¿Hay alimentos realmente adictivos? Esto dice la ciencia
El hecho de que algunos alimentos pueden tener un potencial adictivo similar al de las drogas sugiere que debemos cambiar la…
El hecho de que algunos alimentos pueden tener un potencial adictivo similar al de las drogas sugiere que debemos cambiar la…
A fixation with an “ideal” weight range is driving poor advice, including that young children be put on diets.
A fixation with an “ideal” weight range is driving poor advice, including that young children be put on diets.
Authored by JoJo Novaes and Ben Lam via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Eating junk food is as pervasive in our current…
(CNN) Chicago native Jeffrey Odwaznysays he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
En 2010, el epidemiólogo brasileño Dr. Carlos Monteiro, coordinador científico del Centro de Investigación en Epidemiología…
In 2010, Brazilian epidemiologist Dr Carlos Monteiro, scientific coordinator of the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Center at…
Sie tragen einen komplizierten Namen, sind in unserem Alltag aber allgegenwärtig: Ultraprozessierte oder hochverarbeitete…
Em entrevista à CNN, Jeffrey Odwazny relata dificuldades que enfrentou desde a infância devido ao seu vício em alimentos…
Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
CNN — Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
Chicago native Jeffrey Odwaznysays he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
NEW YORK — Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
Chicago native Jeffrey Odwaznysays he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
CNN — Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
Eating 10% more ultraprocessed foods raised the risk of developing or dying from dozens of adverse health conditions, according…
CNN — Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
CNN — Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to since he was a child.
Sandee LaMotte, CNNJune 27, 2024 at 5:00 AM Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food…
CNN — Chicago native Jeffrey Odwazny says he has been addicted to ultraprocessed food since he was a child.
쾌락 유발 도파민 보상회로 자극해 반복하면 중독돼 알코올·약물 중독처럼 질병 인식·치료 필요성 제기 과식과 폭식이 일종의 '음식 중독'이며 알코올·약물 중독처럼 치료해야 한다는 주장이 나왔다.
Processed foods have been around for millions of years, since early hominoids first cooked meat over open fires.
Der neue Dokumentarfilm von Michael Pollan, Food Inc. 2, beleuchtet die gesundheitlichen Schäden von extrem verarbeiteten…
Michael Pollan (left) unpacks America's unhealthy addiction to ultra-processed foods in Food Inc.
Michael Pollan's new documentary, Food Inc. 2, highlights the health harms of ultra-processed foods.
Michael Pollan is famously healthy. For decades, he's investigated the brutality hidden inside our food system, and pulled back…
Michael Pollan's new documentary, Food Inc. 2, highlights the health harms of ultra-processed foods.
Michael Pollan's new documentary, Food Inc. 2, highlights the health harms of ultra-processed foods.
Estimated read time: 4-5 minutes SALT LAKE CITY — A new analysis of dozens of recent studies, including health outcomes for…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
No existe ninguna duda de que el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados no es saludable.
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
No existe ninguna duda de que el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados no es saludable.
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
No existe ninguna duda de que el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados no es saludable.
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
No existe ninguna duda de que el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados no es saludable.
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
¿Es posible hacerse adicto a los ultraprocesados? No existe ninguna duda de que el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados no es…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Suelen ser alimentos ricos en carbohidratos refinados y grasas, dos componentes que inducen la misma liberación de dopamina en…
Share on Pinterest A large new study found that ultra-processed food consumption raised the risk of multiple comorbidities…
Share on Pinterest A large new study found that ultra-processed food consumption raised the risk of multiple comorbidities…
Suchtpotential wie Kokain Eine neue Studie fand heraus, dass gängige Snacks in gleichem Maß abhängig machen sollen wie harte…
Share on PinterestRealPeopleGroup/ A large new study found that ultra-processed food consumption raised the risk of multiple…
Procurar una alimentación saludable en la infancia es clave para fomentar la salud presente y futura.
L’Agència Espacial Europea va mostrar la setmana passada imatges impensables fins ara de l’univers a 10.000 milions d’anys llum…
La Agencia Espacial Europea mostró la semana pasada imágenes impensables hasta ahora del universo a 10.000 millones de años luz…
Ultraprzetworzona żywność może uzależniać tak samo jak palenie, picie alkoholu i hazard, a rezygnacja z niej może być równie…
Petrol station to petrol station, Jane* would drive hours in the middle of the night to get her “fix” of Ben and Jerry’s ice…
Bei Chips und Eis kannst Du einfach nicht widerstehen? Kein Wunder: Eine neue Studie hat jetzt herausgefunden, dass sie in…
Publiziert10. November 2023, 11:50 Bei Chips und Glace kannst du einfach nicht widerstehen? Kein Wunder: Eine neue Studie fand…
Los alimentos ultraprocesados, como los de las comidas rápidas, contienen fórmulas industriales de ingredientes procesados (Pexel…
News 2 Nov 2023 Biscuits, crisps, ice cream, and many other ultra-processed foods (UPFs) may be as addictive as cigarettes and…
Alimenti prodotti industrialmente come biscotti, patatine e gelati contengono molti ingredienti aggiunti come sale, zucchero…
Share on Pinterest Several models have been proposed to explain obesity, including excess energy intake, and high-fat or high-car…
Ultraprocessed foods (UPFs) make up nearly three-quarters of the entire U.S. food supply and about 60% of Americans’ daily…
One in seven adults and one in eight children may be hooked on ultra-processed foods (UPFs), experts have said, prompting calls…
第425篇原创文章 说到上瘾,你们第一时间联想到的会是什么?不用说,一定是最费钱最败家的那三样,为了避免因这三个敏感字限流,就不具体提了。 除了老三样,烟、酒、糖也会让人上瘾,但好在成本再高也不至于倾家荡产。所以,即便我们反复宣传吸烟致癌饮酒伤身嗜糖毁肝……
Ultra-processed products high in carbs, sugar focus of research There might be some truth to the potato chip ad that boasts, “You…
On a given day one in three American adults will consume fast food—most likely during their lunch hour.
On a given day one in three American adults will consume fast food—most likely during their lunch hour.
Share on Pinterest Several models have been proposed to explain obesity, including excess energy intake, and high-fat or high-car…
Las gaseosas y aguas saborizadas, los jugos de fruta endulzados, las bebidas energizantes y deportivas, los postres lácteos…
Keks, sladoled i gazirana pića mogu izazvati jednaku zavisnost kao i alkohol i cigarete, pokazalo je nedavno istraživanje.
À l’approche de la fête de l’Halloween qui se tiendra dans une semaine tout juste, plusieurs parents seront inquiets d’apprendre…
À l’approche de la fête de l’Halloween qui se tiendra dans une semaine tout juste, plusieurs parents seront inquiets d’apprendre…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? A study published in the…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
By CNN Newsource staffShare on FacebookEmail This LinkShare on TwitterShare on PinterestShare on LinkedIn (CNN) - Have you ever…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…
(CNN) - Have you ever started snacking on a few chips but then ended up finishing the entire bag? You are not alone, and it…