RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @danaparish: #LongCovid should be the headline, not an afterthought. There is nothing acceptable about living with #Covid given we hav…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @influenzer3: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/xKw8eWARhY
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @jbarro: This is implausible
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @Perbess: Metanálisis de 50 estudios 1,6 millones de personas 《"Solo" el 43 % experimenta síntomas duraderos En otras palabras, de los…
RT @influenzer3: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/xKw8eWARhY
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
We don't see the disabled because they aren't as visible any more. But 30% of folks w MILD Covid still have sx 3 months later. https://t.co/ASI0bPP4Cv
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @danaparish: #LongCovid should be the headline, not an afterthought. There is nothing acceptable about living with #Covid given we hav…
.@DrTomFrieden love to see the peer reviewed evidence that we will keep Covid hospitalizations and death at or below flu levels? comparing #Covid to the flu seems like a false equivalency. 1/2 people w/ flu don’t have Long flu, brain shrinkage, clots, orga
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @kim_harding: Yeah, this is really going to be "good for the economy"... Why is it that the rich, selfish brats in the UK government t…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
What do you know about #LongCovid #Longcovidkids #bromsgrove 😳Anyone heard MSM/Govt express concerns about it at all…ever https://t.co/SF13yETtFy
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
We know risk of Long Covid is LOWER for vax, but only 1/2. Still ~30% ill after 6 months. https://t.co/ASI0bPP4Cv
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
COVID-19後の状態、または、Long COVIDの世界的有病率 :メタ分析とシステマティック・レビュー Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/i8zyuTxHa6
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @JesusM_77: 🎯 COVID PERSISTENTE 🚨 Publicado el metanálisis más grande hasta ahora, de más de 1,5 millones de personas infectadas que si…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @Charles2cpr: One reason why @PublicHealthIOM is so wrong with its herd immunity policy. 43% get Long Covid, 34% even if not hospitalise…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @Perbess: Metanálisis de 50 estudios 1,6 millones de personas 《"Solo" el 43 % experimenta síntomas duraderos En otras palabras, de los…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @influenzer3: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/xKw8eWARhY
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @Perbess: Metanálisis de 50 estudios 1,6 millones de personas 《"Solo" el 43 % experimenta síntomas duraderos En otras palabras, de los…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @TPCarney: Can we stop making this clearly misleading claims just to scare people?
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
Oh fuck 😳
RT @danaparish: #LongCovid should be the headline, not an afterthought. There is nothing acceptable about living with #Covid given we hav…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @RaewynMutch: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review | The Journal of Infecti…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @NJdoc: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review https://t.co/jiwv8S1VFa
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @vlah58: Meta analiza, zajetih 50 študij z 1,6 miliona pacientov. “Samo” 43% ima dolgotrajne simptome. Torej od 1.000.000 okuženih Slove…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…
Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review | The Journal of Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic https://t.co/N1XaCUQVq9
RT @DrTomFrieden: And long Covid is a serious risk that we can’t dismiss or take lightly. A new meta-analysis reported that HALF of people…