RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @LangzeitC: 12 " … medizinischen Zentren in den USA ergab, dass 56 % der Betroffenen, die mit COVID-19 ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurd…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
RT @WesElyMD: 15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggl…
15/ NIH-sponsored study of 825 pts in 44 centers @JAMA_current 📍Found 56% of previously hospitalized COVID survivors struggled 📍To pay bills at 6 mos due to ongoing health problems 📍Even bathing & preparing meals was hard 📍Quality of Life deficits👇 h
12 " … medizinischen Zentren in den USA ergab, dass 56 % der Betroffenen, die mit COVID-19 ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurden, 6 Monate später aufgrund anhaltender Herz- und Lungenprobleme Schwierigkeiten hatten, ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen. [https://t.co
RT @icurehab: Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/…
RT @icurehab: Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/…
RT @icurehab: Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/…
RT @icurehab: Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/…
RT @icurehab: Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/…
Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/JYDYPJQOoD #icurehab #A2Fbundle
From @ajadmon, published in @JAMA_current "Assessment of Symptom, Disability & Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months" https://t.co/uOxvEy0MiB #UMPrecisionHealth
RT @medical_xpress: Lingering symptoms are common after COVID hospitalization @nih_nhlbi @JAMA_current @jamanetworkopen https://t.co/xHKHmQ…
Kudos to @ipeltan @DrSamuelBrown and colleagues on this important work. Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/utfcbXgLPY @SCWollerMD @Jess_Intermtn
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @JAMANetworkOpen: Some survivors of #COVID19 experience improvements in early post-hospitalization symptoms; however, many continue to e…
#Assessment of #Symptom, #Disability, and #Financial Trajectories in #Patients #Hospitalized for #COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/cYJt20DB8g https://t.co/XMYn6c0lGn
Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months @LongCovidSOS @LongCovidFam @TogetherWeMask https://t.co/q2aKNAC3go
RT @MerlotVine: JAMA Network Open, 14-2-23 Studie: Beoordeling van Covid-patiënten die in het ziekenhuis werden opgenomen, met follow-up…
RT @MerlotVine: JAMA Network Open, 14-2-23 Studie: Beoordeling van Covid-patiënten die in het ziekenhuis werden opgenomen, met follow-up…
JAMA Network Open, 14-2-23 Studie: Beoordeling van Covid-patiënten die in het ziekenhuis werden opgenomen, met follow-up na 1, 3 en 6 maanden later. 75% had problemen na 6 maanden. #Longcovid https://t.co/KO5RZiuCQh Þ
RT @WesElyMD: 2/fin How bad is survival w Long COVID & PICS on Humans & Society? In @JAMA_current Blue Coral Study🪸 >50% have scary Dis…
RT @WesElyMD: 2/fin How bad is survival w Long COVID & PICS on Humans & Society? In @JAMA_current Blue Coral Study🪸 >50% have scary Dis…
「2020年8月から2021年7月の間にコロナウイルスの治療を受けた成人800人以上が、6カ月経過した時点で、参加者の70%以上が咳、急速または不規則な心拍、息苦しさなどの症状が続いている」 https://t.co/gdVe6xq5WZ
La infección por SARS CoV2 deja secuelas médicas y financieras Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.co/phfim6o0z6 a través de @JAMANetworkOpen part of @JAMANetwork
75% of study participants reported lingering symptoms of COVID-19 at the 6-month mark. Long-haulers develop more health challenges over time, with higher rates of heart&lung problems. New symptoms can develop after the initial infection. #GetVaccinated
RT @masanpra: Evaluación de síntomas, discapacidad y trayectorias financieras en pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 a los 6 meses https…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
Evaluación de síntomas, discapacidad y trayectorias financieras en pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19 a los 6 meses https://t.co/PJLnfdQiR5
RT @DrCanuckMD: New study shows many people hospitalized with COVID still had debilitating symptoms at 6 months. https://t.co/z8nDuwcVCK ht…
RT @DrCanuckMD: New study shows many people hospitalized with COVID still had debilitating symptoms at 6 months. https://t.co/z8nDuwcVCK ht…
RT @DrCanuckMD: New study shows many people hospitalized with COVID still had debilitating symptoms at 6 months. https://t.co/z8nDuwcVCK ht…
RT @WesElyMD: 2/fin How bad is survival w Long COVID & PICS on Humans & Society? In @JAMA_current Blue Coral Study🪸 >50% have scary Dis…
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…
RT @WesElyMD: 2/fin How bad is survival w Long COVID & PICS on Humans & Society? In @JAMA_current Blue Coral Study🪸 >50% have scary Dis…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
The long-term burden of #COVID19. https://t.co/HT8VnDEsjH
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…
RT @MVGutierrezMD: Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75%…
Great study on patients who were hospitalized for #COVID with follow-up at 1, 3, & 6 months later. Not surprising: >75% had issues at 6 months. #LongCOVID More surprising to me: Worsening cardiopulmonary symptoms and fatigue from 1st to 6th month.
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…
RT @agingdoc1: Assessment of Symptom, Disability, and Financial Trajectories in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 at 6 Months https://t.c…
RT @WesElyMD: 2/fin How bad is survival w Long COVID & PICS on Humans & Society? In @JAMA_current Blue Coral Study🪸 >50% have scary Dis…
RT @SukunaBikona7: 退院後1ヶ月時点で特に問題を報告しなかった者の60.0%は6ヶ月時点で新たな症状を、23.8%は新たな障害を、41.4%は倦怠感を報告した。 https://t.co/R4LC1M8R6G 6ヶ月後まで症状などは比較的高い割合で残存し、一部…