Studium senkt Sterberate - Besser ausgebildete Krankenschwestern retten mehr Leben
FOCUS Online,
Je mehr Krankenschwestern in einer Klinik einen Uni-Abschluss haben, desto weniger Patienten sterben dort. Das fand ein…
Je mehr Krankenschwestern in einer Klinik einen Uni-Abschluss haben, desto weniger Patienten sterben dort. Das fand ein…
Results from a major study showing cutting hospital nurse numbers is linked to reduced patient safety also applies to community…
Hospitals where nurses are qualified to bachelor’s degree level and have lower patient-to-nurse ratios have lower mortality…
Nurse staffing and education are associated with in-hospital mortality after common surgical procedures
Ist die Arbeitsbelastung des Pflegepersonals zu hoch, wird der Krankenhausbesuch für Patienten riskanter. Darauf deutet eine…
Nursing cutbacks are directly linked to higher patient death rates in hospitals, a major study has found.
Between administering medications and coordinating care, nurses are some of the busiest health care professionals, often placed…
Los pacientes son más propensos a morir después de procedimientos quirúrgicos comunes cuando son atendidos en hospitales con…
Hospitals where nurses are qualified to bachelor’s degree level and have lower patient-to-nurse ratios have lower mortality…
Hospitals where nurses are qualified to bachelor’s degree level and have lower patient-to-nurse ratios have lower mortality…
Hospital nurse staffing, and the proportion of nurses with bachelor’s education, are associated with significantly fewer deaths…
Patients are more likely to die after common surgical procedures when they are cared for in hospitals with heavier nurse…
Patients are more likely to die after common surgical procedures when they are cared for in hospitals with heavier nurse…
The Lancet reported today the results of a study in 9 European countries documenting that hospital nurse staffing and the…
( University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing ) Researchers found that every one patient increase in patient to nurse ratios…