RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
Reminder why nurses are concerned about staffing levels. Demonstrated effect on patient mortality. 422,730 surgical pts, 50yo+ in 300 hosp in 9 countries ↑ workload by 1 patient ↑ the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 d of admission by 7% https
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
RT @Zgancedo: Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren res…
Nurse staffing, nursing assistants and hospital mortality: retrospective longitudinal cohort study https://t.co/DFV8kZkeTQ
Los experimentos en épocas de austeridad (desinversión, o no ejecución de presupuestos...) ya están analizados e infieren resultados negativos para la seguridad del paciente. Probemos en otros nichos y no tanto en nuevas cualificaciones #especiesinvasoras
Eine bessere Personalausstattung von Krankenhäusern in den USA geht mit einer deutlich geringeren Quote von wiedereintretenden Patienten einher. https://t.co/2II5s6vRUf
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study https://t.co/UXCtHHIZ0C. Daily challenges of hospital leaders to identify and correct staffing misalignments while preventing nurse burnout.
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkusZ28168944: Seit 2014 haben wir so eine Ahnung davon .. https://t.co/qerURAcde0
@LucasDelascosas @gillesDM92 https://t.co/ACz4rIVIq3 De relevante keuze is (voor de zoveelste keer) niet: extra hoog opgeleid personeel of extra laag opgeleid personeel maar extra laag opgeleid personeel of geen extra personeel. Tenzij jij zegt: 'ik weet
Seit 2014 haben wir so eine Ahnung davon .. https://t.co/qerURAcde0
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: On #WorldPatientSafetyDay2021 #WorldPatientSafetyDay I can’t think of a better reason to retweet this.
RT @MarkHayter1: On #WorldPatientSafetyDay2021 #WorldPatientSafetyDay I can’t think of a better reason to retweet this.
RT @MarkHayter1: On #WorldPatientSafetyDay2021 #WorldPatientSafetyDay I can’t think of a better reason to retweet this.
RT @MarkHayter1: On #WorldPatientSafetyDay2021 #WorldPatientSafetyDay I can’t think of a better reason to retweet this.
RT @MarkHayter1: On #WorldPatientSafetyDay2021 #WorldPatientSafetyDay I can’t think of a better reason to retweet this.
On #WorldPatientSafetyDay2021 #WorldPatientSafetyDay I can’t think of a better reason to retweet this.
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
@helmke_stefan @RicardoLange4 @jensspahn Sry, falsche Studie, hier die über die Akademisierung mit westeuropäischen Ländern. https://t.co/ccuXrcUGV8
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @Annie447: @MomRobe Here's another article by Aiken (she's my hero). https://t.co/LyX7Ey2e2y
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
@David_Goodhart thanks - from a former dementia nurse for your comment on nursing education #openfordebate
#openfordebate thanks to David Goodhart for pointing out what nurses need by way of education. Studies consistently show the benefit of graduate over non-graduate nursing education e.g. https://t.co/5dayQWJv6e
Absolutely correct There is much evidence to support that.
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @docberza: https://t.co/YxFEDLgTN7 1/It’s difficult times for our health systems and reduction of staff as a measure to reduce costs is…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @DennisKendel: Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study https…
Data doesn’t lie-
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
Hospitals: money >>>> pts
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @Jenfeds73: Just leaving this here: https://t.co/4EXdjchnu1
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…