RT @andreawerner_: Existem mais autistas na população trans que na população cis. Ainda não se sabe se é questão genética ou se tem a ver c…
@CARTAUCSD Member, Simon Baron-Cohen (@sbaroncohen, @Cambridge_Uni, @TrinCollCam): Elevated rates of #autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in #transgender and gender-diverse individuals. @NatureComms https://t.co
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/b59hOo87fN (August 2020)
RT @andreawerner_: Existem mais autistas na população trans que na população cis. Ainda não se sabe se é questão genética ou se tem a ver c…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @andreawerner_: Existem mais autistas na população trans que na população cis. Ainda não se sabe se é questão genética ou se tem a ver c…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @andreawerner_: Existem mais autistas na população trans que na população cis. Ainda não se sabe se é questão genética ou se tem a ver c…
RT @andreawerner_: Existem mais autistas na população trans que na população cis. Ainda não se sabe se é questão genética ou se tem a ver c…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
Por isso que esse papo de "eu não uso pronome neutro pq os autistas não entendem" NÃO FAZ SENTIDO, tem autista trans para k7 que é trans véi
RT @otiagoabreu: Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços aut…
Saiu recentemente um estudo bem completo e muito interessante sobre autistas e identidade de gênero. Resultado: traços autistas estão mais presentes na população trans em comparação a autistas cis, bem como outros diagnósticos como TDAH e esquizofrenia. ht
RT @aspiringfagg0t: Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and ge…
@KC_nemesis Autism specific (TW: Simon Baron-Cohen): https://t.co/7VIESgiOMZ
RT @mindsci: Trans and Autism (&c) https://t.co/wJJV9s7upF 2% of autistic people are trans, but 24% of trans people are autistic. But (ev…
RT @mindsci: Trans and Autism (&c) https://t.co/wJJV9s7upF 2% of autistic people are trans, but 24% of trans people are autistic. But (ev…
Trans and Autism (&c) https://t.co/wJJV9s7upF 2% of autistic people are trans, but 24% of trans people are autistic. But (even though trans is not a health issue, obvs) that's not all. https://t.co/vgGFd6erO1
@SashaLPC I expect you’ve seen this research? I was stunned that the connection that seems obvious and which you articulate so well above isn’t explored in the conclusions.. any thoughts? https://t.co/4eNarW2MbJ
RT @autismgadfly: In this new study coming out of Baron-Cohen's lab showing much higher autism rates in transgendered persons, these were a…
In some of the surveys this study used, people were only required to state a clinician dxed them w/autism. The authors said this would not precluded self-dxed people. I have a bridge in Brooklyn Baron-Cohen and his group might like to buy: https://t.co/
Also, there is a select group of persons who respond to surveys from TV shows etc. It fails to sample persons with ID so does not represent the whole sample of autistics: https://t.co/BNavFBxyW4
In this new study coming out of Baron-Cohen's lab showing much higher autism rates in transgendered persons, these were all done by surveys. In only one of five surveys were people asked to provide proof of dx https://t.co/BNavFBxyW4
@RynodeMarigny L'étude en question https://t.co/v41czYPqOm
Haven't had a chance to read all of this yes, but looks interesting. https://t.co/lY0dPnbrQm
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
RT @DrDebraSoh: Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sba…
Here are the studies I discussed regarding the link between autism and gender dysphoria: https://t.co/A0BZAIcNrL from @sbaroncohen @mengchuanlai https://t.co/1p5v9NNx4P from @LisaLittman1
RT @ajitjohnson_n: Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gen…
https://t.co/YbpdYizlxZ Статья Центра исследования аутизма при Кембриджском университете о превосходящем проценте аутизма среди нецисгендерных личностей.Настоятельно советую всем ознакомиться в оригинале.
RT @shyouhei: 自閉症とトランスジェンダーって併発しやすくないですかっていうの、まあ、知ってたって感があるけど、統計的にもそうですね、って出てると、まあ、せやな。 https://t.co/uhJJnfv3Y0
@ThillAgnes @kevinbossuet Pathologie d’après cet article https://t.co/T6MRvTUkDf
@kevinbossuet Scientifiquement vérifié https://t.co/T6MRvTUkDf
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @danfromsydney: When Gender Identity is finally exposed for what it is: a social contagion, how many people on this platform will be del…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
“The results may have clinical implications for improving access to mental health care and tailoring adequate support for transgender and gender-diverse individuals.” https://t.co/DtHntOi1u9
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
@OttawaCitizen “Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals” https://t.co/e9f9hXR2Z5
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals | Nature Communications https://t.co/mVY3Fw5xyB
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
@OttawaCitizen “Compared to cisgender individuals, transgender and gender-diverse individuals have, on average, higher rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses.” (2020) https://t.co/e9f9hXR2Z5
It’s cool to see confirmation of a link between autism and trans identity, and that’s because I like autistic folks and trans folks. My gloss would be “autistic folks are especially good at seeing how dumb gender is and doing something creative with it.”
RT @ajitjohnson_n: Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gen…
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/NYUNkv2AGW
RT @cathydevine56: 'our study demonstrates that transgender and gender-diverse individuals have elevated rates of autism diagnosis, related…
'our study demonstrates that transgender and gender-diverse individuals have elevated rates of autism diagnosis, related neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, and autistic traits compared to cisgender individuals' https://t.co/PFKtgvauBu
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
Estudio de Warrier et al que explora la convergencia entre condiciones autista y trans (hay más personas autistas que son trans en comparación relativa a la población general). ¿Hipótesis explicativas? Las que ya llevamos años dando nosotres. https://t.co
RT @1982blink: Elevated rates of #autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals via https://t.co/ymD9sxIZCq https://t.co/NopMQNq23t
RT @1982blink: Elevated rates of #autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals via https://t.co/ymD9sxIZCq https://t.co/NopMQNq23t
Elevated rates of #autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals via https://t.co/ymD9sxIZCq https://t.co/NopMQNq23t
RT @shyouhei: 自閉症とトランスジェンダーって併発しやすくないですかっていうの、まあ、知ってたって感があるけど、統計的にもそうですね、って出てると、まあ、せやな。 https://t.co/uhJJnfv3Y0
RT @shyouhei: 自閉症とトランスジェンダーって併発しやすくないですかっていうの、まあ、知ってたって感があるけど、統計的にもそうですね、って出てると、まあ、せやな。 https://t.co/uhJJnfv3Y0
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
@LucaMedina @NeuroRebel A recent study found that non-autistic (no diagnosis) trans people have higher rates of "autistic traits" than autistic (yes diagnosis) cis people which that explanation doesn't work for. Don't really know what to think there. http
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @GardenGalAnna: Just read the recent study in Nature regarding autism and being trans or gender diverse. It's well worth a read and take…
Just read the recent study in Nature regarding autism and being trans or gender diverse. It's well worth a read and takes about ten minutes. https://t.co/yJxJeWMM1G
RT @LaurentOzon: Nouvelle confirmation : la dysphorie de genre (GD) est très probablement un symptôme de nombreuses comorbidités sous-jacen…
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
"Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals" Water is wet. I need to take more stats classes tho https://t.co/Eoh9n66L1y
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/uLwef9MbuW
RT @shyouhei: 自閉症とトランスジェンダーって併発しやすくないですかっていうの、まあ、知ってたって感があるけど、統計的にもそうですね、って出てると、まあ、せやな。 https://t.co/uhJJnfv3Y0
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).
Elevated rates of autism in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/EVVmb9FDRB comm: https://t.co/pcMkic3Mok
RT @LarrySchweikart: https://t.co/3RF7J4PhDg I'm surprised Nature allowed this to be published. Otherwise . . . shocked! (Not).