have improved in last decade in USA http://t.co/Ir9V8maN
Cambios en la Mortalidad del Paro Cardio respiratorio Intra Hospitalario: http://t.co/IIYJgeXV
Cambios en la Mortalidad del Paro Cardi respiratorio Intra Hospitalario: http://t.co/IIYJgeXV
Trends in Survival after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest — NEJM http://t.co/noINt43L note only 22% survive to DC and 28% have neuro damage
Survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest improved in last 10 yrs at hospitals in nat’l quality improvement registry. http://t.co/0uh30tPK
MT @NEJM: Survival to d/c after in-hospital cardiac arrest 14>>22% over last 10 yrs at hosps in nat’l QI registry. http://t.co/zSAmNDIA