RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study https://t.co/7CkwDSH6oM @RNAOnrig @SRNAdialogue @SUNnurses @TheSalpn @SaskHealth @jkenney @Alberta_UCP @shandro @picardonhealth @theresaboyl
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
#FiretheUCP & give Nurse more.
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
Cutting nursing ratios is what happens when you have a government that doesn’t care about people and bottom line above all else! Thing that bothers me the most is majority of the increased debt is due to their own policies of reducing corporate tax rates
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study found: "An increase in a nurses' workload by 1 patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission by 7%"
RT @emmdechen: https://t.co/5nLOijXPAZ Cutting funding to nurse staffing has and impact on patient outcomes
https://t.co/5nLOijXPAZ Cutting funding to nurse staffing has and impact on patient outcomes
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
https://t.co/TszrJ3Ui4h definitely worth a read
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @docberza: https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is…
RT @docberza: https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is…
RT @docberza: https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is…
RT @docberza: https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is…
RT @docberza: https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is…
https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is often discussed. So it’s good to remember that: less nurses (even just a few less) and less well prepared ones = more in hospita
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
On #InternationalNursesDay #InternationalNursesDay2021 spread the word; More nurses & more nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. https://t.co/Kh5nCqP6q8
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
Absolutely agree @MarkHayter1 having experienced the poor patient outcomes in developing countries where nurse training is terrible @WeRGlobalNurses
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @eabadcorpa: Hace años que hay evidencias https://t.co/827PZ0DAbx que un inadecuado ratio paciente-enfermera aumenta la morbi-mortalidad…
RT @eabadcorpa: Hace años que hay evidencias https://t.co/827PZ0DAbx que un inadecuado ratio paciente-enfermera aumenta la morbi-mortalidad…
RT @MarkHayter1: @alimully @RCNNRN My usual response is: ask them which hospital they would prefer to be a patient in - one with more gradu…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @eabadcorpa: Hace años que hay evidencias https://t.co/827PZ0DAbx que un inadecuado ratio paciente-enfermera aumenta la morbi-mortalidad…
Eso debe ser por lo que vamos a la cola también en vacunaciones.
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @eabadcorpa: Hace años que hay evidencias https://t.co/827PZ0DAbx que un inadecuado ratio paciente-enfermera aumenta la morbi-mortalidad…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: @alimully @RCNNRN My usual response is: ask them which hospital they would prefer to be a patient in - one with more gradu…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: @alimully @RCNNRN My usual response is: ask them which hospital they would prefer to be a patient in - one with more gradu…
Hace años que hay evidencias https://t.co/827PZ0DAbx que un inadecuado ratio paciente-enfermera aumenta la morbi-mortalidad @diariolaopinion Murcia participó en la investigación #RN4CAST @IMIB_Arrixaca con datos del @Area7ReinaSofia replicando en todo el #
A thought I had while speaking to a friend this evening. We know nurses with degrees improve patient outcome (👇) so why don't students "make up" that all important theory time (if we miss any) but absolutely must with any missed practice time? @WeStudentNu
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
@Hipokrateska a dzisiaj mamy ewidensy i HTA https://t.co/JWg2tlWrBk
RT @RachaelLiebmann: I’m just going to put this out there
I’m just going to put this out there
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
@robmarki @LeanneHPatrick @Shaun_LDNurse @Chescamarina @nursingPUNC18 @Mushtag01 @Natalie_StN @Justacarehomeg1 @Just_Jennn Look what we know from the papers about nurses with degrees and patient deaths, so I can only project that the more nurses with maste
@catherine238 here it is.
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @DaniloCassif: Completamente de acuerdo pero ¿Cómo podemos establecer una estrategia para que el personal de salud de México pueda y qui…
Completamente de acuerdo pero ¿Cómo podemos establecer una estrategia para que el personal de salud de México pueda y quiera hacerlo? ¿Necesitamos motivación o vocación?
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @AnnPriceCCCU: More evidence- Degree nursing does make a difference @CCCUNursing @credland_nicki @andrewsouthgat3 @alisonleary1 Nurse s…
RT @AnnPriceCCCU: More evidence- Degree nursing does make a difference @CCCUNursing @credland_nicki @andrewsouthgat3 @alisonleary1 Nurse s…
RT @AnnPriceCCCU: More evidence- Degree nursing does make a difference @CCCUNursing @credland_nicki @andrewsouthgat3 @alisonleary1 Nurse s…
RT @ProfJuneG: More evidence. How much evidence do we need for people to take this seriously? Nurses with degrees save lives. Are saving li…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
More evidence- Degree nursing does make a difference @CCCUNursing @credland_nicki @andrewsouthgat3 @alisonleary1 Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study https://t.co/oVIgkWfxLn
RT @RJFernandez92: 📄🔝 Oiga, que si educamos bien a las enfermeras, muere menos gente en el hospital... y no lo digo yo, ¡Lo dice THE LANCET!
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @RJFernandez92: 📄🔝 Oiga, que si educamos bien a las enfermeras, muere menos gente en el hospital... y no lo digo yo, ¡Lo dice THE LANCET!
RT @ProfJuneG: More evidence. How much evidence do we need for people to take this seriously? Nurses with degrees save lives. Are saving li…
RT @ProfJuneG: More evidence. How much evidence do we need for people to take this seriously? Nurses with degrees save lives. Are saving li…
RT @ProfJuneG: More evidence. How much evidence do we need for people to take this seriously? Nurses with degrees save lives. Are saving li…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…