RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
RT @fem_mb: @Pandadoud0 Here you go. https://t.co/xfUA49mJyK
@Pandadoud0 Here you go. https://t.co/xfUA49mJyK
@HazelAppleyard_ There are lots but it's all BS not worth reading (there is a ton of misdiagnosis of autism to the point most ppl claim it as a fad like trans, OCD ADD etc.) https://t.co/i7KDiiEFGB https://t.co/9CkF3QG3An https://t.co/Ht12jpi5EX https://t.
@HazelAppleyard_ Autism. No, I'm serious. Look at the rates of Autism spectrum diagnosis in MtF individuals. https://t.co/z36UJNPVzB
RT @DrJohnB2: There is a link between autism & gender dysphoria (GD): https://t.co/OM7Ae8C9Ya Since autism is linked exposures to toxic che…
RT @SwipeWright: 1/ THREAD: New BIG paper in Nature: Transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03-6.36 times more likely to be aut…
@Capt_Fabulous @DPerson68 @HazelAppleyard_ Care to cite your reference? This research by Varun Warrior, https://t.co/aKLAi7vAg8 found that 3.5-6.5% of trans people are on the autistic spectrum compared to 1.1% of non trans people. https://t.co/1vjJtwXwlr
@elonmusk (Perverse) Transgender Movement targets AUTISTIC CHILDREN: https://t.co/3PA2Uu5B5X
@lunabird444 @cyberohero @naecotsol @BeyondDeception @Angelica_Reed1 @travisakers Didn’t say *MOST*. At the Tavistock they found around a third of youth patients had autism. This is backed by other research that also finds higher rates in the trans popul
RT @sensorystories_: Resources for those interested... https://t.co/JqfKGxhpxp https://t.co/PgDxwYNROB
@juvenal_tw @ZapateroAntonio @maiterico Ya lo encontre yo que estos son unos inutiles. https://t.co/6swCiRsTZP
That’s correct. If you look in the mirror and truly see something else that is an extreme case of body dysmorphia. Also there have been many studies and papers that show there is an abnormally high link between autism and transgenders https://t.co/6pJoghLA
Criteria markers do not necessarily indicate addressing hormonal divergence. https://t.co/PXI5yWpgYa https://t.co/DIAgJpDq17 https://t.co/0rC4XzDGtx
@TerrysTweets7 @Solias8 @ActualCorn I already have. https://t.co/urFiHTbzfg
@Solias8 @TerrysTweets7 @ActualCorn Correlation and "coincidence" are not synonymous terms. Please show me anywhere the word "coincidence" is used in this study. https://t.co/urFiHTb1pI
@Jebadoo2 This review of combined studies shows that the odds ratio for autism between transgender individuals and císgender individuals is 4.59 and not 17.5 as you claim. https://t.co/FuyZMkAtUw
RT @DexDavican: @nataliesqrl https://t.co/BvSdFZuZc3 What I'm not sure about is *why* the correlation exists. Do autism spectrum traits *i…
@nataliesqrl https://t.co/BvSdFZuZc3 What I'm not sure about is *why* the correlation exists. Do autism spectrum traits *include* gender dysphoria? Does autism create more willingness to explore nonstandard gender identity? Does gender dysphoria contribut
@SongBird1957 @LaurenLloyd40 @redheadranting @JeannieMolloy You're talking about trans-tenders, of which there are many. Indeed, 80+% of trans have other known personality disorders, most being clinical narcissists. There are also autistic people who are
@MelonieMac @brrybliss For people who need to see the studies: https://t.co/IIvOTkmLfy https://t.co/u9w45LENRT https://t.co/aHLjEhBwv0 https://t.co/HnJHW2Rw2u https://t.co/UUT8e7cpmW
@lucas_carozza @MelonieMac @brrybliss Here you go https://t.co/IIvOTkmLfy
RT @taidmushroom: 🌼 Referências !! ★ 1. Maior probabilidade de autistas serem LGBT: https://t.co/8vNhtmG67w ★ 2. Maior probabilidade de p…
@Patriot60847307 @JospehBloggs @ToryLies3 @miffythegamer @Nigel_Farage It's true that autistic people have a higher rate of gender diversity, but what is your point? In this study, 24% of the gender diverse people were autistic (vs 5% cisgender), but that
@DanaCryptic @Graculus01 In this analysis, the correlation with gender dysphoria was highest in groups with Autism, ADHD, and Schizophrenia. https://t.co/Uns0ubL4OV
@lizyoull @benonwine Yes. Research has suggested that those people arguing they’re trans are six times more likely to also have autism. https://t.co/6RvbAFwyrO
RT @sensorystories_: Resources for those interested... https://t.co/JqfKGxhpxp https://t.co/PgDxwYNROB
@kylejames182 @ItzMeenz @kangminjlee @Ariquxeen This is old news. I will find updated to prove its just looking worse and worse. https://t.co/Wvz8ccIhXw
RT @sensorystories_: Resources for those interested... https://t.co/JqfKGxhpxp https://t.co/PgDxwYNROB
RT @sensorystories_: Resources for those interested... https://t.co/JqfKGxhpxp https://t.co/PgDxwYNROB
Resources for those interested... https://t.co/JqfKGxhpxp https://t.co/PgDxwYNROB
@LucyZelic her views are made up and wrong. My views have been twice published in the JCEM, the world's leading peer-reviewed journal for endocrine clinical research and clinical practice and continues to be the most cited journal in its Clarivate catego
@KirstiMiller30 @LucyZelic I wouldn’t stress Lucy. You’re literally arguing with people who don’t think like you and I. You won’t argue sense to them because the science says that it’s quite likely that they may have some neuro issues. https://t.co/hyoKHk
@ForkliftChungus Good luck with those toxins. https://t.co/evJ55SRGwc
@RebekahWriter not "natural"- damaged. " GD participants had experience of significantly more traumatic forms, including both active trauma and severe neglect. “ https://t.co/q3OcWqHbk6 “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autis
@AmySeverance3 @curious10665 @PNW_working_mom @JuryReporter @Margreetvz How many does this one have? https://t.co/BOt175VWWo
So let me get this straight: 1.) if you are autistic, you can apply for gov’t sponsored suicide 2.) many so called ‘transgender’ humans are actually autistic and it is not their bodies that are needing reassignment, but rather treatment to desensitize
@PKontwt Actually here's a full article: https://t.co/680AQDl1CM
RT @RSSol64860963: Existe un vínculo entre el autismo y la disforia de género (GD): https://t.co/iJzHaofFWF Dado que el autismo está relaci…
@momma_jem @greenhousemd " GD participants had experience of significantly more traumatic forms, including both active trauma and severe neglect. “ https://t.co/q3OcWqHbk6 “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.c
@stkirsch "In conclusion, our study demonstrates that transgender and gender-diverse individuals have elevated rates of autism diagnosis, related neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, and autistic traits compared to cisgender individuals." http
Heard Dr McCullough discuss how trans had elevated ASD. Also saw there were great improvements in those individuals using fecal implants. Leaky gut from GMOs? Heavy metals from vaccine adjuvants? Heavy toxicity loads? Thoughts? https://t.co/ctNKYUX9LJ h
Compared to cisgender,transgender & gender-diverse individuals have⬆️rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental & psychiatric diagnoses.⬆️rates of autism,other neurodevelopmental,psychiatric diagnoses,autistic traits in transgender & gender-dive
@ajwmcs26 @deafmade_stuff Kids with autism are far more likely to identify as trans than other kids are. https://t.co/xfUA49mJyK
@Engineer4Health Autism, chemicals & dysphoria. https://t.co/evJ55SRGwc
Autistically Trans https://t.co/evJ55SRGwc
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
RT @rinn215: 自閉症との関連は以前から指摘されていたが、こちらにも論文が 「トランスジェンダーおよびジェンダー多様性のある人々において自閉症、その他の神経発達および精神医学的診断、および自閉症的特徴の割合が上昇している。」 https://t.co/WYWRz1u…
Les transgenre et autres genres sont 6x plus sujet à l'autisme que la population normale Étude sur 600 000 personnes https://t.co/HOBcmUpohP
@PoliticsJOE_UK nothing normal or real about trannies.. “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJy
@CaseyMD_Peds " GD participants had experience of significantly more traumatic forms, including both active trauma and severe neglect. “ https://t.co/q3OcWqHbk6 “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJ
@keigh_see " GD participants had experience of significantly more traumatic forms, including both active trauma and severe neglect. “ https://t.co/q3OcWqHbk6 “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJy
Transgendered (also autistic)? “Kill yourself” - Canada’s MAID program
@GabrielBoric Y a muchas de esas madres les urge un debate serio acerca de la ausencia de salvaguardas ante la transición social y médica de sus hijos e hijas a partir de los 3 años debido a los programas gubernamentales existentes como Crece con Orgullo.
O artigo que ela cita da revista Nature é este aqui, onde deixa claro que não está claro que indivíduos transgêneros têm taxas elevadas de diagnóstico de autismo, mas houve uma investigação usaram conjuntos de dados de 641.860 indivíduos + https://t.co/plc
@itsJulesHardy Also, seek treatment rather than ruining things people enjoy.
@ClownWorld_ https://t.co/36GGE54Bu4 In conclusion, our study demonstrates that transgender and gender-diverse individuals have elevated rates of autism diagnosis, related neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, and autistic traits compared to cisg
@Oliasis1 @Jermont_II @xxclusionary I'm going to block you now - I don't deal with eugenicists who support the sterilisation of autisitic people. https://t.co/SxMH589Pds
@haofuwei Troons in general but moreso men, apparently https://t.co/ffuaN8LJNI https://t.co/CCtAVZDAEk
@BadHombreAuthor @atlaswuzhere @LibAutie @PoliticalFella @LordAslanThe2nd The larger studies found between 6% to 4.8% of them have autism while the general population is around 1%-2%. What does that change? https://t.co/Bce6BMazT8
@RebeccaAVelo vaccines and vax damage is the driving force.. “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJy
@DieMadTerf @Channel4News @MinnieStephC4 No this is an autistic trait,,, Studies looked at the % of trans who are on the spectrum & have found it high! https://t.co/MvsmWGlcJz
@D070401 there have been several! https://t.co/bsfqnf85SU
RT @twillierod: One large autistic led survey found "more than 1 in 6 autistic respondents – are trans" https://t.co/VqAWToSTsa One big ol…
One large autistic led survey found "more than 1 in 6 autistic respondents – are trans" https://t.co/VqAWToSTsa One big old school autism research survey found "transgender and gender-diverse individuals were 3.03 to 6.36 times as likely to be autistic" h
@UKUpdates_co_uk @jk_rowling not "nature" " GD participants had experience of significantly more traumatic forms, including both active trauma and severe neglect. “ https://t.co/q3OcWqHbk6 “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of au
@MrsKrabapple @JDandMills @ka10_c @Martina @msvinter Here's the link to the study: https://t.co/UkVijAkS9l
@mayfairBirds @atlaswuzhere @VioletTWDGS4 @yaf In the 2nd one: "...transgender and gender-diverse individuals have, on average, higher rates of autism, other neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diagnoses." (https://t.co/48M15ARQNG) Neither of these article
Transgenderism and Autism go together like peas and carrots. https://t.co/JegosYZKS0
@Ozzieslurker @teacherssofire " GD participants had experience of significantly more traumatic forms, including both active trauma and severe neglect. “ https://t.co/q3OcWqHbk6 “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https:
RT @chuanhedangao: @catcatcat8964 再不努力只能发二区了。https://t.co/uccwGDYi0l
@catcatcat8964 再不努力只能发二区了。https://t.co/uccwGDYi0l
RT @DrJohnB2: There is a link between autism & gender dysphoria (GD): https://t.co/OM7Ae8C9Ya Since autism is linked exposures to toxic che…
RT @WillChristen2: @AndoreaMelody @RebeccaAVelo @topazadine @ryukidn @Theo_TJ_Jordan tragic situation, vax damaged and programmed.. “transg…
Study: https://t.co/Gae5KSxTVY
@jordanbpeterson Or autistic. https://t.co/evJ55SRGwc
@TopLobsta This is a study linked to autism and lgbtq https://t.co/Twulqvqdss
@Zoe_Brain @NeuroSGS “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJy
RT @WillChristen2: @AndoreaMelody @RebeccaAVelo @topazadine @ryukidn @Theo_TJ_Jordan tragic situation, vax damaged and programmed.. “transg…
@AndoreaMelody @RebeccaAVelo @topazadine @ryukidn @Theo_TJ_Jordan tragic situation, vax damaged and programmed.. “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJy
@Zoe_Brain @NeuroSGS “transgender and gender-diverse individuals had higher rates of autism” https://t.co/ehLoamZKJy