RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
Osoby LGBT bardziej narażone na zaburzenia psychiczne,niż osoby hetero. Takie wyniki i badnia(642 tys ludzi)publikują faszyści😉 z Uniwer.Cambridge w Nature Com.Ja to wiem i bez tych badań,wystarczy zobaczyć ich zachowanie na paradach.. https://t.co/Az5g
"Elevated rates of #autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and #autistic traits in #transgender and gender-diverse individuals" https://t.co/dlhmTjjI5s
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals | Nature Communications https://t.co/rrX0d11tWw
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
CAT HACKER: Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/2ACE9Bm4LQ
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @shyouhei: 自閉症とトランスジェンダーって併発しやすくないですかっていうの、まあ、知ってたって感があるけど、統計的にもそうですね、って出てると、まあ、せやな。 https://t.co/uhJJnfv3Y0
自閉症とトランスジェンダーって併発しやすくないですかっていうの、まあ、知ってたって感があるけど、統計的にもそうですね、って出てると、まあ、せやな。 https://t.co/uhJJnfv3Y0
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/AI9vqP8DU6 (https://t.co/Wy3CmljLuP)
RT @newsycombinator: Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/JIT42ci9Bl
RT @newsycbot: Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/goWp63oLWy (cmts https://t.co/gIF471SzKi)
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse indivi https://t.co/FhM0PDaE1b (https://t.co/WEaRjClHxU)
159 – Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/2Kt65fOIgS
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/NRkawKzgNl
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/tS5sO3yeQI (https://t.co/4qlubPUha5)
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/KzgHeOAiod
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/goWp63oLWy (cmts https://t.co/gIF471SzKi)
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/zG8QhGd5eT #techvu
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/B3uIP2GN3O https://t.co/aMs7jQRzBU
"un-talkable about:" https://t.co/VIoh4Ci2CK
RT @newsycombinator: Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/JIT42ci9Bl
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse indivi https://t.co/6Ak8sIovh8 (https://t.co/UzJKP1JaHS)
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/JIT42ci9Bl
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/7AeavMH3Zt
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals Link: https://t.co/mxaWbenDi2 Comments: https://t.co/VF5sdjREaZ
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/s4spKXGHUr #technews #chatbots #automation #AI #ML
RT @mohapsat: Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/VesfrjTfBB #AI #news #tech
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/VesfrjTfBB #AI #news #tech
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/wojI50RIKP https://t.co/0YMtsLHytP
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals: https://t.co/6m4fJE0U2X Comments: https://t.co/EpmQmWOasF
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals L: https://t.co/MAZhvuv6R7 C: https://t.co/rfpvJniau5
@CyanOcarina @RaiderMatt2 @CosmeGonzalez16 @JackPosobiec Here’s a study going over the likeliness of pre-existing mental illnesses And developmental conditions among trans people. https://t.co/3N6CEAJhJi
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @g_bouillon: Los ayatollahs de la corrección política se van a poner como locos por este artículo
Los ayatollahs de la corrección política se van a poner como locos por este artículo
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @Pozzidonius1: how long until Nature is pressured to take this study down https://t.co/IlKg0bqRIm
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
Another firestorm in the making:
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @Corco_Digital: "Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and ge…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @tibby17: I follow a lot of people and often miss important stuff, and this thread from two days ago is important.
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @TheDapperChef: Hey Siri, show me something to trigger my deep-seated fear of personal determinism. https://t.co/WpUqk1VUQL
Hey Siri, show me something to trigger my deep-seated fear of personal determinism. https://t.co/WpUqk1VUQL
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
Quote some thread, read it 👍👍👍👍
RT @tibby17: I follow a lot of people and often miss important stuff, and this thread from two days ago is important.
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @tibby17: I follow a lot of people and often miss important stuff, and this thread from two days ago is important.
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
@hayleyrob01 @iamthatiam91 @jo_bartosch Some papers worth reading https://t.co/9MbNckInoO https://t.co/IInW4zcUsW https://t.co/YymPgCMWpr
RT @tibby17: I follow a lot of people and often miss important stuff, and this thread from two days ago is important. https://t.co/Lg3rcnyl…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…