RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
“imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release.” (n = 111,110) https://t.co/DfqlAATBYR
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release https:/
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @a_baronca: "imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or…
RT @a_baronca: "imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @a_baronca: "imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
"imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release" https://t.co/46VdTsfpk2 https://t.co/EYAXc7AEc0
There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. In fact, imprisonment only modestly reduced violence but only if the analysis included imprisonment’s incapacitation effects https://t.co/
RT @NCatelan: Donc le même jour on se souvient avec @NatureNews que la prison n’a pas d’effet sur la délinquance violente https://t.co/jIu…
Donc le même jour on se souvient avec @NatureNews que la prison n’a pas d’effet sur la délinquance violente https://t.co/jIuOHmuvu2 ... et on apprend que la surpopulation carcérale s’aggrave en France.
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
Does incarceration actually work to prevent crimes? Yes, while the criminal is locked up, but not after release. Using data on 110k convicted violent felons, researchers concluded probation is just as effective as prison time for preventing future crimes.
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
Researchers found that for individuals on the current policy margin between prison & probation, imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release.
A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community https://t.co/kybSZjyXM7
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
Yes, we all know this, but it gets politicians re-elected.
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
"imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release"
New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @radleybalko @MarshallProj @nprcherylcorley @deldeib @oliviaexstrumv @LVikkiml @mauraewing @fordm @conor64 @fivefifths @Colorlines @jengonn
刑務所への収監は、釈放後の暴力犯罪による逮捕や有罪判決に有意な効果をもたらさない。ただ、資格剥奪をすれば、少しは効果があるかもしれない。A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community https://t.co/gSmWIfqjEh
This is really cool.
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
New study: Prison sentences do not significantly reduce rates of future violent crime
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effect during imprisonment is smaller than you think. Preventing one violent recidivist requires prison for 16. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @JM
Time to rethink our prison centered law system?
"Results suggest that for individuals on the current policy margin between prison and probation, imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release" htt
A study published in @NatureHumBehav shows that #prison time does not deter violent #crime. Data includes cohort of individuals convicted of a felony in Michigan between 2003 and 2006 (n = 111,110) and followed through June 2015. @UCBerkeley https://t.co/I