Advanced Practitioners Online,
Interesting. Controversial. Patients of nurses with bachelors degrees have lower mortality than patients of nurses without…
Interesting. Controversial. Patients of nurses with bachelors degrees have lower mortality than patients of nurses without…
Why is important to promote and invest in nurses education!
Why is important to promote and invest in nurses education!
Personal de enfermería, educación y mortalidad hospitalaria en nueve países europeos: un estudio observacional…
【 你知道嗎?5/12 是國際護師節喔!】 大家好,今天是國際護師節,是護士還是護師,是錯字嗎?趕快一起來看看吧! 歡迎小額贊助,讓更多社會議題變得更簡單好懂 ☞ -- 其實,在 2010 年…
Dowody na to, że wykształcenie pielęgniarek ma wpływ na bezpieczeństwo pacjentów " 422 730 patients aged 50 years or older who…
"Recortes de personal de enfermería para ahorrar dinero podrían afectar negativamente a los resultados del paciente. Un mayir…
Free access study
STUDIUM in der Pflege? Wieso denn das? Die…
Luk Bruyneel a research fellow at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at KU Leuven, Belgium on February 19, when…
Luk Bruyneel a research fellow at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at KU Leuven, Belgium on February 19, when…
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries #SegPac #Ptsafety
A case for more and better trained nurses.
간호사와 담당환자의 비율과 간호교육의 질이 환자사망율과 밀접한 관계가 있다는 연구결과가 최근에 Lancet에 발표되었네요. 유럽의 9개 국가의 300개 병원에서 흔한 수술을 받 50세이상의 422,730명의 퇴원 환자와 25,516…
Une étude européenne montre que les infirmières formées à l’université réduisent le nombre de décès de patients hospitalisés…
Where is does Evidence based practice sit with the decision makers
This study, one of the largest to date, confirms what a mountain of research has told us for more than 20 years—that people die…
Delighted to have the support of BMA Cymru Wales! "BMA Cymru Wales is pleased to give its wholehearted support to Kirsty…
Opleidingsniveau en personele bezetting verpleegkundigen zijn te relateren aan sterftecijfer ziekenhuizen…
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. By - Prof…
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study - The Lancet