RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
People who identify as "transgender" are three to six times as likely to be autistic https://t.co/o3lzcB5Mej
@johncardillo @ngenoese vaxxeen damage, full DNA of opposite sex injected, ASD disorder, endocrine disruptors- all intentionally used to cause gender dysphoria to skyrocket. they know what they are doing. https://t.co/epyWerzyF2 https://t.co/j0Cg45abjt
this is not even a joke, by the way: https://t.co/du5Fly37zj
@jk_rowling https://t.co/1fOBgVOdpb @jk_rowling uh excuse me? As a Ravenclaw myself, and autistic, and queer, I did a bit of research for you. Take a look at the metadata: autistics have a HIGHER prevalence of being LGBT+ than their neurotypical counterpar
In honor of Autism Awareness month, here's my favorite study ever done on autistic people. https://t.co/Gb6GMm18Sn
@KekeRenae @quickdishwasher @ErinInTheMorn @jk_rowling Luckily here is a study from two years prior: https://t.co/fNh2h9lT2x. Specifically also adds that trans people with ASD and others need to be validated for their GNC and trans identities with communic
Hoy es el #DiadelAutismo en Chile. Considerar que según varios estudios, hay una gran relación entre Disforia de Género y Autismo. Prudencia al momento de tratar este tema. La perspectiva afirmativa, sólo empuja a los niños/as #ROGD a la medicalización htt
@fentzx10 @madmax9602 @FoxNews Yup. It’s too early in the morning to start this dance. But Doc, if you want some good reading, try this one. https://t.co/WEKBRhNYy4
@s0larbody Seems like it's A Thing! https://t.co/LNkxZ4T7aB
@BrittGlassxo horrifying.. all engineered. https://t.co/epyWerhXNu
@AConcernedPare2 autism from vaxx.. full DNA of opposite sex injected into kids in numbers never seen before. it is ENGINEERED. they know what they are doing. https://t.co/epyWerhXNu
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals https://t.co/9cdoxHsJee
@PardesSeleh Actually, if you had an autism spectrum disorder you might actually understand better. https://t.co/sUDJDFswvn
RT @WaxCostanza: @MrReaganUSA https://t.co/16syi6b1UW It is no longer really up for debate.
@yipadeedoodah @Gillian_Philip I'm not saying this to be mean, it's been found in several studies. I heard one psychologist say that the trait in autism where they fixate on certain things may be responsible. https://t.co/Iy0ge7i53m
"Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity" https://t.co/E5DTTFWtzt Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender individuals https://t.co/7XzKDweJvv Puedo
RT @WaxCostanza: @MrReaganUSA https://t.co/16syi6b1UW It is no longer really up for debate.
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
RT @WaxCostanza: @MrReaganUSA https://t.co/16syi6b1UW It is no longer really up for debate.
Elevated rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses, and autistic traits in transgender and gender-diverse individuals | Nature Communications https://t.co/cEzFRnEAit
RT @WaxCostanza: @MrReaganUSA https://t.co/16syi6b1UW It is no longer really up for debate.
RT @WaxCostanza: @MrReaganUSA https://t.co/16syi6b1UW It is no longer really up for debate.
@MrReaganUSA https://t.co/16syi6b1UW It is no longer really up for debate.
Some say vaccines are correlated to increasing autism rates, and if you're Trans enough our government/NIH is actually interested in your autism https://t.co/Dxeb52nPMH
@healthylaugh @Acyn Dunno, but our trusted NIH is looking into it....if your Trans enough https://t.co/Dxeb52nPMH https://t.co/VR48BYIKl1
@alc_anthro @ThunderHeadFan @Aprilsu43503779 @jeee475 @BriannaWu Autism? Yes, there's decades of research showing a correlation, those with GD are several times more likely to be autistic, which is best defined as the symptoms of atypical brain developmen
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
@juanrallo ¿Dónde termina la autodeterminación personal y empieza la apología a la enfermedad mental? https://t.co/swk6Te6eqt ¿Me puedo declarar inimputable pq me autoconstruyo como un niño o tal vez las etapas de desarrollo normal deben informar a los pr
@jordanbpeterson https://t.co/16syi6b1UW Because Autism.
Hmmm…I wonder, the refusal to talk about disabilities in trans-community is more about NOT wanting to win the battle?! https://t.co/4v7Kzd2rRb
An example of evil: high rates of the disability Autism in transgender community! Preying on disabled is the epitome of evil! 1 in 5 GenZ identify as LBGTQ. Today, 1 in 40 are children are diagnosed with autism! https://t.co/mMpfroF1Wr
Interestingly, GenZ has high rates of autism spectrum disorder with 1 in every 40 children being diagnosed (before 90’s it was 1in every 2500). Are we abusing people with disabilities by the trans propaganda? https://t.co/mMpfroFzLZ
@jordanbpeterson When are we going to talk about the higher rates of autism, bipolar, schizophrenia in trans people?! Is this not abuse of people with disabilities? https://t.co/mMpfroFzLZ
@MattWalshBlog have you seen this? These psychopaths are targeting children and young adults with psychiatric disorders! Taking advantage of their disabilities! #ProtectOurChildren https://t.co/mMpfroFzLZ
@MattWalshBlog Talk about this first:
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @clairlemon: A study of over 600,000 adults finds that those who are transgender & "gender diverse" are six times more likely to have a…
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @RationalMale: C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
C’mon Joe, let’s burn it down. We’ll start with this study as our first topic:
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
@Stinkehund1 @LilySimpson1312 There is a lot of comorbidiry between GID and ADHD/ASD. E.g. https://t.co/SRiHQgsypS It doesn't cover the growing prevalence, you can look that and etiological data up separately.
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
Angående transpersoner finns det forskning på det ämnet också: https://t.co/MGkwElfWQ5
@Flaming_Spork Just one link, but it has many good cross references to peer reviewed journals. This is coming out of Cambridge and it’s recent so it’s worth a peek: https://t.co/nPxoPkO24y
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
ジェンダー多様性と自閉症に相関がありそう?経験則的にもなんとなく多いようなイメージがあるけど、何か共通のメカニズムがあるのか、自閉症的認知特性だと性自認に意識が向きやすいのか、それとも元々の少数派としての社会的抑圧が自閉症傾向を高く示させてしまうのか… https://t.co/gztrtLMt4P
@TriciaFrasman I don’t know if this is what you were looking for but it may be helpful regardless: https://t.co/M633t3oDCv
RT @zoeness1: @TaniaAMarshall I'm hoping there's a lot more than this paper but here's one in case anyone interested. https://t.co/CqCqlKw…
It's not elevated rates of Autism among trans people. It's elevated rates of gender diversity among Autistic people.
@EqualT4all Let's look at correlation vs causation. https://t.co/ToJBMf0svn
RT @StructuredSucc: @Eerie_Whyspr You are on fire, my friend! :) Here's another for everyone's reading pleasure. [TW: pathologizing langua…
RT @StructuredSucc: @KingJ43432819 Yes. For example: https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj "In two datasets, transgender and gender-diverse individuals…
自閉症の人もそうでない人も,トランスジェンダーやジェンダー多様性のある人は,自閉症の特徴,感覚過敏の自己申告のスコアが平均して高く,共感性の自己申告のスコアが平均して低かったよ,という研究. https://t.co/dfnsTmzAoV
RT @StructuredSucc: @KingJ43432819 Yes. For example: https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj "In two datasets, transgender and gender-diverse individuals…
@_PyroNymph_ Bruh. Did you click the link? https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj This is study of 641,860 people.
@dylanmaustin Citations are in the comments. https://t.co/YKU7GrdVVx https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj
@_PyroNymph_ The citations in the comments. https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj https://t.co/YKU7GrdVVx
@archeopsgui Here ya go. "In two datasets, transgender and gender-diverse individuals also had elevated rates of ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, learning disorders, and schizophrenia compared to cisgender individuals" https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj
@Eerie_Whyspr You are on fire, my friend! :) Here's another for everyone's reading pleasure. [TW: pathologizing language about LGBTQ+ identities] https://t.co/4iRWnBJ5Kj