RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @JustinLehmiller: RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment with random assignment of judges to criminal cases. imprisonment (vs probation)…
HOLY FUCK!! -> A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community https://t.co/TsS66a4nd3
RT @JustinLehmiller: RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment with random assignment of judges to criminal cases. imprisonment (vs probation)…
RT @JustinLehmiller: RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment with random assignment of judges to criminal cases. imprisonment (vs probation)…
@valekhan @NBelloubet La plus récente est certainement celle de @DJHardingSoc sur les effets de la prison sur la récidive et la violence dans la communauté: A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community | Nature Hu
A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community | Nature Human Behaviour https://t.co/2Il1k1nTeL #sopner #প্রতিবাদি #এই #শেয়ার #music #nature #instagram #musica #musician #natureza #events #newmusic #education #music
RT @JayMan471: This can be spun into a case for longer prison sentences for violent offenders. If it only works while they’re locked up the…
Add restorative justice to this mix and we may make progress in dealing with criminal sentencing #restorativejustice @rpa_nz @VUWRJ
The effects of imprisonment on violence in the community: https://t.co/MLsgmotzmA Comments: https://t.co/LFSQol3Ohs
RT @420Cyber: The effects of imprisonment on violence in the community https://t.co/tcXukuyqO7 https://t.co/ddaPDOdYFP
The effects of imprisonment on violence in the community L: https://t.co/vOS4lyGMBH C: https://t.co/JQLSmYS5bP
RT @lucassander: Pesquisadores americanos analisam amostra de 111.110 condenados ao cárcere ou à condicional num período de 12 anos e concl…
"for individuals on the ... margin between prison and probation, imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention" New from @DJHardingSoc et al in Nature Human Behavior https://t.co/vjZ1fmS1qo
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @psychunseen: this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. despite the name "department of corrections," incarceration isn't about correctin…
this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. despite the name "department of corrections," incarceration isn't about correcting or rehabilitating. it's about deterrence and satisfying or instincts for retributivist punishment.
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
The effects of imprisonment on violence in the community https://t.co/1OUwA6TDZK
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
Pesquisadores americanos analisam amostra de 111.110 condenados ao cárcere ou à condicional num período de 12 anos e concluem que o aprisionamento é ineficiente para prevenir a violência a longo prazo e não tem efeito de reabilitação. #AbolicionismoPenal h
A natural experiment study of the effects of imprisonment on violence in the community https://t.co/Ph09Kb3kWK
fascinating work
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @JayMan471: This can be spun into a case for longer prison sentences for violent offenders. If it only works while they’re locked up the…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
This can be spun into a case for longer prison sentences for violent offenders. If it only works while they’re locked up then gotta keep them locked up as long as possible.
RT @RoxanaKreimer: El encarcelamiento es una intervención ineficaz a largo plazo para la prevención de la violencia, ya que no tiene efecto…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
El encarcelamiento es una intervención ineficaz a largo plazo para la prevención de la violencia, ya que no tiene efectos de rehabilitación o disuasión tras el cumplimiento de la condena. Muestra de 111.110 sentenciados por delitos graves en Michigan entre
Innovative research from #Michigan finds that incarceration in a prison did not significantly impact future arrest or convictions for violent crime after release @DJHardingSoc @NatureHumBehav https://t.co/W9JI7ftcXH
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment with random assignment of judges to criminal cases. imprisonment (vs probation) is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention; on balance, it has no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @nresearchnews: Prison sentences do not significantly reduce rates of future violent crime, finds a @NatureHumBehav study. The authors c…
Its tough to get employment with criminal record in South Africa.
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
Our criminal justice system is built on a lie
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
Check out this important new study finding prison for "violent offenders" does little prevent violent crime: https://t.co/ItqLnPJBNc
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study: prison for violent offenders does little to prevent violent crime. https://t.co/CJ7tvzrfHY @thenewjimcrow @rad…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
RT @JohnHolbein1: Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on bala…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
Concrete evidence that “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or deterrent effects after release.”
RT @ajmackiel: “imprisonment is an ineffective long-term intervention for violence prevention, as it has, on balance, no rehabilitative or…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
RT @page_eco: Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study…
Does prison rehabilitate criminals? Does it deter them from reoffending? Possibly neither suggests new @NatureHumBehav study. Criminals, convicted because their judge was tougher, are not less likely to commit crimes afterwards. ht @PsychoSchmitt https:
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @Balderouge1: "Estos resultados sugieren que para individuos entre la prisión y la libertad condicional, el encarcelamiento es un modelo…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @SinanAlper_: Suçlular hapis cezasından ders çıkarıyor mu gerçekten? Michigan'da 100 binin üzerinde şiddet suçundan mahkum edilmiş kişi…
@MilleNeige あと最近の行動計量学会の論文に「母親の就労が子供の教育に与える影響」的な論文もありました。 因果推論というか自然実験ですが: https://t.co/saRRrBOxkG それと↓の論文解説が面白かったです。 https://t.co/JylqMP2Xkf
RT @Balderouge1: "Estos resultados sugieren que para individuos entre la prisión y la libertad condicional, el encarcelamiento es un modelo…
Suçlular hapis cezasından ders çıkarıyor mu gerçekten? Michigan'da 100 binin üzerinde şiddet suçundan mahkum edilmiş kişi üzerinde yapılan çalışmada, şartlı tahliye yerine hapse göndermenin o kişinin gelecekte suç işleme ihtimalini azaltmadığı bulunmuş.
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @NatureHumBehav: There is NO evidence that prison sentences have an effect on arrests or convictions for violent crimes after release. I…
RT @PsychoSchmitt: natural experiment based on random assignment of judges to criminal cases..imprisonment (versus probation) is an ineffec…
RT @DJHardingSoc: New study in @NatureHumBehav shows no long term effect of imprisonment on violent recidivism. And the incapacitation effe…