RT @Dysautonomia: More than 1/2 of people who acquire COVID-19 are developing #LongCOVID, and more than 1/2 of Long COVID patients are deve…
@RainTown @Fuzzy_Ovid @sailorrooscout Read the new meta-analysis that shows that about 50% of the COVID cases have long COVID four months after infection: https://t.co/V1De0AeXGR
@AlexGaggio @msmeaghanb @rbmichae @StephTaitWrites @eddylindenstein @indyfromspace Likewise, that article you dismiss as irrelevant? Linked here by epidemiologist as of April. https://t.co/3GZ8kyXMaE It's important info to consider as the issue evolves.
Source: https://t.co/b9IwGn2kDq
@CardsSauga @Baloneybutt @stenshaw @danrosenbergnet The LC estimate. I went extremely conservative (considering we stopped accurately tracking cases during omicron) and went with low end rates (one meta-analysis paper had >30% in non-hospitalization and
@PercivalSweetw2 @brownecfm How is 20%-30% of our population having medical issues post-COVID a “tiny probability?” https://t.co/ZCxnjIalDh https://t.co/e0cxtQYMpu https://t.co/EXLbD6xU64
@0sensesince19XX @WmHaseltine To support your concern of #LongCovid taking a while to appear, note that Long COVID incidence has been reported to *increase* beyond 60 days post-infection. See https://t.co/y7fZaiGo6I based on Chen et al https://t.co/9ak6Te3
@SimonJohnMonis @dgurdasani1 @EliseVelaz9 Big global data study of over 1million found nearly half developed long Covid/ post Covid syndrome. Recent Euro study found 6 in 10 had at least 1 symptom a year on. Yeah it's exhausting but it's reality & 'mil
@eddyjoemd @SolNataMD Here’s a meta-analysis of 31 studies published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases: https://t.co/kdTy2sBj4B University of Michigan researchers conducted a systematic review, and found the prevalence of long COVID at 37%/1 month an
@Ihavequestione @IgumRasmussen Det her ‘systematic review and meta-analysis’ er nok det bedste bud til dato. “This study finds post-COVID-19 condition prevalence is substantial” “It is imperative that those affected are provided proper health, social, an
@taliawegman @sandralopezleon @svillapol @cipatlimd @carol_perelman En adultos, la prevalencia de long Covid es en torno a 0,5% . Tienes datos de su prevalencia en niños respecto a los contagiados? https://t.co/2Qrwq5hOkT https://t.co/cFcJFzdpzt
@dubiousT123 Individually, we can argue about each study. It's the metastudies (studies of studies) which get me. These persistently indicate across many societies, economic models etc, that 1:10 is the LOW end of estimates of people with long term sequela
Om het extra gezellig en gaaf te maken kunnen we er ook een weddenschap aan verbinden. Winkans ca 50%. Wie van hen wordt langdurig ziek? Ik gok op Kuipers!! https://t.co/mo9lPm95g0
RT @fdzaraf: 50の研究が含まれ,41の研究がメタ解析され(過去最大規模),世界全体のLong COVIDの有病率を, あらゆる程度を含め43%としています。 Published 2022/4/16 COVID-19後のコンディションまたはLong COVIDの世…
@luchostein_cl Estimado Luis, la prevalencia de Covid Largo es de 0,5% , te comparto meta análisis respecto al tema. https://t.co/32lHWqEtlC
@JamesHalcrow @mrwagga @pacificroaming Mass lit review that frankly feels a bit superficial and overlaps with the previous but cast a wider net. Note this one has 50 separate studies. Really big net. https://t.co/6hqQzeAhK7
RT @fdzaraf: 50の研究が含まれ,41の研究がメタ解析され(過去最大規模),世界全体のLong COVIDの有病率を, あらゆる程度を含め43%としています。 Published 2022/4/16 COVID-19後のコンディションまたはLong COVIDの世…
RT @fdzaraf: 50の研究が含まれ,41の研究がメタ解析され(過去最大規模),世界全体のLong COVIDの有病率を, あらゆる程度を含め43%としています。 Published 2022/4/16 COVID-19後のコンディションまたはLong COVIDの世…
@tannahillglen Whatever it is, it’s global: https://t.co/NMCf5Hk8XX
RT @fdzaraf: 50の研究が含まれ,41の研究がメタ解析され(過去最大規模),世界全体のLong COVIDの有病率を, あらゆる程度を含め43%としています。 Published 2022/4/16 COVID-19後のコンディションまたはLong COVIDの世…
RT @fdzaraf: 50の研究が含まれ,41の研究がメタ解析され(過去最大規模),世界全体のLong COVIDの有病率を, あらゆる程度を含め43%としています。 Published 2022/4/16 COVID-19後のコンディションまたはLong COVIDの世…
@simon_gordon_ @K_Bishof @origincanada @ENirenberg @MaanasaKona @RutgersCSHP @bruce_y_lee I suspect that you're not arguing in good faith, but in the case that you do actually care about analysis... "The empirical findings suggest a global post-COVID-19 c
50の研究が含まれ,41の研究がメタ解析され(過去最大規模),世界全体のLong COVIDの有病率を, あらゆる程度を含め43%としています。 Published 2022/4/16 COVID-19後のコンディションまたはLong COVIDの世界的な有病率: メタ解析とシステマティックレビュー https://t.co/QpKpTdKOIw
RT @RifFlame: #LongCovid Volgens een meta-analyse van 41 studies heeft bijna de HELFT v/d #COVID patiënten wereldwijd 4 maanden na de acute…
@SylvanaBIJ1 @pimjoosten @riendebock In een meta-analyse van 41 studies wereldwijd komen nog hogere aantallen naar voren. https://t.co/VMhCbSYi0H?
#LongCovid Volgens een meta-analyse van 41 studies heeft bijna de HELFT v/d #COVID patiënten wereldwijd 4 maanden na de acute fase aanhoudende symptomen agv een Sars-Cov-2 infectie. 1/3 https://t.co/VMhCbSYi0H?
@unacceptable_jr @YakkStack Just looked this up now, but it looks like long-COVID is very common - about 54% in hospitalized and 34% in non-hospitalized patients. Serious vax side-effects on the other hand are very rare, around 0.003% in Ontario. https://t
@janet_kenney2 This is the paper being referred to (may be behind a paywall): https://t.co/obrXKIVcni
Tldr: meta-analysis: 43% of people have tangible long-Covid symptoms https://t.co/ljqn6tgqld
@PstafarianPrice first thing I found when I Google is a meta-analysis that says 50% at 4 months but that seems like it can't possibly be right? https://t.co/N7zgmBMQ1H
@Infecti13786677 @DCDoc33 @ChildrensNatl And that is just one study in an increasing body of literature that has a wide variability in estimated prevalence, anywhere between <1% and 66%. Below are a few meta-analyses: https://t.co/9yWbNCmNWx https://t
RT @guty2370: Según un metanálisis reciente👇 https://t.co/3rKsTBxBa4 indica que se avecina una pesadilla para la salud pública , la econom…
RT @guty2370: Según un metanálisis reciente👇 https://t.co/3rKsTBxBa4 indica que se avecina una pesadilla para la salud pública , la econom…
RT @guty2370: Según un metanálisis reciente👇 https://t.co/3rKsTBxBa4 indica que se avecina una pesadilla para la salud pública , la econom…
Según un metanálisis reciente👇 https://t.co/3rKsTBxBa4 indica que se avecina una pesadilla para la salud pública , la economía y la educación debido al COVID prolongado #LongCOVID 👀Ninguna de estas sombrías realidades es reconocida por los políticos.
@MelissaLDavey @DrKGregorevic I have been told that these latest systematic reviews and meta analysis are based on poor studies: https://t.co/5096NkXyDL https://t.co/aLeZiljr1o Also being told this CDC study is poor https://t.co/JSqqaKT8up I get sceptical
RT @DeNovo_Fatima: Link to the peer-reviewed #LongCOVID meta-analysis and systemic review: https://t.co/PmJucTzapt
RT @icurehab: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/vYxpKHIWq8 #ic…
@nbcfrom253 @yaneerbaryam You mean with up to a 54% chance of getting neurological or cardiovascular damage. New meta study-https://t.co/n6SVdVwV8T
RT @icurehab: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/vYxpKHIWq8 #ic…
RT @icurehab: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/vYxpKHIWq8 #ic…
Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/vYxpKHIWq8 #icurehab #A2Fbundle
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @DeNovo_Fatima: Link to the peer-reviewed #LongCOVID meta-analysis and systemic review: https://t.co/PmJucTzapt
Link to the peer-reviewed #LongCOVID meta-analysis and systemic review: https://t.co/PmJucTzapt
RT @eeconomist1986: Meta-Analyse zur Häufigkeit von #PostCovid: ▶️ gepoolte Post-COVID-19-Prävalenz wird auf 0,43 (95% CI: 0,39, 0,46) ge…
RT @eeconomist1986: Meta-Analyse zur Häufigkeit von #PostCovid: ▶️ gepoolte Post-COVID-19-Prävalenz wird auf 0,43 (95% CI: 0,39, 0,46) ge…
RT @eeconomist1986: Meta-Analyse zur Häufigkeit von #PostCovid: ▶️ gepoolte Post-COVID-19-Prävalenz wird auf 0,43 (95% CI: 0,39, 0,46) ge…
Meta-Analyse zur Häufigkeit von #PostCovid: ▶️ gepoolte Post-COVID-19-Prävalenz wird auf 0,43 (95% CI: 0,39, 0,46) geschätzt, wobei die Prävalenz bei hospitalisierten Patienten mit 0,54 höher ist als bei nicht hospitalisierten Patienten mit 0,34. 1/🧶 ht
@luatunes @katiescotcher They range all over from 10% low to 50% high. As I said, more and more the numbers are settling into the 20s. UMich did a meta study which shows the variability but concludes towards the high end. Others I've read concluded low end
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @NilaJones3: @SaltySicky The CDC is trying to break it to us gently The real number is 49%, at minimum That's a coin toss every time y…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @_freval: 43 Prozent. 43.
43 Prozent. 43.
RT @pandemicaid_net: Global study finds that post COVID-19 condition prevalence is substantial — global estimated pooled prevalence for #Lo…
@TheSkylineTrail Long COVID is real. Even just continued fatigue is a productivity killer. https://t.co/ofDMNlZ1L0
Hier ist die Veröffentlichung 👇 2/3 https://t.co/uBSo2PvpS5
RT @ales_frost: @mattzachsmom @vet_dot can't find the one I read last night, but here's another: https://t.co/hHKRX5SEnu
RT @aizuchi1: @jakeadelstein Here are few recent research papers on LC and some thus far known mechanisms behind the syndrome: 4/ 👉https:/…
@jakeadelstein Here are few recent research papers on LC and some thus far known mechanisms behind the syndrome: 4/ 👉https://t.co/XrEsRW324n 👉https://t.co/gpIcNTG3FQ 👉https://t.co/QZEraBVMSY
@mattzachsmom @vet_dot can't find the one I read last night, but here's another: https://t.co/hHKRX5SEnu
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
@SnaPatricia "La présente méta-analyse de 41 études permet d'estimer qu'à l'échelle mondiale, la prévalence d'une condition post COVID-19 est de 43%" https://t.co/m2fcJABlFq
RT @AsadoriQ: コロナ後遺症に関するメタ分析。世界全体で感染後1、2、3、4ヶ月後の有病率はそれぞれ0.37、0.25、0.32、0.49と。 Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID:…
RT @matsuneko25: リツイート失礼します コロナ後遺症の有病率の時間経過による分析論文をスレッドで紹介してくださってます 2021年7月までのデータ 有病率、2ヶ月時点で一度下がった後、3-4ヶ月目に向けて増加 主な症状は疲労と記憶障害と これら二つは軽快に向か…
リツイート失礼します コロナ後遺症の有病率の時間経過による分析論文をスレッドで紹介してくださってます 2021年7月までのデータ 有病率、2ヶ月時点で一度下がった後、3-4ヶ月目に向けて増加 主な症状は疲労と記憶障害と これら二つは軽快に向かいづらいとの分析が続いて出ている印象
RT @georgepapadapol: Prevalencia global de Condición PosCOVID o #LongCovid:RS y Metaanálisis, 41 estudios, >1.5 millones de infectados Prev…
@Mitch___Lowe @medriva Here's a nice meta analysis looking at 1.6M people globally showing 49% persistent long COVID months after infection. https://t.co/v1wAwf02NO
@Grandpa57Steven @LoveAllPersons @LeonidasPlatan1 “Decoupling of cases and poor outcomes”… right
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
@PutrinoLab Also can we have a conversation about the accuracy of the "5-10%" estimates? https://t.co/B5agGKEPvk
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
RT @grahamwalker: What *don't* we know? A lot. Even these reviews (plus more linked below) can't agree on risk. Several studies suggest tha…
The only perplexity is whether the % w LC is 10% or 50%. Either way, it's a huge PH risk, and we should be preventing spread w air filtration in bars, restaurants, jails, factories, etc.https://t.co/ASI0bPP4Cv https://t.co/zQEVJH681L
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
@AshishKJha46 Long Covid affects ~30% of people who have MILD Covid, lasts 6 mo, and only 5% recover over a year. Death is not the only problem. Why isn't disability important? https://t.co/ASI0bPP4Cv https://t.co/nfoEMs9VYq
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
RT @NeilKuMD: As the US reached 1 million deaths due to COVID-19, it’s important to bear in mind that long COVID affects far more people. h…
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
RT @lzj961: But @CDCgov, @CDCDirector and @ashishkjha don't talk about the risk of #LongCovid, which can affect as many as 43% of people in…
@profesterman @voxdotcom Introduction: This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic review and meta-analysis. https://t.co/Ep5WVsF5dC