7% meer mortaliteit per patiënt toegevoegd aan verpleegkundige. In België patient/nurse ratio 11/1, NED7/1, VS5/1! http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
Schitterende publicatie van #RN4CAST team in @TheLancet Meer investeren in personeel in zorg en hun werkomgeving http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
Finally intermational evidence that a nursing degree is a good thing http://t.co/sqQNa2wpdS
Finally intermational evidence that a nursing degree is a good thing http://t.co/sqQNa2wpdS
Good talking to @lbc about imp of graduate nursing, staffing levels and working hours http://t.co/mMpmAdWO3E
Finally intermational evidence that a nursing degree is a good thing http://t.co/sqQNa2wpdS
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Nurses with degrees drop the mortality rate? Read more to find out...We still have places available for 2014... http://t.co/BjmAR9fSDe
Shows the difference RNs make. Nursing is more than caring #nurses. http://t.co/IOrUJlK0Gq
Här finns sammanfattning av studien som visar att sköterskor med högre utbildning och ansvar för färre är säkrare... http://t.co/xAlds274kb
Här finns sammanfattning av studien som visar att sköterskor med högre utbildning och ansvar för färre är säkrare... http://t.co/xAlds274kb
Plantillas y formación de enfermería y mortalidad en hospitales de 9 países europeos E retrospectivo obs. #SegPac http://t.co/XoyoL1d86o
Iemand zicht op vergelijkbare cijfers woonzorgcentra? http://t.co/ddnT1Yg80Y @SquibCake @krisvanhaecht @SvinDeneckere #masterproefinprogress
Plantillas y formación de enfermería y mortalidad en hospitales de 9 países europeos E retrospectivo obs. #SegPac http://t.co/XoyoL1d86o
Viktigt studie! http://t.co/AJyGyZi5YV
CONCL: Nurse staffing cuts to save $ might adversely affect mortality. More bachelor nurses could reduce mortality. http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT CC @volkskrant
Nursing has for too long been accused of ignoring evidence, professionally we can't ignore this anymore http://t.co/SkQcXWK6D6 #mandatory
Evidence for degree level education for nurses right here http://t.co/PC26wklsg0
Shows the difference RNs make. Nursing is more than caring #nurses. http://t.co/IOrUJlK0Gq
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study http://t.co/yTdhtRVVWd
Shows the difference RNs make. Nursing is more than caring #nurses. http://t.co/IOrUJlK0Gq
Shows the difference RNs make. Nursing is more than caring #nurses. http://t.co/IOrUJlK0Gq
Such compelling evidence debunks the myth that nurses don't need to be clever. http://t.co/h35rcXXkyb
Reducing hospital mortality rates through education & staffing rates. Results from #RN4CAST study led @KU_Leuven http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT
Nursing has for too long been accused of ignoring evidence, professionally we can't ignore this anymore http://t.co/SkQcXWK6D6 #mandatory
Nursing has for too long been accused of ignoring evidence, professionally we can't ignore this anymore http://t.co/SkQcXWK6D6 #mandatory
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
7% meer mortaliteit per patiënt toegevoegd aan verpleegkundige. In België patient/nurse ratio 11/1, NED7/1, VS5/1! http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study http://t.co/dU9cIt3BzC
nurses professional education & numbers of patients per nurses in hospital: impact on mortality. Study @TheLancet http://t.co/MRzAGH0Nbh
impact of nurse staffing & education on mortality? http://t.co/VFZqYe9w2G #RN4CAST
Early start with media interest on Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality @TheLancet http://t.co/hLGaiu6P1n
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
@TheLancet article shows benefits of graduate trained nurses http://t.co/7ciAjT8M5m
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Utdanning,adekvat erfaring og vettug arbeidsmengde vil gjerne få positive utslag... http://t.co/m97RS7yz5q
CONCL: Nurse staffing cuts to save $ might adversely affect mortality. More bachelor nurses could reduce mortality. http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9
This is powerful evidence - excess workload of one patient for nurses increases inpatient mortality risk by 7% !!! http://t.co/I6N0DBWQU2
Reducing hospital mortality rates through education & staffing rates. Results from #RN4CAST study led @KU_Leuven http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT
New research shows positive impact of degree qualified nurses. Reduced deaths in study across 9 European countries http://t.co/aVijHqOq8K
Nursing cuts may adversely affect patients.....haven't we said this for years! http://t.co/QvshHtjLRJ
Reducing hospital mortality rates through education & staffing rates. Results from #RN4CAST study led @KU_Leuven http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT
For those reading about the Aitken #nursestaffing in the media this is the source article http://t.co/YOvKoho4p1 #6Cs #WeNurses #ptsafety
What do our clients think about impact of staffing & education on mortality? http://t.co/mrUT5jDYuZ #RN4CAST @ePatientDave @patientslikeme
For those reading about the Aitken #nursestaffing in the media this is the source article http://t.co/YOvKoho4p1 #6Cs #WeNurses #ptsafety
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT CC @volkskrant
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study http://t.co/dU9cIt3BzC
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Lo de antes es un estudio observacional retrospectivo en 9 paises europeos sobre plantillas y educación de enfería http://t.co/VoaLvAJ7XO
New research shows positive impact of degree qualified nurses. Reduced deaths across 9 European countries. http://t.co/aVijHqOq8K
Reducing hospital mortality rates through education & staffing rates. Results from #RN4CAST study led @KU_Leuven http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
@LukBruyneel @NursSciWatch 9 country study reported in @TheLancet finds nurse staffing cuts penny wise, pound foolish http://t.co/HCBYJXoFy5
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT CC @volkskrant
@LukBruyneel @NursSciWatch 9 country study reported in @TheLancet finds nurse staffing cuts penny wise, pound foolish http://t.co/HCBYJXoFy5
What would @MichaelEPorter or @tom_peters think about the management impact of @KU_Leuven paper on staffing? http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
@learnstfrancis here's the original article, what do you make of it? http://t.co/6FGDj2xI8W
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
@HealthAcademics evidence-based investments in nursing are associated with reduction in hospital deaths http://t.co/WRuDrLRW3O
“@krisvanhaecht: Nurse staffing & education and mortality http://t.co/qCUYL6Q8rt” more evidence that nurses should have degrees
Research into nursing has had little policy traction in Europe compared with the USA - http://t.co/WRuDrLRW3O @HealthAcademics
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Reducing hospital mortality rates through education & staffing rates. Results from #RN4CAST study led @KU_Leuven http://t.co/HxSSv5WXNT
.@richardhorton1:How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice http://t.co/msx8mzPuAI
Lo de antes es un estudio observacional retrospectivo en 9 paises europeos sobre plantillas y educación de enfería http://t.co/VoaLvAJ7XO
New research shows positive impact of degree qualified nurses. Reduced deaths in study across 9 European countries http://t.co/aVijHqOq8K
“@daanaeyels: Top notch academic work by @LukBruyneel & @Koen_VDH in @TheLancet impact nurse staffing on mortality. http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9””
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
7% meer mortaliteit per patiënt toegevoegd aan verpleegkundige. In België patient/nurse ratio 11/1, NED7/1, VS5/1! http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
Ook competenties van belang. Per 10% meer bachelor verpleegkundigen in team, 7% lagere mortaliteit #RN4CAST http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
Good news @LynneStobbart, we can have an education after all! http://t.co/MrODPnOX1Q
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Benieuwd of @LievenAnnemans dit http://t.co/hprQPShbk4 meeneemt in http://t.co/BJkRNG3c4A Reacties welkom #prijsgezondheid #RN4CAST #QMBG
Nurse staffng&education&hospital mortality in 9 EUR countries: retrospective observationl study http://t.co/HLsncJMB69 via @richardhorton1
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
Time 4 change @helenbevan Impact of nurse workload & education on pt mortality => @KU_Leuven @TheLancet paper http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9 #qmbg
How nurse workload and qualifications affect hospital mortality. Important implications for practice. http://t.co/gYyQdZja3V
CONCL: Nurse staffing cuts to save $ might adversely affect mortality. More bachelor nurses could reduce mortality. http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9
Time 4 change @helenbevan Impact of nurse workload & education on pt mortality => @KU_Leuven @TheLancet paper http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9 #qmbg
.@TheIHI Increase of nurse workload by 1 pat = likelihood of 7% higher mortality, read @KU_Leuven paper http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9 #qmbg
nurses professional education & numbers of patients per nurses in hospital: impact on mortality. Study @TheLancet http://t.co/MRzAGH0Nbh
Ook competenties van belang. Per 10% meer bachelor verpleegkundigen in team, 7% lagere mortaliteit #RN4CAST http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
New research shows positive impact of degree qualified nurses. Reduced deaths across 9 European countries. http://t.co/aVijHqOq8K
nurses professional education & numbers of patients per nurses in hospital: impact on mortality. Study @TheLancet http://t.co/MRzAGH0Nbh
NEW @KU_Leuven study in @TheLancet on Nurse staffing & education and mortality http://t.co/6df6P82Lk9
New research shows positive impact of degree qualified nurses. Reduced deaths in study across 9 European countries http://t.co/aVijHqOq8K
7% meer mortaliteit per patiënt toegevoegd aan verpleegkundige. In België patient/nurse ratio 11/1, NED7/1, VS5/1! http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
New research shows positive impact of degree qualified nurses. Reduced deaths in study across 9 European countries http://t.co/aVijHqOq8K
Nurse staffing & mortality rates http://t.co/FKrb5dFEQn
Schitterende publicatie van #RN4CAST team in @TheLancet Meer investeren in personeel in zorg en hun werkomgeving http://t.co/PbHEP24nAO
@krisvanhaecht The Lancet: impact van het aantal verpleegkundigen en hun opleidingsniveau op ziekenhuismortaliteit http://t.co/lMBruJepJS
And here's the article. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries. http://t.co/yKw0qb2RCH
And here's the article. Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries. http://t.co/yKw0qb2RCH