RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
RT @JaneEBall: “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission…
“An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission by 7% and every 10% increase in bachelor's DEGREE nurses was associated with a decrease in this likelihood by 7%” https://t.co/L4T
@greenrya004 @dogeth0 @ShaunLintern @nadinedorries4u Degree only profession since mid 2000s. Many have post grad degrees if they weren’t initially trained on a degree. The finding is seen internationally. https://t.co/awyBhU8OPy https://t.co/8mn8XfC8Bu ht
Gammel nyhed for mig, men vil gerne dele denne viden med jer❣️🍀 🧵 Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study - PubMed https://t.co/pZ9knYI863
@FionaCMcQueen I always think it this paper when I see things like this: https://t.co/nPXFFOFz3x And am always reminded of a powerful thought by a friend, if this is the results from undergraduate degrees, imagine if we all had masters level education 👌
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
@leanhealth @RicardoLange4 Zum Beispiel die Studien von Linda Aiken et al. Unter diesem Link eine davon zu finden: https://t.co/G26xHE9U2P
RT @StellaaWellaa: @RicardoLange4 Gibt ja auch Studien zu: https://t.co/gVYqBYdijb Aiken LH, Sloane DM, Bruyneel L, et al.: Nurse staf…
@RicardoLange4 Gibt ja auch Studien zu: https://t.co/gVYqBYdijb Aiken LH, Sloane DM, Bruyneel L, et al.: Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. Lancet 2014; 383: 1824–30.
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
@theAliceRoberts Lotta predicable know nothing replies about nursing degrees. Just leaving this study showing increasing the %of nurses with a BSc REDUCES MORTALITY. Nursing and Other HCPs absolutely should be trained to degree level. https://t.co/kyiH4R
One example of the evidence: https://t.co/gOriZNbzGW
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @MarkHayter1: Seems it’s time for this again. More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact https://t.co/Kh5nCqP6q8
RT @DrChrisArthur: @damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
@damien_page Nurses with degrees have lower patient mortalities... https://t.co/H7F6w1r6du
RT @MarkHayter1: Seems it’s time for this again. More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact https://t.co/Kh5nCqP6q8
RT @MarkHayter1: Seems it’s time for this again. More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact https://t.co/Kh5nCqP6q8
RT @MarkHayter1: Seems it’s time for this again. More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact https://t.co/Kh5nCqP6q8
#Nursing @NMCGH_Official
Seems it’s time for this again. More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact https://t.co/Kh5nCqP6q8
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
RT @HalikRafa: Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielę…
Rozmawiamy o błędach medycznych, ale bardzo dużo błędów w opiece szpitalnej tworzy się z powodu niedostatecznej opieki pielęgniarskiej. Zwiększenie o 10% etatów pielęgniarskich w szpitalu redukowało ryzyko zgonu pacjenta o 7% https://t.co/BBQ8khjneq
RT @TheHenleyShift: Despite what @Alberta_UCP thinks, adequately staffed nursing units unequivocally prevent death. One @TheLancet study f…
RT @VirgiForero: @SerafinCuidando @LaFactCuidando Yo creo que las enfermeras no debemos de cansarnos de referenciar el estudio de Linda Aik…
RT @VirgiForero: @SerafinCuidando @LaFactCuidando Yo creo que las enfermeras no debemos de cansarnos de referenciar el estudio de Linda Aik…
@SerafinCuidando @LaFactCuidando Yo creo que las enfermeras no debemos de cansarnos de referenciar el estudio de Linda Aiken sobre relación de enfermeras por paciente, formación y riesgo de mortalidad https://t.co/fzT4qpvQpw y trasladarlo a otros entornos:
The Lancet. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study https://t.co/iEpnBfTAx2
RT @JenKaden: @DrJ56013122 @fordnation study following 422,730 patients in 9 countries showed “An increase in a nurses' workload by one pat…
RT @JenKaden: @DrJ56013122 @fordnation study following 422,730 patients in 9 countries showed “An increase in a nurses' workload by one pat…
RT @DrJ56013122: Very concerning research that should be considered very seriously by @fordnation and @celliottability
RT @JenKaden: @DrJ56013122 @fordnation study following 422,730 patients in 9 countries showed “An increase in a nurses' workload by one pat…
RT @DrJ56013122: Very concerning research that should be considered very seriously by @fordnation and @celliottability
Very concerning research that should be considered very seriously by @fordnation and @celliottability
@DrJ56013122 @fordnation study following 422,730 patients in 9 countries showed “An increase in a nurses' workload by one patient increased the likelihood of an inpatient dying within 30 days of admission by 7%” https://t.co/CXXkWVMqzI
RT @JenKaden: @akheriaty For every additional patient a nurse cares for, a patient’s risk of dying increases by as much as 7%. Intentionall…
RT @AndreFringer: Eine bessere Personalausstattung von Krankenhäusern in den USA geht mit einer deutlich geringeren Quote von wiedereintret…
@akheriaty For every additional patient a nurse cares for, a patient’s risk of dying increases by as much as 7%. Intentionally reducing medical staff literally translates into higher mortality rates. Clearly this has nothing to do with health. https://t.co
RT @BethTigges: 2014 paper in The Lancet - important to remember @UNM_CON @UNMHSC @MarkHayter1 @SigmaNursing @ICNurses
RT @BethTigges: 2014 paper in The Lancet - important to remember @UNM_CON @UNMHSC @MarkHayter1 @SigmaNursing @ICNurses
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @BethTigges: 2014 paper in The Lancet - important to remember @UNM_CON @UNMHSC @MarkHayter1 @SigmaNursing @ICNurses
2014 paper in The Lancet - important to remember @UNM_CON @UNMHSC @MarkHayter1 @SigmaNursing @ICNurses
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: Time to get this tweet out again it seems. #nursingisagraduateprofession
RT @MarkHayter1: More nurses with degrees = fewer patient deaths. Fact. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine Europ…