#RN4CAST @TheLancet better educated & more nurses = fewer patients dying - at last some robust evidence http://t.co/RHkSRblweO
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study http://t.co/sV6CbywRZv
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
Lancet article suggests that having more registered nurses on surgical wards can reduce post-operative mortality http://t.co/zlLJ4UR1c3
Increase in surgical nurses' workload by 1 patient increased likelihood of an inpatient dying (30 days) by 7%. http://t.co/EsJL6QLpTz
An thought provoking and interesting article http://t.co/LAMUEwiOwn
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/R70wu9HdBc
VITAL #NHS RT @SygeplejerskeLE @TheLancet EU study finds #nurse education & staffing levels reduce patient mortality http://t.co/P9jWWvx1B9
Very valuable study on impact of degree education and staffing on outcomes http://t.co/y1dmcrR1OF
@MHaytersheff: More nurses with Degrees = fewer preventable hospital deaths, this is evidence not anecdote. http://t.co/z5yhiTfvdB
Nurse staffing cuts (and less training) save money but may increase risk to patients. See Aiken et al in @TheLancet http://t.co/MJWTLUTg0x
Thank you Linda Aiken for another important study re :Nurse staffing and saving lives! http://t.co/t7aQrGl7Nz
@MHaytersheff: More nurses with Degrees = fewer preventable hospital deaths, this is evidence not anecdote. http://t.co/z5yhiTfvdB
Increase in surgical nurses' workload by 1 patient increased likelihood of an inpatient dying (30 days) by 7%. http://t.co/quynrJBS3E
Antall pas per sykepleier på sengepost viktig for pas' overlevelse via @TheLancet http://t.co/HdKHMK6ins
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries. #enfermería http://t.co/SvfnQg34NZ vía @TheLancet
LA MORTALIDAD AUMENTA UN 7% POR CADA PACIENTE EXTRA o por no cumplir los ratios de personal http://t.co/2kjHBNfGsb Los RECORTES sí MATAN
Increase in surgical nurses' workload by 1 patient increased likelihood of an inpatient dying (30 days) by 7%. http://t.co/quynrJBS3E
Nurse staffing,education & hospital mortality in 9 European countries:a retrospective observational study The Lancet http://t.co/wQd7nsgfGJ
Lancet article suggests that having more registered nurses on surgical wards can reduce post-operative mortality http://t.co/zlLJ4UR1c3
Nurse staffing cuts (and less training) save money but may increase risk to patients. See Aiken et al in @TheLancet http://t.co/MJWTLUTg0x
@TheLancet paper shows for every 10% increase in BA/BSc degree nurses on surgical ward mortality decreases by 7%. http://t.co/P9jWWvx1B9
VITAL #NHS RT @SygeplejerskeLE @TheLancet EU study finds #nurse education & staffing levels reduce patient mortality http://t.co/P9jWWvx1B9
VITAL #NHS RT @SygeplejerskeLE @TheLancet EU study finds #nurse education & staffing levels reduce patient mortality http://t.co/P9jWWvx1B9
En un estudio en el que participa nuestra @maytemoren, queda claro el valor de la #enfermería. Gracias Mayte! http://t.co/cpDeODwBRm
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
For those reading about the Aitken #nursestaffing in the media this is the source article http://t.co/YOvKoho4p1 #6Cs #WeNurses #ptsafety
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. http://t.co/FbSPCareJN
Nursing staff cuts reduce patient outcomes: http://t.co/5xaZ1LNzrY
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. http://t.co/FbSPCareJN
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/R70wu9HdBc
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study. http://t.co/FbSPCareJN
Nurse staffing, education and hospital mortality in 9 European countries: @TheLancet http://t.co/hLGaiu6P1n @HSciences @unisouthampton
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/R70wu9HdBc
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
En un estudio en el que participa nuestra @maytemoren, queda claro el valor de la #enfermería. Gracias Mayte! http://t.co/cpDeODwBRm
En un estudio en el que participa nuestra @maytemoren, queda claro el valor de la #enfermería. Gracias Mayte! http://t.co/cpDeODwBRm
More evidence. Nurse to patient ratios matter. http://t.co/urscGcJq52
“@drilitch: Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http">@AnaMNovoa">http://t.co/mUlULMfIMe”@AnaMNovoa>
The Lancet : lien entre la mortalité post-operatoire, le taux d'infirmiers bachelor et le ratio infirmiers-patients : http://t.co/DIb6QiybqZ
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study http://t.co/lUDfMYsz3K
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
@MHaytersheff: More nurses with Degrees = fewer preventable hospital deaths, this is evidence not anecdote. http://t.co/z5yhiTfvdB
Efecto de los recortes en salud, aumento de cargas de trabajo. http://t.co/eJdC0d2Ikq
@MHaytersheff: More nurses with Degrees = fewer preventable hospital deaths, this is evidence not anecdote. http://t.co/z5yhiTfvdB
Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study http://t.co/lUDfMYsz3K
@TheLancet - Groundbreaking work confirms the impact of inadequate nurse staffing & education on hospital mortality http://t.co/7ikAUHIPKq
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
@TheLancet - Groundbreaking work confirms the impact of inadequate nurse staffing & education on hospital mortality http://t.co/7ikAUHIPKq
Nurse staffing + educ related to mortality @AlbertaRNs @GoAHealth @Premier_Redford huge study: http://t.co/a9NGihHIIV #cantarguewithevidence
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
@TheLancet - Groundbreaking work confirms the impact of inadequate nurse staffing & education on hospital mortality http://t.co/7ikAUHIPKq
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
@BCQualityForum Speaking of quality timely to mention huge new paper nurse staffing + education and patient mortality http://t.co/a9NGihHIIV
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
Quite seriously #nurses need to read this MT @rwatson1955 Possibly most important #Nursing publication ever in Europe http://t.co/oNt26gQuR8
“@drilitch: Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http">@AnaMNovoa">http://t.co/mUlULMfIMe”@AnaMNovoa>
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
Les coses clares i la xocolata espessa. Les retallades a sanitat impliquen un augment de MORTALITAT by @TheLancet http://t.co/p0armxKDOb
Mejor formación al personal de #enfermería podría reducir las muertes hospitalarias evitables http://t.co/cZBDLtWFRt @EnfermeriaOu @Com_CHUO
Recortar en personal de #enfermería pueden afectar negativamente a los #pacientes http://t.co/cZBDLtWFRt @enfermeriacan @EnfermeriaJaen
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/R70wu9HdBc
Mejor formación al personal de #enfermería podría reducir las muertes hospitalarias evitables http://t.co/cZBDLtWFRt @EnfermeriaOu @Com_CHUO
Latest evidence http://t.co/0zZl5OwbCl linking better nurse education & staffing to better patient outcomes @PennNursing @TheLancet #RN4CAST
Mejor formación al personal de #enfermería podría reducir las muertes hospitalarias evitables http://t.co/cZBDLtWFRt @EnfermeriaOu @Com_CHUO
Mejor formación al personal de #enfermería podría reducir las muertes hospitalarias evitables http://t.co/LuWwgJx5PQ @EnfermeriaOu @Com_CHUO
Recortar en personal de #enfermería pueden afectar negativamente a los #pacientes http://t.co/cZBDLtWFRt @enfermeriacan @EnfermeriaJaen
Recortar en personal de #enfermería pueden afectar negativamente a los #pacientes http://t.co/LuWwgJx5PQ @enfermeriacan @EnfermeriaJaen
“Recortar personal de enfermería puede afectar a resultados en pacientes” The Lancet @maytemoren @investenisciii http://t.co/1Tyc0ZZ9mC
Prof. fromHealthSciences showed number/education of nurse affects outcomes. Might be same for midwives too. http://t.co/4k20BWzIaU
RT @WoodgateRoberta: Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective… http://t.co/i1p7TKDXyc
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
Further evidence that nurse:patient ratio affects outcomes, and nurse education matters. #lancet #nhs http://t.co/j1bWIFwmEX
Verpleegkundigen alleen handenaanbed? @Th Lancet: meer hbo & minder werkdruk verlagen risico ziekenhuissterfte http://t.co/73HCuzpPRR
Sterftecijfers 30% lager in ziekenhuizen met hoog opgeleide verpleegkundigen en minder patiënten per verpleegkundige…http://t.co/HjKHMGLSC3
60:40 degree®istered nurse: non-reg skill mix & min nurse:patient ratio 1:6 = 30% less mortality. http://t.co/2lfAaT0lhL” @maitra_laura
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/R70wu9HdBc
MT @EnfiNet Carga de trabajo enfermero y supervivencia del paciente. Artículo The Lancet con participación española http://t.co/8dx404cdzo
Carga de trabajo enfermero y supervivencia del paciente: artículo en The Lancet con participación española: http://t.co/XytdqAzjzh
@MHaytersheff: More nurses with Degrees = fewer preventable hospital deaths, this is evidence not anecdote. http://t.co/z5yhiTfvdB
60:40 degree and registered nurse: non-registered skill mix and a min nurse:patient ratio 1:6 = 30% less mortality . http://t.co/2IR2MXYMnU
European study links nurses’ workload and education to patients’ survival after surgery http://t.co/R70wu9HdBc
Goed om te lezen dat prof.bacheloropleiding wel degelijk een verschil in arbeidsveld maken...harde data: http://t.co/Nlz9o36GLI #hogent
60:40 degree and registered nurse: non-registered skill mix and a min nurse:patient ratio 1:6 = 30% less mortality . http://t.co/2IR2MXYMnU
The findings from Aiken et al are impressive, degree qualified nurses reduce patient mortality http://t.co/FmPOejBqB9
Degree level education and improved nurse patient ratios reduces mortality http://t.co/FmPOejBqB9
60:40 degree and registered nurse: non-registered skill mix and a min nurse:patient ratio 1:6 = 30% less mortality . http://t.co/2IR2MXYMnU
60:40 degree and registered nurse: non-registered skill mix and a min nurse:patient ratio 1:6 = 30% less mortality . http://t.co/2IR2MXYMnU