Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
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RT @ChantalBritt: Meta-Studien dürften mittlerweile genügend etabliert haben, dass eine substanzielle Anzahl von Menschen von #LongCovid be…
Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review | The Journal of Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic
RT @BhramarBioStat: It was educational to learn about long COVID studies across the world through this meta-analysis. So many people are s…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @ChantalBritt: Meta-Studien dürften mittlerweile genügend etabliert haben, dass eine substanzielle Anzahl von Menschen von #LongCovid be…
RT @ChantalBritt: Meta-Studien dürften mittlerweile genügend etabliert haben, dass eine substanzielle Anzahl von Menschen von #LongCovid be…
RT @laurieallee: Link to study: "This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic revie…
RT @ChantalBritt: Meta-Studien dürften mittlerweile genügend etabliert haben, dass eine substanzielle Anzahl von Menschen von #LongCovid be…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @ChantalBritt: Meta-Studien dürften mittlerweile genügend etabliert haben, dass eine substanzielle Anzahl von Menschen von #LongCovid be…
Meta-Studien dürften mittlerweile genügend etabliert haben, dass eine substanzielle Anzahl von Menschen von #LongCovid betroffen sind und die Gesundheitssysteme belasten werden. Wir brauchen eine nationale #Strategie. @BAG_OFSP_UFSP
RT @LongCovid_gal: 🚨A metaanálise máis grande ata agora de máis de 1,5 millóns de individuos infectados sitúa a prevalencia global de #Long…
RT @laurieallee: Link to study: "This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic revie…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
I bet we’re all prematurely aged inside. Holes in asymptomatic ♥️s. Walking dynamite. Attn: “high information consumers” Feel especially plagued right now? Study | Worldwide, 49% of COVID-19 survivors reported persistent symptoms 4 months after diagnosis
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @laurieallee: Link to study: "This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic revie…
@laurieallee I'm also intrigued by this mythical 10% everyone seems to somehow "know". You probably saw this one too, but here's the link just in case.
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
@TruthAbout_ME2 @debra_caplan This systematic review of 50 studies says 0.43% of people who catch COVID still have symptoms 28 days later. Where on earth did the 30% come from!
RT @laurieallee: Link to study: "This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic revie…
RT @laurieallee: Link to study: "This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic revie…
Link to study: "This study aims to examine the worldwide prevalence of post COVID-19 condition, through a systematic review and meta-analysis.Methods: PubMed, Embase, and iSearch were searched on July 5, 2021 with verification extending to March 13, 2022."
RT @neurostingl: Egal wie diffus die Definition von #LongCovid auch sein mag, es ist wohl schon so, dass viel zu viele Menschen viel zu lan…
Trending on PubMed: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review.
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @neurostingl: Egal wie diffus die Definition von #LongCovid auch sein mag, es ist wohl schon so, dass viel zu viele Menschen viel zu lan…
RT @JadeKhalife: 43% of survivors have LongCovid (meta-analysis). 34% among the non-hospitalized 54% among the hospitalized. Most common…
RT @neurostingl: Egal wie diffus die Definition von #LongCovid auch sein mag, es ist wohl schon so, dass viel zu viele Menschen viel zu lan…
RT @neurostingl: Egal wie diffus die Definition von #LongCovid auch sein mag, es ist wohl schon so, dass viel zu viele Menschen viel zu lan…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
50 studies and 1.6 million people. “Long COVID is quite common overall and across geographic regions, sex and acute COVID-19 severity. “
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @BhramarBioStat: It was educational to learn about long COVID studies across the world through this meta-analysis. So many people are s…
RT @neurostingl: Egal wie diffus die Definition von #LongCovid auch sein mag, es ist wohl schon so, dass viel zu viele Menschen viel zu lan…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
Global Prevalence of Post #COVID19 Condition or #LongCOVID: A #MetaAnalysis and #SystematicReview #Openaccess #research
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
@KaplanJohannes @M88303925 Danke für das "behämmert", Johannes👍 The Journal of Infectious Diseases verwendet PC und LC synonym. Sind die auch behämmert? -> 49% of COVID-19 survivors reported persistent symptoms 4 months after diagnosis, estimates a me
RT @JadeKhalife: 43% of survivors have LongCovid (meta-analysis). 34% among the non-hospitalized 54% among the hospitalized. Most common…
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @LongCovid_gal: 🚨A metaanálise máis grande ata agora de máis de 1,5 millóns de individuos infectados sitúa a prevalencia global de #Long…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
🚨A metaanálise máis grande ata agora de máis de 1,5 millóns de individuos infectados sitúa a prevalencia global de #LongCovid nun 43%. Algunhas conclusións clave adicionais.
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @TimLaheyMD: A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
A 1-in-4 chance of fatigue lasting for months….? No thank you
RT @JuanGrvas: Covid persistente. 54% tras hospitalización, 34% si no. Más en mujeres. Hospitalized during acute COVID-19 infection? Higher…
RT @neurostingl: Egal wie diffus die Definition von #LongCovid auch sein mag, es ist wohl schon so, dass viel zu viele Menschen viel zu lan…
RT @Vaccinologist: ‼️ NEW ‼️ 49% of #COVID19 survivors reported persistent symptoms 4 months after diagnosis, estimates a meta-analysis of…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @Vaccinologist: ‼️ NEW ‼️ 49% of #COVID19 survivors reported persistent symptoms 4 months after diagnosis, estimates a meta-analysis of…
Covid persistente. 54% tras hospitalización, 34% si no. Más en mujeres. Hospitalized during acute COVID-19 infection? Higher post COVID-19 prevalence (54%); non-hospitalized patients (34%). Female had higher prevalence than male adults (49% vs 37%) https:/
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
I guess I might be looking into this barrel now
RT @millbot: jfc
Holy shit
The latest research on #longCOVID: Globally, 49% of #COVID19 survivors reported lingering symptoms 4 months post-diagnosis, according to a roundup of 31 studies published Saturday in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
@gomez_rial5 @nauscopio @cautocrou Al contrario, yo creo que lo que debemos hacer es visibilizarlo. No hablar sobre ello no va a hacer que el problema desaparezca (que es bastante grave y serio de lo que puede parecer). Te lo digo con conocimiento de causa
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @didaclopez: Chen et al. estimen a través d'una meta-anàlisi de 41 estudis que la incidència de covid persistent rondaria la meitat dels…
La mitad de los hospitalizados por covid se quedan con covid persistente #longcovid
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
Chen et al. estimen a través d'una meta-anàlisi de 41 estudis que la incidència de covid persistent rondaria la meitat dels casos que van requerir hospitalització.
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @quatoria: jesus fucking christ that is so much worse than my worst expectations
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
This are absolutely dogshit odds. Best way to fight COVID is to not fucking get it.
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @quatoria: jesus fucking christ that is so much worse than my worst expectations
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
jesus fucking christ that is so much worse than my worst expectations
RT @KunstJonas: 🚨The so far largest meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million infected individuals puts the global prevalence of #LongCovid at…
RT @JesusM_77: @DENTRO_MADRID @nikomer75 @CarolinaDarias Menos mal que los casos de #LongCovid serán 3 o 4....
RT @Vaccinologist: ‼️ NEW ‼️ 49% of #COVID19 survivors reported persistent symptoms 4 months after diagnosis, estimates a meta-analysis of…
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…